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Archer git repository

I've set up the Archer git repository.  It is available by cloning:


You can also see the repository using gitweb:

I made a new 'archer' branch which is where I think our "trunk" will
be.  After cloning you can switch to this branch:

    git checkout --track -b archer origin/archer

I think we should treat all the other existing branches as pristine.
Someone (me for starters) will fetch from gdb periodically and merge
gdb's master to archer's master.  We can also merge master->archer
whenever we feel the need.  The current archer branch was simply based
on the gdb master at the time I made the branch -- i.e., some random
snapshot.  (Also, we can merge over other gdb branches if we care.)

In case you want to fetch from gdb, here is what I did:

    git remote add gdb git://
    git fetch gdb

I think it would make sense to put all our branches, whatever they
are, under "archer".  Also, I encourage folks to make personal
branches under here, using your login in the branch name.  For
experimentation and hacking purposes, I think it makes a lot of sense
to check things in frequently and to share work -- we want patch
review for the trunk, but it is also good to have less constrained
places that we can manage however we like.


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