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Re: initial faster startup patch

Tom> Andrew asked how many symbols tables were converted from psymbol
Tom> tables.  I both gdbs and did "thread apply all bt full".
Tom> Then I used "maint print statistics" to look at the internals.

Tom> This looks worse -- apparently there are 1493 converted symbol tables
Tom> with trunk, but 10576 with the branch.  I don't understand this; I'll
Tom> dig into it a bit more.

I looked at this a bit more.  That "10576" is just wrong.
I ran it again and got 1522 converted by unmodified gdb, and 1796
converted on my branch.

So, while we are still converting more psymtabs, it isn't nearly as
bad as it looked.

All the extra conversions are from the libc debuginfo.
I'm still not sure what is going on, but I'm not as concerned.


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