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Re: [using-directive] Regression against FSF GDB

Jan Kratochvil wrote:
> Hi Sami,
> I have noticed this regression during the demo.  `print x' works in cases
> where it should not.

Yeah I noticed that too. Thanks Jan.

Incidentally I have also looked at this:

namespace A{
  int x;

namespace B{
  int x;

int main(){
  using namespace A;
  x; // This is okay [1]
  using namespace B;
  x; // This is illegal according to gcc [2]

The debug info is there and we have a choice of how to handle this in
gdb. [1] can be handled by checking the current line number with the
line number of the import that way we wont print B::x. Since [2] is
illegal we can do whatever we want in gdb, print the first x we find,
raise an error or ask the user to choose.


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