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[Keith Seitz] Re: [tools-team] Status 2008-09-01

Keith sent this useful email privately.  It details some areas of
investigation relating to virtual methods.  I'm forwarding it with his
permission, so we can have it in the archives.

--- Begin Message ---
On 09/01/2009 02:15 PM, Chris Moller wrote:
> I kinda back-burnered that--to quote Keith, "I'm not even sure I
> completely understand what this task is," but I'll see what I can do
> with it.

For me, the biggest questions lie around virtual (pure and otherwise) 
classes and virtual methods -- printing, listing, breaking/running, 
variable/stack inspection. I've added none of this to realcpp yet. [And 
as you can imagine, gdb's own c++ test suite doesn't even come close to 
testing any real-world c++ usage.]

I'd like to see how gdb handles something like this (very contrived, 
very stupid example):

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template <typename T>
class virt_math
   virtual T add (T num) = 0;
   virtual T sub (T num) = 0;
   virtual T mul (T num) = 0;
   virtual T div (T num) { return static_cast<T> (-3); } // Yes, I know 
this is really evil!

class base_int_math : public virt_math<int>
   base_int_math (int a) : num_ (a) { };
   virtual ~base_int_math (void) { };

   virtual int add (int num) { return num_ + num; }
   int sub (int num) { return num_ - num; }
   virtual int mul (int num) { return num_ * num; }

   int num_;

class special_int_math : public base_int_math
   special_int_math (int a) : base_int_math (a) { }
   int add (int num) { return num_ + num + 100; }
   int mul (int num) { return num_ * num + 100; }

main (int argc, char* argv[])
   virt_math<int> *obj = new special_int_math (2);
   cout << "obj.add (2) = " << obj->add (2) << endl;
   cout << "obj.sub (2) = " << obj->sub (2) << endl;
   cout << "obj.mul (2) = " << obj->mul (2) << endl;
   cout << "obj.div (2) = " << obj->div (2) << endl;
   delete obj;

   return 0;

In main, doing "print *obj" isn't particularly useful IMO (I don't know 
if we could do better, though):
(gdb) p *obj
$1 = {_vptr.virt_math = 0x8048c68}

I don't think this is very useful, either:

(gdb) ptype obj
type = class virt_math<int> {
     virtual int add(int);
     virtual int sub(int);
     virtual int mul(int);
     virtual int div(int);
} *

IMO, gdb should at least be able to tell us that obj is really a 
special_int_math object using RTTI or something.

I'm also not so sure about this:

(gdb) p special_int_math::add
Cannot reference virtual member function "add"
(gdb) p special_int_math::mul
Cannot reference virtual member function "mul"
(gdb) p special_int_math::div
Cannot reference virtual member function "div"
(gdb) p special_int_math::sub
Cannot reference virtual member function "sub"
(gdb) p base_int_math::add
Cannot reference virtual member function "add"
(gdb) p base_int_math::sub
Cannot reference virtual member function "sub"
(gdb) p base_int_math::div
Cannot reference virtual member function "div"
(gdb) p base_int_math::mul
Cannot reference virtual member function "mul"

IMO, we should be able to figure these things out.

I also don't think this is correct (or at least user-friendly):

(gdb) break virt_math<int>::mul
the class virt_math<int> does not have any method named mul
Hint: try 'virt_math<int>::mul<TAB> or 'virt_math<int>::mul<ESC-?>
(Note leading single quote.)
(gdb) ptype virt_math<int>
type = class virt_math<int> {
     virtual int add(int);
     virtual int sub(int);
     virtual int mul(int);
     virtual int div(int);

The ptype here should mention that most of these class members are pure 
virtual (=0). As it is, it does not tell you.

I also don't like the error messages here:

(gdb) b virt_math<int>::add
the class virt_math<int> does not have any method named add
Hint: try 'virt_math<int>::add<TAB> or 'virt_math<int>::add<ESC-?>
(Note leading single quote.)
(gdb) b virt_math<int>::sub
the class virt_math<int> does not have any method named sub
Hint: try 'virt_math<int>::sub<TAB> or 'virt_math<int>::sub<ESC-?>
(Note leading single quote.)
(gdb) b virt_math<int>::div
Breakpoint 1 at 0x8048acb: file, line 12.

It's not that virt_math<int> /doesn't/ have methods named "add", "mul", 
and "sub", but that these are pure virtual. This is, IMO, misleading to 
the user, especially since "ptype" makes no distinction between these 
methods and "div" (which is virtual, but not "pure" virtual).

This one is a little less cut-n-dry IMO, but it should still "work":
(gdb) p obj->num_
There is no member or method named num_.

This isn't entirely correct. Yes, "obj" *is* literally a virt_math<int> 
(which contains no fields), but it *is* also a C++ class for which we 
should be able to figure out that it is *really* a special_int_math, and 
therefore num_ *is* a member of that class.

There's also the question about virtual inheritance (realcpp has an 
example): does printing/ptyping these things do something sane and 
USEFUL for the user? I imagine we're going to get multiple vtables. Blah.

Just some of the things that I've been wanting to investigate a bit, but 
haven't gotten around to it.


--- End Message ---


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