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Re: gdbstub initial code, v9

On Tue, 14 Sep 2010 18:07:00 +0200
Oleg Nesterov <> wrote:

> So, in the long term, which mode is more useful?

I don't know about long term, but the most common use case is
currently all-stop.  Certainly for the short term, I think it
makes more sense to implement all-stop first.  (I think you'll
run into fewer GDB bugs with all-stop...)

> And, I suppose that (unfortunately ;) ugdb should support both ?

It depends upon the goals of the ugdb project.

If the goal is to demonstrate utrace, then support for only one mode
might be sufficient.  (I'll let someone else make that determination.)

If the goal is to become a full-fledged debug agent ala gdbserver,
then ugdb will need to support both.


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