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Re: Inter-CU DWARF size optimizations and gcc -flto

On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 4:56 PM, Tom Tromey <> wrote:
> Jan> (b) .gdb_index will have limited scope, only to select which
> Jan> objfiles to expand, no longer to select which CUs to expand.
> I suspect we are going to need a better approach here anyway.
> I sometimes hear about programs with more than 800 shared libraries.
> If you assume separate debuginfo this means 1600 objfiles.
> I think this will just crush most of the existing algorithms in gdb.

You are correct, it does crush GDB :-)  I routinely try - emphasis on
try - to use GDB on programs with between 2500 and 5500 shared
libraries.  It's agonizing.  I have another project I want to work on
first, and not much time for GDB lately, but this is absolutely on my
list to improve.


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