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internal error in ld

I am hitting an internal error in ld when I try to build a shared
library with --whole-archive option:

/usr/misc/bin/g++ -shared  -fPIC  -ldl -L/usr/misc/lib -lgc -Wl,-export-dynamic -Wl,--whole-archive -Wl,-soname, -o OBJ.x86-unknown-linux/  util/OBJ.x86-unknown-linux/libutil.a  version/OBJ.x86-unknown-linux/libversion.a  node/OBJ.x86-unknown-linux/libnode.a  language/OBJ.x86-unknown-linux/liblanguage.a  grammar/OBJ.x86-unknown-linux/libgrammar.a  ilexer/OBJ.x86-unknown-linux/libilexer.a  iparser/OBJ.x86-unknown-linux/libiparser.a  tv/OBJ.x86-unknown-linux/libtv.a ../common/OBJ.x86-unknown-linux/libcommon.a
/usr/bin/ld: internal error ldlang.c 3757

This error appeared when I changed my compilation to use .a files and
added --whole-archive option to the linker.  I first discovered this
using binutils 2.9.1, but since upgraded to (from  and the problem is
still there.  (I am on RH Linux 6.0, btw).

Looking at the source code (ldlang.c), I discovered that apparently the
assertion "ASSERT (entry->the_bfd->link_next == (bfd *) NULL);" in
ldlang_add_fle() fails, but that's as far as I got.

Any ideas?  Thanks,


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