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windres issue...


I'm using cygwin/mingw environment to compile a Windows (98)
program.  I'm attempting to use windres to compile an rc file
and I'm having a bit of a problem.  The Dialog Box I create
shows up transparent.  The buttons appear on screen, but when
I click on them things go funny.  I've been using windres up
until now only for my icons, bitmaps, etc,; they all seem to 
work fine.  Here's the .rc:

10 DIALOG 1, 1, 150, 100
STYLE 0x80880080
CAPTION "Select Build Value"
  DEFPUSHBUTTON "Cancel",     2,  60, 50, 40, 15, 0x50010001
  PUSHBUTTON         "A",  1001,  10, 10, 40, 15, 0x50010000
  PUSHBUTTON         "2",  1002,  60, 10, 40, 15, 0x50010000
  PUSHBUTTON         "3",  1003, 110, 10, 40, 15, 0x50010000

For the STYLE I've tried any number of combinations, including
the above defining the actual bitfields.  I am trying to use


The compiler windres doesn't complain, it's just that the dialog
box background, frame, title bar, etc don't show up when I execute:

DialogBox(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(10), hwnd, BuildDialogProc);

I've also tried the TEXT("foo") thing, renaming 10 above to "foo"
and all sorts of other things.

Any ideas why the dialog is transparent?  :\

Thanks in Advance!

Please do not add my email to any list.

Some lines from the compile:

windres.exe -i casino.rc -O coff -o casino.res
g++ -ggdb  -c casino.c -Id:/mingw/include -Id:/cygwin/i586-pc-cygwin32/include/m
ingw32 -Id:/cygwin/i586-pc-cygwin32/include -I.
gcc  -v  -mwindows -mno-cygwin -e_mainCRTStartup -o casino casino.o casino.res -
Ld:/mingw/lib -Ld:/cygwin/i586-pc-cygwin/lib -L. -lm
Reading specs from D:\CYGNUS\CYGWIN~1\H-I586~1\BIN\..\lib\gcc-lib\i586-cygwin32\
gcc version egcs-2.91.57 19980901 (egcs-1.1 release)

ct2.exe --subsystem windows -o casino.exe -e_mainCRTStartup D:\CYGNUS\CYGWIN~1\H
lib\crt1.o -Ld:/mingw/lib -Ld:/cygwin/i586-pc-cygwin/lib -L. -LD:\CYGNUS\CYGWIN~
1\H-I586~1\BIN\..\lib\gcc-lib\i586-cygwin32\egcs-2.91.57 -LD:\CYGNUS\CYGWIN~1\H-
I586~1\BIN\..\lib\gcc-lib -LD:\CYGNUS\CYGWIN~1\H-I586~1\BIN\..\lib\gcc-lib\i586-
cygwin32\egcs-2.91.57\..\..\..\..\i586-cygwin32\lib -LD:\CYGNUS\CYGWIN~1\H-I586~
1\BIN\..\lib\gcc-lib\i586-cygwin32\egcs-2.91.57\..\..\.. casino.o casino.res -lm
 -lgcc -lmingw32 -lmoldname -lcrtdll -luser32 -lgdi32 -lcomdlg32 -lkernel32 -lad
vapi32 -lshell32 -lgcc

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