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Is it possible to do this using GAS


I am trying to use the binutils for an AVR (The person that made
the AVR port deserves ice cream). However I ran into a little
trouble as I couldn't find any way to combine parameters in a
macro without adding a space. If you look at the attached
example.s you will hopefully see what I mean.
Is there a way to do what I am wanting to do?

Since I am not on the binutils mailing list could you please CC
mail to me.

Jonathan Hunt

.equ	abcL, 16
.equ	abcH, 17

; This works
    ldi	abcL, 0x0a
    ldi	abcH, 0x0a
.macro test1 regh, regl
    ldi	\regl, 0x0a
    ldi \regh, 0x0a

; This works
    test1 abcH, abcL

.macro	test2 regpair

    ldi	\regpairL, 0x0a
    ldi	\regpairH, 0x0a

; This doesn't work
    test2	abc
; I can't find a way to combine a parameter
; without adding whitespace
; ie I want \regpairL to end up as
; abcL which would be equated to 16.

; Here is a few more examples of how I tried to do it
.macro	test3 regpair
    ldi	\regpair&&L, 0x0a
    ldi \regpair&&H, 0x0a
    test3	abc
.macro	test4 regpair
    ldi	\regpair\&L, 0x0a
    ldi	\regpair\&H, 0x0a
    test4	abc

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