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Re: 0x0C characters is objdump.c

J Grant <> writes:

> Could someone tell me if there is any reason why there are 0x0C ""
> characters in objdump.c ? (not in a function etc, just on a newline etc)
> it is the new page character if my old ascii memory serves me correctly
> lines 325, 333, 1847, 2060 etc
> in some places the characters are only 5 lines apart so i don't believe
> they are for printing purposes.

It's because it permits the use of emacs page movement commands.  The
idea is to put related functions on separate pages, so you can quickly
skip forward and backward among them.

You'll see the same sorts of usage in the gcc sources.

> Also are there any overview diagrams (pdf/ps etc) of binutils? I know
> its not c++ so there wont be a class diagram but something of the
> structure would be useful.

There are no diagrams.  There is only the internal documentation,
which is spotty.


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