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Re: binutils problem


The assembler problem is now definitively gone, however it appears 
something else is still wrong on m68k. I keep getting problems like 
this on various occassions with new binutils:

# objdump
objdump: error while loading shared libraries: unexpected PLT reloc type 0x00pïÿô@À

This is glibc-2.2, with 2.1.3 the error message used to be a little more 
BUG IN DYNAMIC LINKER ../sysdeps/m68k/dl-machine.h: 326:elf_machine_lazy_rel: Assertion `((reloc->r_info) & 0xff) == 21' failed!

I have tried various versions of everything, seems like gcc>=3.1 and
pretty recent binutils are needed to trigger it. Can not see anything
specific about the affected programms, certainly less than 1/200 newly
linked programms are affected. I thought it would go away after 
upgrading to glibc-2.2, didn't. Relinking against slightly different
glibc build seemed to help in one case.

# LD_DEBUG=all objdump
30749:  symbol=optind;  lookup in file=/usr/lib/
30749:  symbol=optind;  lookup in file=/lib/
30749:  symbol=optind;  lookup in file=/lib/
30749:  binding file objdump to /lib/ normal symbol `optind' [GLIBC_2.0]
objdump: error while loading shared libraries: unexpected PLT reloc type

# x-objdump -x objdump
8002808a g     F .text  00000022              cplus_demangle_set_style
80002488       F *UND*  000000fe              bfd_coff_get_auxent
800367b0 g     O .bss   00000004              optind@@GLIBC_2.0
8002dca0 g     F .text  000002a6              floatformat_to_double
8000249c       F *UND*  00000052              bfd_fprintf_vma

# x-objdump -x
00068774  w    F .text  00000018              wcstold
000d7790 g     O .data  00000004              optind
0001d288  w    F .text  0000001a              gnu_get_libc_release
00000000       F *UND*  0000003c              _dl_unload_cache@@GLIBC_PRIVATE

I don't see anything unusual about optind, any ideas?


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