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arm-wince-pe: C++ gas code generation problem

Hello binutils,

I am having a code generation problem with GNU as 2.13.90 on arm-wince-pe.
Oddly the problem only seems to affect C++ DLL's.  My build of GNU as v2.11.2
seems to produce correct (i.e. functional code) with all other compiler
passes (except as) from my gcc-3.2/binutils-2.13.90 build.  That is, in
what is shown below, the only difference for the build that works is that
GNU as-2.11.90 is substituted for GNU as-2.13.90 when testdll.ii is assembled.

I have enclosed the source of the small test case, the assembler output
from binutils-2.11.2 and 2.13.90, and the differences, respectively.

I am looking for some ideas on where to look for the code generation problem
so that I can correct my 2.13.90 sources.  I would appreciate any guidance
the experts might be able to give us.

craig vanderborgh
voxware incorporated

#include <windows.h>
typedef int size_t;
#include <stdio.h>

#undef UNDER_CE

class A {
  int n1;
  int f1();

  n1 = 23;

  return n1;

extern "C" {
#if defined(UNDER_CE)
void DLL_hello()
  FILE *fp = fopen("/temp/foo", "wb");
  fprintf(fp, "Hello World, from JNI on GNUWINCE (C++)!\n");

  A *pa = new A;

  fprintf(fp, "Constructor DONE\n");

  int n1;
  n1 = pa->f1();
  fprintf(fp, "n1 %d\n", n1);

  delete pa;

  fprintf(fp, "TEST SUCCESSFUL\n");

#if defined(UNDER_CE)
void _DLL_hello() { DLL_hello(); }

--- ASSEMBLER OUTPUT (objdump -D) FROM AS 2.11.2 ---

testdll.o:     file format pe-arm-little

Disassembly of section .rdata:

00000000 <LC0>:
   0:   6d65742f        cfstrdvs        mvd7, [r5, -#188]!
   4:   6f662f70        swivs   0x00662f70
   8:   0000006f        andeq   r0, r0, pc, rrx

0000000c <LC1>:
   c:   00006277        andeq   r6, r0, r7, ror r2

00000010 <LC2>:
  10:   6c6c6548        cfstr64vs       mvdx6, [ip], -#288
  14:   6f57206f        swivs   0x0057206f
  18:   2c646c72        stccsl  12, cr6, [r4], -#456
  1c:   6f726620        swivs   0x00726620
  20:   4e4a206d        cdpmi   0, 4, cr2, cr10, cr13, {3}
  24:   6e6f2049        cdpvs   0, 6, cr2, cr15, cr9, {2}
  28:   554e4720        strplb  r4, [lr, -#1824]
  2c:   434e4957        cmpmi   lr, #1425408    ; 0x15c000
  30:   43282045        teqmi   r8, #69 ; 0x45
  34:   21292b2b        teqcs   r9, fp, lsr #22
  38:   0000000a        andeq   r0, r0, sl

0000003c <LC3>:
  3c:   736e6f43        cmnvc   lr, #268        ; 0x10c
  40:   63757274        cmnvs   r5, #1073741831 ; 0x40000007
  44:   20726f74        rsbcss  r6, r2, r4, ror pc
  48:   454e4f44        strmib  r4, [lr, -#3908]
  4c:   0000000a        andeq   r0, r0, sl

00000050 <LC4>:
  50:   2520316e        strcs   r3, [r0, -#366]!
  54:   00000a64        andeq   r0, r0, r4, ror #20

00000058 <LC5>:
  58:   54534554        ldrplb  r4, [r3], -#1364
  5c:   43555320        cmpmi   r5, #-2147483648        ; 0x80000000
  60:   53534543        cmppl   r3, #281018368  ; 0x10c00000
  64:   0a4c5546        beq     1315584 <__DLL_hello+0x1315450>
  68:   00000000        andeq   r0, r0, r0

--- ASSEMBLER OUTPUT (objdump -D) FROM AS 2.13.90 ---

testdll.o:     file format pe-arm-little

Disassembly of section .rdata:

00000000 <LC0>:
   0:   6d65742f        cfstrdvs        mvd7, [r5, -#188]!
   4:   6f662f70        swivs   0x00662f70
   8:   0000006f        andeq   r0, r0, pc, rrx

0000000c <LC1>:
   c:   00006277        andeq   r6, r0, r7, ror r2

00000010 <LC2>:
  10:   6c6c6548        cfstr64vs       mvdx6, [ip], -#288
  14:   6f57206f        swivs   0x0057206f
  18:   2c646c72        stccsl  12, cr6, [r4], -#456
  1c:   6f726620        swivs   0x00726620
  20:   4e4a206d        cdpmi   0, 4, cr2, cr10, cr13, {3}
  24:   6e6f2049        cdpvs   0, 6, cr2, cr15, cr9, {2}
  28:   554e4720        strplb  r4, [lr, -#1824]
  2c:   434e4957        cmpmi   lr, #1425408    ; 0x15c000
  30:   43282045        teqmi   r8, #69 ; 0x45
  34:   21292b2b        teqcs   r9, fp, lsr #22
  38:   0000000a        andeq   r0, r0, sl

0000003c <LC3>:
  3c:   736e6f43        cmnvc   lr, #268        ; 0x10c
  40:   63757274        cmnvs   r5, #1073741831 ; 0x40000007
  44:   20726f74        rsbcss  r6, r2, r4, ror pc
  48:   454e4f44        strmib  r4, [lr, -#3908]
  4c:   0000000a        andeq   r0, r0, sl

00000050 <LC4>:
  50:   2520316e        strcs   r3, [r0, -#366]!
  54:   00000a64        andeq   r0, r0, r4, ror #20

00000058 <LC5>:
  58:   54534554        ldrplb  r4, [r3], -#1364
  5c:   43555320        cmpmi   r5, #-2147483648        ; 0x80000000
  60:   53534543        cmppl   r3, #281018368  ; 0x10c00000
  64:   0a4c5546        beq     1315584 <Letext+0x131543c>
  68:   00000000        andeq   r0, r0, r0

--- DIFFS (diff 2.11.2 2.13.90) ---

<   64: 0a4c5546        beq     1315584 <__DLL_hello+0x1315450>
>   64: 0a4c5546        beq     1315584 <Letext+0x131543c>

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