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Weird LD problems

I have tried combo after combo of commands, and I just can't seem to figure this out. can anyone please help? I just made a simple C program that did nothing but exit(3), and I'm trying to link it manually using ld.

I copied /lib/ to my current dir as, and I copied /lib/ to my current dir as I used "gcc -c" to make a main.o from my main.c. (When I did a normal "gcc main.c -o test" and "./test; echo $?" it worked fine.) But I just can't get it to work, giving me strange file-not-found and _start not found and other things.

What I am trying to do is separate linking from loading. I want to say "go look at /a/b/c/, and there's your symbols to link against. Now, when you get run, I want you to use '' as your loader and '' as that library, and let the system figure out where they are." How can I do this? I am trying to eliminate all instances of hard-coded directories in my executables, so that a package dir can be anywhere (and can be moved anywhere) and work.

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