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puzzled - old release works, newer doesn't


I'm trying to build a toolchain to compile apps for Windows CE (I have a
Mio PDA) from my Linux PC.

I am able to do so with some software based on old versions of gcc,
binutils, and newlib; but I'd like to upgrade to newer versions and then
start extending the development environment.

The trouble is that my upgrade doesn't work.

The old environment is based on gcc 3.4.2, gas 2.13.2, binutils 2.15.
(Yes there's a mixup there.) The new environment is using gcc 4.1 and
binutils 2.16. In all versions, the target platform is "arm-wince-pe".

The person who created this distribution explains the mixup by saying
that the GAS from 2.13 works, whereas the one in newer binutils doesn't.

My personal experience with the 2.16 release appears to confirm that.

Attached are a small test program, a script to manipulate it with, and
some of the results. The branch instructions appear different, but I
have to admit I know too little about how gas and ld cooperate so I may
be missing the point there.

Can anyone help in sorting out what the problem is?

To state the obvious : hello1.exe as created by the script works,
hello2.exe crashes my PDA.


Danny Backx ; danny.backx - at - ;
#include <windows/windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

HINSTANCE	hinstance;

int WINAPI WinMain
	HINSTANCE hInstance,
	HINSTANCE	hPrevInstance,
	LPWSTR		lpCmdLine,
	int		nCmdShow
	FILE	*f;

	f = fopen("/storage card/devel/log.txt", "w");
	fprintf(f, "Hello\r\n");

/* workaround */
int main() {
	WinMain(0, 0, 0, 0);

#if 1
char __EH_FRAME_BEGIN__[10];

Attachment: hello.s
Description: Text document

Attachment: hello1.objdump
Description: Text document

Attachment: hello2.objdump
Description: Text document

Attachment: t2
Description: application/shellscript

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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