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Re: [PATCH]: Set little endian flag when linking SH arch tests for little endian multilibs

Hi Andrew,

As it happens I was just in the process of preparing that exact same patch (right down to the character - spooky).

[cue X-Files music...]

I also had an issue with default_ld_assemble in lib/ld-lib.exp. It tries to apply linker endian flags to the assembler. I have attached the patch I was using. Did you not see this issue?

Yes I did. My patches were only the start, but I ran out of time to track down all the other causes of little-endian SH linker test failures. Fortunately it appears that you did not...

There is also an issue because not all SH architectures have a little endian variant, and therefore not all instructions and relocations are implemented in both endians.

Yes, I suspected this, but again I did not have time to look into it.

+++ src/ld/testsuite/lib/ld-lib.exp 2006-07-05 14:24:10.000000000 +0100
@@ -276,6 +276,10 @@ proc default_ld_assemble { as source obj
if ![info exists ASFLAGS] { set ASFLAGS "" }
set flags [big_or_little_endian]
+ if {[istarget sh*-*-*] || [istarget pj*-*-*]} {
+ regsub -- {-EB} $flags {-big} flags
+ regsub -- {-EL} $flags {-little} flags
+ }

I do not really like this. I think that it would be better to avoid having target specific knowledge in ld-lib.exp, where possible anyway.

How about having a new board_info variable which, if defined, supplies the name of the little- or big- endian switch to use ? eg (untested):

proc big_or_little_endian {} {

    if [board_info [target_info name] exists multilib_flags] {
	set tmp_flags " [board_info [target_info name] multilib_flags]"

foreach x $tmp_flags {
case $x in {
{*big*endian eb EB -eb -EB -mb} {
+ if [board_info [target_info name] exists bigendian_switch] {
+ set flags [board_info [target_info name] bigendian_switch]
+ } else {
set flags " -EB"
+ }
return $flags
{*little*endian el EL -el -EL -ml} {
+ if [board_info [target_info name] exists littleendian_switch] {
+ set flags [board_info [target_info name] littleendian_switch]
+ } else {
set flags " -EL"
+ }
return $flags

    set flags ""
    return $flags

Then we can just define bigendian_switch and littleendian_switch in sh-hms.exp (or whatever dejagnu board file is being used).

@@ -117,9 +119,11 @@ proc test_arch_error { file1 file2 resul
set name2 [file tail $file2]
set rootname2 [file rootname $name2]
+ set flags [big_or_little_endian]
# This must use -r to prevent LD trying to relocate the (unrealistic) file
- send_log "$LD -r -o ${rootname1}_${rootname2}.o $file1 $file2\n"
- catch "exec $LD -r -o ${rootname1}_${rootname2}.o $file1 $file2" ld_output
+ send_log "$LD $flags -r -o ${rootname1}_${rootname2}.o $file1 $file2\n"
+ catch "exec $LD $flags -r -o ${rootname1}_${rootname2}.o $file1 $file2" ld_output
send_log $ld_output
if {[string equal $ld_output ""] == 1} then {

For reasons I do not understand I found that if I included the above part of the patch to arch.exp I ended up with *more* SH linker testsuite failures (for little endian multilibs) than without it. This was another thing that I was going to investigate when I had more time. If you can show that it does reduce the number of testsuite failures however then I would be happy to accept it.


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