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remove the PF_W of the text program section

Hi all,

I use a linker scripts to create a bootup binary, but the text program
section is always set as PF_W, PF_R PF_X and my loader need it to be
set as RX only. How can I do this?  thanks in advance.

ld -dy -o unix -e _start -I misc/krtld -T Mapfile

Here is my ld.script and elfdump of the headers

 /* Read-only sections, merged into text segment: */
   . = 0x800000 ;

 _text = .;
 .text          :
 _etext = .;
 PROVIDE (etext = .);

 .interp        : { *(.interp)>>-------}
 .hash          : { *(.hash)>-->-------}
 .dynsym        : { *(.dynsym)>>-------}
 .dynstr        : { *(.dynstr)>>-------}
 .rel.text      : { *(.rel.text)>------}
 .rela.text     : { *(.rela.text) >----}      : { *(>------}     : { *( >----}
 .rel.rodata    : { *(.rel.rodata) >---}
 .rela.rodata   : { *(.rela.rodata) >--}
 .rodata        : { *(.rodata)>>-------}
 .rodata1       : { *(.rodata1)>-------}       : { *(>-------}      : { *(>------}
 .rel.ctors     : { *(.rel.ctors)>-----}
 .rela.ctors    : { *(.rela.ctors)>----}
 .rel.dtors     : { *(.rel.dtors)>-----}
 .rela.dtors    : { *(.rela.dtors)>----}
 .rel.bss       : { *(.rel.bss)>-------}
 .rela.bss      : { *(.rela.bss)>------}
 .rel.plt       : { *(.rel.plt)>-------}
 .rela.plt      : { *(.rela.plt)>------}
 .plt : { *(.plt) }

 /* Read-write section, merged into data segment: */
 . = ALIGN(4096);
 _data = .;
 .data    :
   *(.got.plt) *(.got)
 _edata  =  .;
 PROVIDE (edata = .);

 . = ALIGN(4096);
 __bss_start = .;
 .bss       :
  *(.sbss) *(.scommon)
 _end = . ;
 PROVIDE (end = .);

ELF Header ei_magic: { 0x7f, E, L, F } ei_class: ELFCLASS32 ei_data: ELFDATA2MSB e_machine: EM_PPC e_version: EV_CURRENT e_type: ET_EXEC e_flags: 0 e_entry: 0x800000 e_ehsize: 52 e_shstrndx: 24 e_shoff: 0x29edbc e_shentsize: 40 e_shnum: 27 e_phoff: 0x34 e_phentsize: 32 e_phnum: 5

Program Header[0]:
   p_vaddr:      0x10034         p_flags:    [ PF_X  PF_R ]
   p_paddr:      0               p_type:     [ PT_PHDR ]
   p_filesz:     0xa0            p_memsz:    0xa0
   p_offset:     0x34            p_align:    0x4

Program Header[1]:
   p_vaddr:      0x872f00        p_flags:    [ PF_R ]
   p_paddr:      0x872f00        p_type:     [ PT_INTERP ]
   p_filesz:     0xb             p_memsz:    0xb
   p_offset:     0x82f00         p_align:    0x1

Program Header[2]:
   p_vaddr:      0x800000        p_flags:    [ PF_X  PF_W  PF_R ]
   p_paddr:      0x800000        p_type:     [ PT_LOAD ]
   p_filesz:     0x8a90c         p_memsz:    0x8b524
   p_offset:     0x10000         p_align:    0x10000

Program Header[3]:
   p_vaddr:      0x88c000        p_flags:    [ PF_X  PF_W  PF_R ]
   p_paddr:      0x88c000        p_type:     [ PT_LOAD ]
   p_filesz:     0x7f8c          p_memsz:    0x31299
   p_offset:     0x9c000         p_align:    0x10000

Program Header[4]:
   p_vaddr:      0x893ee4        p_flags:    [ PF_W  PF_R ]
   p_paddr:      0x893ee4        p_type:     [ PT_DYNAMIC ]
   p_filesz:     0xa8            p_memsz:    0xa8
   p_offset:     0xa3ee4         p_align:    0x4

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