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Re: .eh_frame optimization question

On Wed, Jan 03, 2007 at 05:55:09PM +0800, Jie Zhang wrote:
> This assert assures both calculations are equal and catches nontrivial
> bugs early.
> When come to this specific bug, the relocation of the
> going-to-be-removed .eh_frame is counted in bfinfdpic_check_relocs.
> Since it's not remove by garbage collection, it's count not
> decremented by bfinfdpic_gc_sweep_hook. Then the .eh_frame is
> optimized away since all its entries have been removed. Thus
> bfinfdpic_relocate_section cannot see this .eh_frame section and it's
> relocations are not counted. The assert bangs!

Can you provide a testcase?  I would have thought that
relocate_section would be called even though SEC_EXCLUDE is set, since
presumably SEC_RELOC is also set for the input section.  I must be
missing something..

Alan Modra
IBM OzLabs - Linux Technology Centre

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