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mips-elf regressions


there are many regressions on mips and I'd like this to be fixed before doing the final release.

The analysis of one failure (localize-hidden-1) shows that the symtab is not correctly ordered:

$ readelf -s tmpdir/bintest.o
Symbol table '.symtab' contains 18 entries:
   Num:    Value  Size Type    Bind   Vis      Ndx Name
     0: 00000000     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT  UND
     1: 00000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    1 .text
     2: 00000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    2 .data
     3: 00000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    3 .bss
     4: 00000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    4 .reginfo
     5: 00000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    5 .pdr
     6: 00002100     0 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT  ABS Gdefault
     7: 00002200     0 OBJECT  GLOBAL HIDDEN  ABS Ghidden
     8: 00002300     0 OBJECT  GLOBAL INTERNAL  ABS Ginternal
     9: 00002400     0 OBJECT  GLOBAL PROTECTED  ABS Gprotected
    10: 00003100     0 NOTYPE  WEAK   DEFAULT  ABS Wdefault
    11: 00003200     0 NOTYPE  WEAK   HIDDEN  ABS Whidden
    12: 00003300     0 NOTYPE  WEAK   INTERNAL  ABS Winternal
    13: 00003400     0 NOTYPE  WEAK   PROTECTED  ABS Wprotected
    14: 00001200     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  HIDDEN  ABS Lhidden
    15: 00001300     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  INTERNAL  ABS Linternal
    16: 00001400     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  PROTECTED  ABS Lprotected
    17: 00001100     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS Ldefault

(Locals must be before Weaks and Weaks must be before Globals according to gabi).
As a consequence the output don't match the expected result.

I am now working on fixing this issue.


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