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Re: ld script to emulparams conversion

Hi Alex,

I'm not really sure what to do differently with .rodata, .glue_7t, etc.

Are emulparams well defined somewhere?

Not really. The code is the documentation. :-)

   .text :
     PROVIDE(A_Custom_Symbol = .);
     *( .text)
     *( .rodata*)
     PROVIDE(Another_Cystom_Symbol = .);
     PROVIDE(Yet_Another_Sym = SIZEOF(.text));
     *(.glue_7t) *(.glue_7)
     _etext = .;
   } > ROM_MAP : appli

This seems OK. The .glue* sections will contain linker generated code to handle switching between ARM and THUMB modes if the object files are not marked as supporting this themselves.

Strictly speaking it would be better to put the .rodata into its own section and arrange for it to mapped into its own segment, since it does not contain executable code. But this probably does not matter to the OS you are targeting.


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