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Re: allocating starting at top of memory with ld?

Hi Galen,

Thanks for the response. The reason for wanting to allocate downwards is that the bottom portion of memory is occupied by data of varying size that is not part of the link process. The situation is somewhat similar to having a heap that grows up and a stack that grows down. I'm trying to pack my stuff at the top of memory in order to maximize the space available for the data that lives at the bottom.

I assume that it is not possible to place this varying size data at the high end of memory or after the end of the linked executable /

The only idea I've come up with so far is to link twice. The first link would be a 'normal' link with input sections being assigned upwards. objdump would then be used to extract the resulting size of the output section. Then a second link would be performed, passing an org of a bogus output section on the command line that acts as a negative offset from the top of memory.

This ought to work.

Is there a simpler way to achieve a top down packing of data files?

None that I can think of, sorry.


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