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PowerPC 32 : GOT access not optimized for DSO-scope static variable ?


In the paper "How to write shared libraries" of U.Drepper, it is
explained that declaring a global variable as static (scope supposed
to be limited to the DSO) is better for run-time performance : one
assembly instruction less is used for accessing the variable. However,
it's worth noting this is for x86, as shown below :

global variable :
        movl globalvar@GOT(%ebx), %edx
        movl (%edx), %eax

static DSO scope variable :
        movl staticvar@GOTOFF(%ebx), %eax

When compiling for PowerPC e500mc/e500v2 with gcc 4.6 (options -fPIC,
no optimization specified) and binutils 2.2, the assembly code is the
same whether the variable is static or not :
        lwz 0,.LC0-.LCTOC1(30)
        mr 9,0
        lwz 0,0(9)

with LCTOC1, LC0 and GOT stuff like this :
        .section        ".got2","aw"
.LCTOC1 = .+32768
        .section        ".text"
        .comm   staticvar,4,4
        .section        ".got2","aw"
        .long staticvar

So is there any possible optimization regarding static DSO scope
variables access (and variables with visibility=hidden as well) for
PowerPC ?

- Yon

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