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Re: [SH] Correct clrs,sets,pref insns

On Sat, 2015-02-07 at 13:49 +0900, Kaz Kojima wrote:

> I can't regenerate *.s files with arch.exp yet.  It looks my expect/
> tcl is broken in some way, though I'm not sure about it.
> I've translated the part which generates *.s into the perl script
> attached.  It'll regenerate *.s files in gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch
> with
>   cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl
> Could you try it out?

Yep, that works.  Although it seems there's a off-by-one error in the
last loop 'foreach $arch (0 .. $archcount) {'.  It generates an '.s'
file which is basically empty.  I guess it should be
'foreach $arch (0 .. ($archcount - 1)) {' in this case.

> It seems that arch_expected.txt needs to be updated because "pref"
> insn was the last user of arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh4_nommu_nofpu_up
> in the insn list in sh-opc.h.

I don't quite understand the purpose of the 'inheritance graph' in
sh-opc.h.  Things like 'SH3-nommu/SH2A-nofpu' and 'SH4/SH2A' are
confusing, but that's another story...
> BTW, those generated *.s files have to be copied to the directory
> ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch.
> Also the arch_expected.txt file in that directory have to be updated.

Oh right, that too.

I'd propose to remove the dead code in arch.exp and add the perl script
to gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch.  I've also adjusted the comments in the
generated .s files.

Updated patch attached.


        * sh-opc.h (clrs, sets): Mark as arch_sh3_nommu_up instead of 
        (pref): Mark as arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up instead of

	* gas/sh/arch/arch.exp: Replace dead code to generate 
	expected .s files with ...
	* gas/sh/arch/ ... this new script.
	* gas/sh/arch/arch_expected.txt: Regenerate.
	* gas/sh/arch/sh-dsp.s: Likewise.
	* gas/sh/arch/ Likewise.
	* gas/sh/arch/sh.s: Likewise.
	* gas/sh/arch/sh2.s: Likewise.
	* gas/sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.s: Likewise.
	* gas/sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s: Likewise.
	* gas/sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu.s: Likewise.
	* gas/sh/arch/sh2a-or-sh3e.s: Likewise.
	* gas/sh/arch/sh2a-or-sh4.s: Likewise.
	* gas/sh/arch/sh2a.s: Likewise.
	* gas/sh/arch/sh2e.s: Likewise.
	* gas/sh/arch/sh3-dsp.s: Likewise.
	* gas/sh/arch/sh3-nommu.s: Likewise.
	* gas/sh/arch/sh3.s: Likewise.
	* gas/sh/arch/sh3e.s: Likewise.
	* gas/sh/arch/sh4-nofpu.s: Likewise.
	* gas/sh/arch/sh4-nommu-nofpu.s: Likewise.
	* gas/sh/arch/sh4.s: Likewise.
	* gas/sh/arch/sh4a-nofpu.s: Likewise.
	* gas/sh/arch/sh4a.s: Likewise.
	* gas/sh/arch/sh4al-dsp.s: Likewise.

	* ld-sh/arch/arch_expected.txt: Regenerate.
	* ld-sh/arch/sh-dsp.s: Likewise.
	* ld-sh/arch/sh.s: Likewise.
	* ld-sh/arch/sh2.s: Likewise.
	* ld-sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.s: Likewise.
	* ld-sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s: Likewise.
	* ld-sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu.s: Likewise.
	* ld-sh/arch/sh2a-or-sh3e.s: Likewise.
	* ld-sh/arch/sh2a-or-sh4.s: Likewise.
	* ld-sh/arch/sh2a.s: Likewise.
	* ld-sh/arch/sh2e.s: Likewise.
	* ld-sh/arch/sh3-dsp.s: Likewise.
	* ld-sh/arch/sh3-nommu.s: Likewise.
	* ld-sh/arch/sh3.s: Likewise.
	* ld-sh/arch/sh3e.s: Likewise.
	* ld-sh/arch/sh4-nofpu.s: Likewise.
	* ld-sh/arch/sh4-nommu-nofpu.s: Likewise.
	* ld-sh/arch/sh4.s: Likewise.
	* ld-sh/arch/sh4a-nofpu.s: Likewise.
	* ld-sh/arch/sh4a.s: Likewise.
	* ld-sh/arch/sh4al-dsp.s: Likewise.

diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp
index 8841b4b..07177ec 100644
--- a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp
+++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp
@@ -204,318 +204,4 @@ if [istarget sh*-*-elf] then {
     close $outfile
-# Generate one sh*.s file for each architecture defined in sh-opc.h
-# This will contain all the instructions valid on that platform
-# This code produces pass or fail reports for each instruction
-# in order to ensure that problems are visible to the developer,
-# rather than just warnings hidden in the log file.
-# These variables will contains the architecture
-# and instruction data extracted from sh-opc.h
-array set arches {}
-set archcount 0
-array set insns {}
-set insncount 0
-# Pull the architecture inheritance macros out of sh-opc.h
-# Pull all the insns out of the sh-opc.h file.
-send_log "Reading sh-opc.h\n"
-send_log "========================================================\n"
-spawn -noecho cat "$srcdir/../../opcodes/sh-opc.h"   ;# -open doesn't seem to be reliable
-expect {
-    -re {#define\s+arch_([^ ]*)_up\s*\(([^)]*)\)} {
-	set arches($archcount) [string map {_ -} $expect_out(1,string)]
-	set arches($archcount,descendents) [string map {_ -} $expect_out(2,string)]
-	incr archcount
-	pass "Architecture arch_$expect_out(1,string) read OK"
-	exp_continue
-    }
-    # Match all 32 bit opcodes
-    -re {(?x)           # enable expanded regexp syntax
-         ^/\*           # open C comment at start of input
-         (?:\s*\S+){2}  #   2 binary words (for 32 bit opcodes)
-     \s+ ([^*]+?)       #   instruction mnemonics (must not leave comment)
-     \s* \*/            # close C comment
-     \s* \{             # open brace of data initialiser
-	 (?:[^\}]+\}){2}#   2 brace pairs (operands and nibbles)
-     \s* ,              #   comma
-     \s* arch_(\S+)_up  #   architecture name
-     \s* \|             #   literal or
-     \s* arch_op32      #   32 bit opcode indicator
-     \s* \}             # close brace of data initialiser
-	} {
-	    set insns(insn,$insncount) $expect_out(1,string)
-	    set insns(arch,$insncount) [string map {_ -} $expect_out(2,string)]
-	    set insns(context,$insncount) $expect_out(0,string)
-	    incr insncount
-	    pass "Instruction '$expect_out(1,string)' read OK"
-	    exp_continue
-	}
-    # Special case: Match the repeat pseudo op
-    -re {(?x)           # enable expanded regexp syntax
-	 ^/\*           # open C comment at start of input
-     \s* repeat         #   repeat does not have a bit pattern
-     \s+ start\s+end    #   don't read fake operands as such (replaced below)
-     \s+ ([^*]+?)       #   instruction operand
-     \s* \*/            # close C comment
-     \s* \{             # open brace of data initialiser
-	 (?:[^\}]+\}){2}#   2 brace pairs (operands and nibbles)
-     \s* ,              #   comma
-     \s* arch_(\S+)_up  #   architecture name
-     \s* \}             # close brace of data initialiser
-        } {
-	    set insns(insn,$insncount) "repeat 10 20 $expect_out(1,string)"
-	    set insns(arch,$insncount) [string map {_ -} $expect_out(2,string)]
-	    set insns(context,$insncount) $expect_out(0,string)
-	    incr insncount
-	    pass "Instruction '$expect_out(1,string)' read OK"
-	    exp_continue
-	}
-    # Match all 16 bit opcodes
-    -re {(?x)           # enable expanded regexp syntax
-         ^/\*           # open C comment at start of input
-     \s* \S+            #   1 binary word (for 16 bit opcodes)
-     \s+ ([^*]+?)       #   instruction mnemonics (must not leave comment)
-     \s* \*/            # close C comment
-     \s* \{             # open brace of data initialiser
-	 (?:[^\}]+\}){2}#   2 brace pairs (operands and nibbles)
-     \s* ,              #   comma
-     \s* arch_(\S+)_up  #   architecture name
-     \s* \}             # close brace of data initialiser
-	} {
-	    set insns(insn,$insncount) $expect_out(1,string)
-	    set insns(arch,$insncount) [string map {_ -} $expect_out(2,string)]
-	    set insns(context,$insncount) $expect_out(0,string)
-	    incr insncount
-	    pass "Instruction '$expect_out(1,string)' read OK"
-	    exp_continue
-	}
-    # Match all remaining possible instructions (error detection)
-    -re {(?x)           # enable expanded regexp syntax
-	 ^/\*           # open C comment at start of input
-	 (?:[^*]*(?:\*[^/])?)+ # match contents of comment allowing *
-	 \*/            # close C comment
-     \s* \{             # open brace of data initialiser
-	 (?:[^\}]+\}){2}#   2 brace pairs (operands and nibbles)
-     \s* ,              #   comma
-	 [^\}]*
-	 arch           #   look for 'arch' anywhere before closing brace
-	 [^\}]*
-	 \}             # close brace of data initialiser
-        } {
-	    fail "Found something that looks like an instruction but cannot be decoded:\n\t$expect_out(0,string)"
-	    exp_continue
-	}
-    # No match so move to next (possible) comment
-    -re {^.+?((?=/\*)|(?=\#\s*define))} exp_continue
-send_log "--------------------------------------------------------\n"
-if {$archcount == 0} then {
-    fail "Unable to read any architectures from sh-opc.h"
-} else {
-    pass "Read architecture data from sh-opc.h"
-if {$insncount == 0} then {
-    fail "Unable to read any instructions from sh-opc.h"
-} else {
-    pass "Read instruction data from sh-opc.h"
-# Munge the insns such that they will assemble
-# Each instruction in sh-opc.h has an example format
-# with placeholders for the parameters. These placeholders
-# need to be replaced with real registers and constants
-# as appropriate in order to assemble correctly.
-for {set i 0} {$i < $insncount} {incr i} {
-    set out $insns(insn,$i)
-    if {[regexp {AY_.{3,4}_N} $insns(context,$i)] == 1} then {
-	regsub -nocase {<REG_N>} $out {r6} out
-    } else {
-	regsub -nocase {<REG_N>} $out {r4} out
-    }
-    regsub -nocase {<REG_M>} $out {r5} out
-    if {[regexp {IMM0_20BY8} $insns(context,$i)] == 1} then {
-	regsub -nocase {<imm>} $out {1024} out
-    } else {
-	regsub -nocase {<imm>} $out {4} out
-    }
-    regsub -nocase {<bdisp\d*>} $out {.+8} out
-    regsub -nocase {<disp12>} $out {2048} out
-    regsub -nocase {<disp\d*>} $out {8} out
-    regsub -nocase {Rn_BANK} $out {r1_bank} out
-    regsub -nocase {Rm_BANK} $out {r2_bank} out
-    regsub -nocase {<F_REG_N>} $out {fr1} out
-    regsub -nocase {<F_REG_M>} $out {fr2} out
-    regsub -nocase {<D_REG_N>} $out {dr2} out
-    regsub -nocase {<D_REG_M>} $out {dr4} out
-    regsub -nocase {<V_REG_N>} $out {fv0} out
-    regsub -nocase {<V_REG_M>} $out {fv4} out
-    regsub -nocase {<DX_REG_N>} $out {xd2} out
-    regsub -nocase {<DX_REG_M>} $out {xd4} out
-    regsub -nocase (XMTRX_M4) $out {xmtrx} out
-    regsub -nocase (<DSP_REG_X>) $out {x1} out
-    regsub -nocase (<DSP_REG_Y>) $out {y0} out
-    regsub -nocase (<DSP_REG_M>) $out {a1} out
-    regsub -nocase (<DSP_REG_N>) $out {m0} out
-    regsub -nocase (<REG_Axy>) $out {r1} out
-    regsub -nocase (<REG_Ayx>) $out {r3} out
-    regsub -nocase (<DSP_REG_XY>) $out {y1} out
-    regsub -nocase (<DSP_REG_YX>) $out {y1} out
-    regsub -nocase (<DSP_REG_AX>) $out {a0} out
-    regsub -nocase (<DSP_REG_AY>) $out {a0} out
-    regsub (Se) $out {x0} out
-    regsub (Sf) $out {y0} out
-    regsub (Dg) $out {m0} out
-    # Put in a dct in order to differentiate between
-    # conditional and non-conditional pabs and prnd
-    # i.e. between sh-dsp and sh4al-dsp
-    if {[regexp {PPIC} $insns(context,$i)] == 1} then {
-	set out "dct $out"
-    }
-    # Make sure the proper alignments are ok.
-    if [regexp {i8p4} $insns(context,$i)] {
-      set out ".align 2\n\t$out"
-    }
-    # Write back the results.
-    set insns(insn,$i) $out
-    set insns(context,$i) [string map {\n " " \r " "} $insns(context,$i)]
-# Initialise the data structure for the inheritance
-array set archtree {}
-for {set a 0} {$a < $archcount} {incr a} {
-    set archtree($arches($a)) {}
-# For each architecture, extract its immediate parents
-for {set a 0} {$a < $archcount} {incr a} {
-    set s $arches($a,descendents)
-    regsub -all {[\s|]+} $s { } s
-    foreach word [split $s { }] {
-	# Word should be one of arch-..., | (or), or arch-...-up
-	# We only want the -up information
-	# Note that the _ -> - translation was done above
-	if {[regexp {^arch-(.*)-up$} $word match arch] == 1} then {
-	    # $arch is the descendent of $arches($a),
-	    # so $arches($a) is the parent of $arch
-	    lappend archtree($arch) $arches($a)
-	}
-    }
-# Propagate the inhertances through the list
-# Iterate to ensure all inheritances are found (necessary?)
-set changesmade 1
-while {$changesmade == 1} {
-    set changesmade 0
-    foreach a [array names archtree] {
-	foreach b [array names archtree] {
-	    # If arch 'a' is a parent of arch 'b' then b inherits from a
-	    if {[lsearch -exact $archtree($b) $a] != -1} then {
-		# Only add each arch if it is not already present
-		foreach arch $archtree($a) {
-		    if {[lsearch -exact $archtree($b) $arch] == -1} then {
-			lappend archtree($b) $arch
-			set changesmade 1
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-# Generate the assembler file for each architecture
-# Also count up how many instructions should be valid for each architecture
-array set insns_valid {}
-for {set arch 0} {$arch < $archcount} {incr arch} {
-    set insns_valid($arches($arch)) 0
-    set fd [open $arches($arch).s w 0666]
-    puts $fd "! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.\n!"
-    puts $fd "! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp ."
-    puts $fd "! This file should contain every instruction valid on"
-    puts $fd "! architecture $arches($arch) but no more."
-    puts $fd "! If the tests are failing because the expected results"
-    puts $fd "! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file"
-    puts $fd "! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/$arches($arch).s"
-    puts $fd "! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/$arches($arch).s ."
-    puts $fd "! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions."
-    puts $fd "\n\t.section .text"
-    puts $fd "[string map {- _} $arches($arch)]:"
-    puts $fd "! Instructions introduced into $arches($arch)"
-    for {set i 0} {$i < $insncount} {incr i} {
-	if [string equal $arches($arch) $insns(arch,$i)] then {
-	    puts $fd [format "\t%-25s ;!%s" $insns(insn,$i) $insns(context,$i)]
-	    incr insns_valid($arches($arch))
-	}
-    }
-    puts $fd "\n! Instructions inherited from ancestors: [lsort -increasing $archtree($arches($arch))]"
-    for {set i 0} {$i < $insncount} {incr i} {
-	if {[string equal $arches($arch) $insns(arch,$i)] != 1 && [lsearch -exact $archtree($arches($arch)) $insns(arch,$i)] != -1} then {
-	    puts $fd [format "\t%-25s ;!%s" $insns(insn,$i) $insns(context,$i)]
-	    incr insns_valid($arches($arch))
-	}
-    }
-    close $fd
-# Compare the newly created sh*.s files with the existing
-# ones in the testsuite
-for {set arch 0} {$arch < $archcount} {incr arch} {
-    send_log "diff $srcdir/$subdir/$arches($arch).s $arches($arch).s\n"
-    catch "exec diff $srcdir/$subdir/$arches($arch).s $arches($arch).s" diff_output
-    if {[string equal $diff_output ""] == 0} then {
-	send_log $diff_output
-	fail "Check $arches($arch) architecture has not changed"
-    } else {
-	pass "Check $arches($arch) architecture has not changed"
-    }
-# Generate an assembler file with every instruction
-# Then use it to test how many failures there are for
-# each architecture. If this does not match the predicted value
-# then the assembler accepts too many instructions for a given
-# architecture.
-set fd [open "all_insns.s" w 0666]
-for {set i 0} {$i < $insncount} {incr i} {
-    puts $fd [format "\t%-25s ;!%s" $insns(insn,$i) $insns(context,$i)]
-close $fd
-# Assemble the all_insns.s file for each isa and count how many failures there are
-foreach arch [array names insns_valid] {
-    set errormessages 0
-    set expected [expr $insncount - $insns_valid($arch)]
-    # The -Z option ensures that all error messages are output,
-    # even those from later phases of assembly (such as offset range errors)
-    send_log "$AS -Z -isa=$arch all_insns.s -o /dev/null\n"
-    spawn $AS -Z -isa=$arch all_insns.s -o /dev/null
-    expect Error: {incr errormessages; exp_continue}
-    if {$errormessages == $expected} then {
-	pass "$expected insns should not assemble on $arch"
-    } else {
-	if {([istarget sh*-*-coff] || [istarget sh*-hms]) && [string match {*dsp} $arch]} {
-	    xfail "$expected insns should not assemble on $arch ($errormessages did not)"
-	} else {
-	    fail "$expected insns should not assemble on $arch ($errormessages did not)"
-	}
-    }
 } ;# istarget sh*-*-*
diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch_expected.txt b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch_expected.txt
index c8f0ffb..8e901ab 100644
--- a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch_expected.txt
+++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch_expected.txt
@@ -190,39 +190,39 @@ sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.s -isa=sh4a                 sh4a
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.s -isa=sh4a-up              sh4a
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.s -isa=sh4al-dsp            sh4al-dsp
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.s -isa=sh4al-dsp-up         sh4al-dsp
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s default-options           sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -dsp                      sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=any                  sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=dsp                  sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=fp                   sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s default-options           sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -dsp                      sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=any                  sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=dsp                  sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=fp                   sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh-dsp               ERROR
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh-dsp-up            sh4al-dsp
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh-dsp-up            sh3-dsp
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh                   ERROR
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh-up                sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh-up                sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh2                  ERROR
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh2-up               sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu ERROR
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu-up sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh2-up               sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu-up sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu-up sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh2a-nofpu           sh2a-nofpu
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh2a-nofpu-up        sh2a-nofpu
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh2a-or-sh3e         ERROR
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh2a-or-sh3e-up      sh2a-or-sh4
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh2a-or-sh3e         sh2a-or-sh3e
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh2a-or-sh3e-up      sh2a-or-sh3e
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh2a-or-sh4          sh2a-or-sh4
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh2a-or-sh4-up       sh2a-or-sh4
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh2a                 sh2a
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh2a-up              sh2a
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh2e                 ERROR
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh2e-up              sh2a-or-sh4
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh3-dsp              ERROR
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh3-dsp-up           sh4al-dsp
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh3-nommu            ERROR
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh3-nommu-up         sh4-nommu-nofpu
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh3                  ERROR
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh3-up               sh4-nofpu
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh3e                 ERROR
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh3e-up              sh4
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh2e-up              sh2a-or-sh3e
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh3-dsp              sh3-dsp
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh3-dsp-up           sh3-dsp
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh3-nommu            sh3-nommu
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh3-nommu-up         sh3-nommu
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh3                  sh3
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh3-up               sh3
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh3e                 sh3e
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh3e-up              sh3e
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh4-nofpu            sh4-nofpu
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh4-nofpu-up         sh4-nofpu
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s -isa=sh4-nommu-nofpu      sh4-nommu-nofpu
diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh-dsp.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh-dsp.s
index cd87a22..b26e898 100644
--- a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh-dsp.s
+++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh-dsp.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh-dsp but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh-dsp.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh-dsp.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -136,7 +135,6 @@ sh_dsp:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -225,7 +223,6 @@ sh_dsp:
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shal r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00100000 shal <REG_N>        */{"shal",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
 	shar r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00100001 shar <REG_N>        */{"shar",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_1}, arch_sh_up}
diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf8001f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+# Generate one sh*.s file for each architecture defined in sh-opc.h
+# This will contain all the instructions valid on that platform
+# Pull the architecture inheritance macros out of sh-opc.h
+# Pull all the insns out of the sh-opc.h file.
+while (<>)
+    chomp;
+    # Handle line continuation
+    if (s/\\$//) {
+	$_ .= <>;
+	redo unless eof();
+    }
+    # Concat comment line and the next line
+    if (/^\s*\/\*
+        	(?:\s*\S+){2}
+	\s+ ([^*]+?)
+	\s* \*\/ $
+	/x)
+    {
+	$_ .= "  ";
+	$_ .= <>;
+	redo unless eof();
+    }
+    if (/#define\s+arch_([^ ]*)_up\s*\(([^)]*)\)/)
+    {
+	($arches[$archcount] = $1) =~ tr/_/-/;
+	($descendents[$archcount] = $2) =~ tr/_/-/;
+	$archcount += 1;
+	next;
+    }
+    # Special case: Match the repeat pseudo op
+    if (/^\s*\/\*
+	\s* repeat
+	\s+ start\s+end
+	\s+ ([^*]+?)		# instruction operand
+	\s* \*\/
+	\s* \{
+	    ((?:[^\}]+\}){2})	# 2 brace pairs (operands and nibbles)
+	\s* ,
+	\s* arch_(\S+)_up	# architecture name
+	\s* \}
+	/x)
+    {
+	$insns[$insncount] = "repeat 10 20 ".$1;
+	$insns_context[$insncount] = $_;
+	($insns_arch[$insncount] = $3) =~ tr/_/-/;
+	$insncount += 1;
+	next;
+    }
+    # Match all 32 bit opcodes
+    if (/^\s*\/\*
+            (?:\s*\S+){2}
+	\s+ ([^*]+?)		# instruction operand
+	\s* \*\/
+	\s* \{
+	    ((?:[^\}]+\}){2})	# 2 brace pairs (operands and nibbles)
+	\s* ,
+	\s* arch_(\S+)_up	# architecture name
+	\s* \|
+	\s* arch_op32
+	\s* \}
+	/x)
+    {
+	$insns[$insncount] = $1;
+	$insns_context[$insncount] = $_;
+	($insns_arch[$insncount] = $3) =~ tr/_/-/;
+	$insncount += 1;
+	next;
+    }
+    # Match all 16 bit opcodes
+    if (/^\s*\/\*
+        \s* \S+
+	\s+ ([^*]+?)		# instruction operand
+	\s* \*\/
+	\s* \{
+	    ((?:[^\}]+\}){2})	# 2 brace pairs (operands and nibbles)
+	\s* ,
+	\s* arch_(\S+)_up	# architecture name
+	\s* \}
+	/x)
+    {
+	$insns[$insncount] = $1;
+	$insns_context[$insncount] = $_;
+	($insns_arch[$insncount] = $3) =~ tr/_/-/;
+	$insncount += 1;
+	next;
+    }
+    # Match all remaining possible instructions (error detection)
+    if (/^\s*\/\*
+	    (?:[^*]*(?:\*[^\/])?)+	# match contents of comment allowing *
+	\*\/
+	\s* \{
+	    (?:[^\}]+\}){2}		# 2 brace pairs (operands and nibbles)
+	\s* ,
+	[^\}]*
+	arch
+	[^\}]*
+	\}
+	/x)
+    {
+	print ("Found something that looks like an instruction",
+	       " but cannot be decoded:\n", "\t", $_);
+	next;
+    }
+#print $insncount, "\n";
+print $archcount, "\n";
+# Munge the insns such that they will assemble
+# Each instruction in sh-opc.h has an example format
+# with placeholders for the parameters. These placeholders
+# need to be replaced with real registers and constants
+# as appropriate in order to assemble correctly.
+foreach $i (0 .. $insncount) {
+    $out = $insns[$i];
+    if ($insns_context[$i] =~ /AY_.{3,4}_N/) {
+	$out =~ s/<REG_N>/r6/;
+    } else {
+	$out =~ s/<REG_N>/r4/;
+    }
+    $out =~ s/<REG_M>/r5/;
+    if ($insns_context[$i] =~ /IMM0_20BY8/) {
+	$out =~ s/<imm>/1024/;
+    } else {
+	$out =~ s/<imm>/4/;
+    }
+    $out =~ s/<bdisp\d*>/.+8/;
+    $out =~ s/<disp12>/2048/;
+    $out =~ s/<DISP12>/2048/;
+    $out =~ s/<disp\d*>/8/;
+    $out =~ s/Rn_BANK/r1_bank/;
+    $out =~ s/Rm_BANK/r2_bank/;
+    $out =~ s/<F_REG_N>/fr1/;
+    $out =~ s/<F_REG_M>/fr2/;
+    $out =~ s/<D_REG_N>/dr2/;
+    $out =~ s/<D_REG_M>/dr4/;
+    $out =~ s/<V_REG_[Nn]>/fv0/;
+    $out =~ s/<V_REG_M>/fv4/;
+    $out =~ s/<DX_REG_N>/xd2/;
+    $out =~ s/<DX_REG_M>/xd4/;
+    $out =~ s/XMTRX_M4/xmtrx/;
+    $out =~ s/<DSP_REG_X>/x1/;
+    $out =~ s/<DSP_REG_Y>/y0/;
+    $out =~ s/<DSP_REG_M>/a1/;
+    $out =~ s/<DSP_REG_N>/m0/;
+    $out =~ s/<REG_Axy>/r1/;
+    $out =~ s/<REG_Ayx>/r3/;
+    $out =~ s/<DSP_REG_XY>/y1/;
+    $out =~ s/<DSP_REG_YX>/y1/;
+    $out =~ s/<DSP_REG_AX>/a0/;
+    $out =~ s/<DSP_REG_AY>/a0/;
+    $out =~ s/Se/x0/;
+    $out =~ s/Sf/y0/;
+    $out =~ s/Dg/m0/;
+    if ($insns_context[$i] =~ /PPIC/) {
+	$out = "dct $out";
+    }
+    if ($insns_context[$i] =~ /i8p4/) {
+	$out = ".align 2\n\t$out";
+    }
+    # Write back the results.
+    # print ($out, "\n");
+    $insns[$i] = $out;
+# For each architecture, extract its immediate parents
+foreach $a (0 .. $archcount) {
+    $s = $descendents[$a];
+    $s =~ s/[\s|]+/ /g;
+    @list = split(' ', $s);
+    while ($word = shift (@list)) {
+	if ($word =~ /^arch-(.*)-up$/) {
+	    push @{$archtree{$1}}, $arches[$a];
+	}
+    }
+# Propagate the inhertances through the list
+# Iterate to ensure all inheritances are found (necessary?)
+$changesmade = 1;
+while ($changesmade) {
+    $changesmade = 0;
+    foreach $a (@arches) {
+	foreach $b (@arches) {
+	    # If arch 'a' is a parent of arch 'b' then b inherits from a
+	    if (grep {$_ eq $a} @{$archtree{$b}}) {
+ 		# Only add each arch if it is not already present
+		foreach $c (@{$archtree{$a}}) {
+		    if ((grep {$_ eq $c} @{$archtree{$b}}) == 0) {
+			push @{$archtree{$b}}, $c;
+			$changesmade = 1;
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+# Generate the assembler file for each architecture
+# Also count up how many instructions should be valid for each architecture
+foreach $arch (0 .. ($archcount - 1)) {
+    print $arches[$arch], "\n";
+    $insns_valid{$arches[$arch]} = 0;
+    unless (open ($fd, ">$arches[$arch].s")) {
+	die "Can't open $arches[$arch].s\n";
+    }
+    print $fd "! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.\n";
+    print $fd "!\n";
+    print $fd "! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .\n";
+    print $fd "! This file should contain every instruction valid on\n";
+    print $fd "! architecture $arches[$arch] but no more.\n";
+    print $fd "! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run\n";
+    print $fd "!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'\n";
+    print $fd "! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.\n";
+    print $fd "! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.\n";
+    print $fd "\n\t.section .text\n";
+    ($lab = $arches[$arch]) =~ tr/-/_/;
+    print $fd "$lab:\n";
+    print $fd "! Instructions introduced into $arches[$arch]\n";
+    foreach $i (0 .. $insncount) {
+	if ($arches[$arch] eq $insns_arch[$i]) {
+	    $context = $insns_context[$i];
+	    $context =~ s/,$//;
+	    $context =~ s/^\s*\//\//;
+	    printf $fd "\t%-25s ;!%s\n", $insns[$i], $context;
+	    $insns_valid{$arches[$arch]} += 1;
+	}
+    }
+    print $fd "\n! Instructions inherited from ancestors:";
+    foreach $anc (sort @{$archtree{$arches[$arch]}}) {
+	print $fd " $anc";
+    }
+    print $fd "\n";
+    foreach $i (0 .. $insncount) {
+	if (($arches[$arch] ne $insns_arch[$i])
+	    && (grep {$_ eq  $insns_arch[$i]} @{$archtree{$arches[$arch]}})) {
+	    $context = $insns_context[$i];
+	    $context =~ s/,$//;
+	    $context =~ s/^\s*\//\//;
+	    printf $fd "\t%-25s ;!%s\n", $insns[$i], $context;
+	    $insns_valid{$arches[$arch]} += 1;
+	}
+    }
+    close $fd;
diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh.s
index 86de648..ce9a2a2 100644
--- a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh.s
+++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -24,7 +23,6 @@ sh:
 	bt .+8                    ;!/* 10001001i8p1.... bt <bdisp8>         */{"bt",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_9,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	bf .+8                    ;!/* 10001011i8p1.... bf <bdisp8>         */{"bf",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_B,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -112,7 +110,6 @@ sh:
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shal r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00100000 shal <REG_N>        */{"shal",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
 	shar r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00100001 shar <REG_N>        */{"shar",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_1}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -152,4 +149,4 @@ sh:
 	xor.b #4,@(R0,GBR)        ;!/* 11001110i8*1.... xor.b #<imm>,@(R0,GBR)*/{"xor.b",{A_IMM,A_R0_GBR},{HEX_C,HEX_E,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	xtrct r5,r4               ;!/* 0010nnnnmmmm1101 xtrct <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"xtrct",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_2,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_D}, arch_sh_up}
-! Instructions inherited from ancestors: 
+! Instructions inherited from ancestors:
diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2.s
index 3659942..7f2e02a 100644
--- a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2.s
+++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh2 but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh2.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -37,7 +36,6 @@ sh2:
 	bt .+8                    ;!/* 10001001i8p1.... bt <bdisp8>         */{"bt",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_9,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	bf .+8                    ;!/* 10001011i8p1.... bf <bdisp8>         */{"bf",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_B,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -125,7 +123,6 @@ sh2:
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shal r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00100000 shal <REG_N>        */{"shal",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
 	shar r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00100001 shar <REG_N>        */{"shar",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_1}, arch_sh_up}
diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.s
index ce93bc9..cc29889 100644
--- a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.s
+++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.s
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
 ! Instructions introduced into sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu
+	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	shad r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1100 shad <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shad",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_C}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	shld r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1101 shld <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shld",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_D}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -121,7 +120,6 @@ sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu:
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shal r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00100000 shal <REG_N>        */{"shal",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
 	shar r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00100001 shar <REG_N>        */{"shar",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_1}, arch_sh_up}
diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s
index cc350c0..c702845 100644
--- a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s
+++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s
@@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
 ! Instructions introduced into sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu
-	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh4_nommu_nofpu_up}
 ! Instructions inherited from ancestors: sh sh2 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu
 	add #4,r4                 ;!/* 0111nnnni8*1.... add #<imm>,<REG_N>  */{"add",{A_IMM,A_REG_N},{HEX_7,REG_N,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -31,7 +29,6 @@ sh2a_nofpu_or_sh4_nommu_nofpu:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -114,13 +111,13 @@ sh2a_nofpu_or_sh4_nommu_nofpu:
 	or #4,R0                  ;!/* 11001011i8*1.... or #<imm>,R0        */{"or",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_C,HEX_B,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	or r5,r4                  ;!/* 0010nnnnmmmm1011 or <REG_M>,<REG_N>  */{"or",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_2,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	or.b #4,@(R0,GBR)         ;!/* 11001111i8*1.... or.b #<imm>,@(R0,GBR)*/{"or.b",{A_IMM,A_R0_GBR},{HEX_C,HEX_F,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	rotcl r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100100 rotcl <REG_N>       */{"rotcl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotcr r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100101 rotcr <REG_N>       */{"rotcr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotl r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000100 rotl <REG_N>        */{"rotl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shad r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1100 shad <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shad",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_C}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	shld r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1101 shld <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shld",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_D}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu.s
index 878a5a3..6f4a17e 100644
--- a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu.s
+++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh2a-nofpu but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh2a-nofpu.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -82,7 +81,6 @@ sh2a_nofpu:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -165,14 +163,13 @@ sh2a_nofpu:
 	or #4,R0                  ;!/* 11001011i8*1.... or #<imm>,R0        */{"or",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_C,HEX_B,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	or r5,r4                  ;!/* 0010nnnnmmmm1011 or <REG_M>,<REG_N>  */{"or",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_2,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	or.b #4,@(R0,GBR)         ;!/* 11001111i8*1.... or.b #<imm>,@(R0,GBR)*/{"or.b",{A_IMM,A_R0_GBR},{HEX_C,HEX_F,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh4_nommu_nofpu_up}
+	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	rotcl r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100100 rotcl <REG_N>       */{"rotcl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotcr r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100101 rotcr <REG_N>       */{"rotcr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotl r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000100 rotl <REG_N>        */{"rotl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shad r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1100 shad <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shad",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_C}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	shld r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1101 shld <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shld",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_D}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a-or-sh3e.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a-or-sh3e.s
index b7be336..25c8ae1 100644
--- a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a-or-sh3e.s
+++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a-or-sh3e.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh2a-or-sh3e but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh2a-or-sh3e.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a-or-sh3e.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -31,7 +30,6 @@ sh2a_or_sh3e:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -118,13 +116,13 @@ sh2a_or_sh3e:
 	or #4,R0                  ;!/* 11001011i8*1.... or #<imm>,R0        */{"or",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_C,HEX_B,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	or r5,r4                  ;!/* 0010nnnnmmmm1011 or <REG_M>,<REG_N>  */{"or",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_2,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	or.b #4,@(R0,GBR)         ;!/* 11001111i8*1.... or.b #<imm>,@(R0,GBR)*/{"or.b",{A_IMM,A_R0_GBR},{HEX_C,HEX_F,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	rotcl r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100100 rotcl <REG_N>       */{"rotcl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotcr r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100101 rotcr <REG_N>       */{"rotcr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotl r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000100 rotl <REG_N>        */{"rotl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shad r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1100 shad <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shad",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_C}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	shld r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1101 shld <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shld",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_D}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a-or-sh4.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a-or-sh4.s
index 0200796..d3300ca 100644
--- a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a-or-sh4.s
+++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a-or-sh4.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh2a-or-sh4 but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh2a-or-sh4.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a-or-sh4.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -57,7 +56,6 @@ sh2a_or_sh4:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -144,14 +142,13 @@ sh2a_or_sh4:
 	or #4,R0                  ;!/* 11001011i8*1.... or #<imm>,R0        */{"or",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_C,HEX_B,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	or r5,r4                  ;!/* 0010nnnnmmmm1011 or <REG_M>,<REG_N>  */{"or",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_2,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	or.b #4,@(R0,GBR)         ;!/* 11001111i8*1.... or.b #<imm>,@(R0,GBR)*/{"or.b",{A_IMM,A_R0_GBR},{HEX_C,HEX_F,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh4_nommu_nofpu_up}
+	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	rotcl r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100100 rotcl <REG_N>       */{"rotcl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotcr r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100101 rotcr <REG_N>       */{"rotcr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotl r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000100 rotl <REG_N>        */{"rotl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shad r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1100 shad <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shad",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_C}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	shld r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1101 shld <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shld",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_D}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a.s
index 04e10f0..370dbd4 100644
--- a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a.s
+++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh2a but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh2a.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -34,7 +33,6 @@ sh2a:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -134,14 +132,13 @@ sh2a:
 	or #4,R0                  ;!/* 11001011i8*1.... or #<imm>,R0        */{"or",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_C,HEX_B,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	or r5,r4                  ;!/* 0010nnnnmmmm1011 or <REG_M>,<REG_N>  */{"or",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_2,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	or.b #4,@(R0,GBR)         ;!/* 11001111i8*1.... or.b #<imm>,@(R0,GBR)*/{"or.b",{A_IMM,A_R0_GBR},{HEX_C,HEX_F,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh4_nommu_nofpu_up}
+	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	rotcl r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100100 rotcl <REG_N>       */{"rotcl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotcr r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100101 rotcr <REG_N>       */{"rotcr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotl r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000100 rotl <REG_N>        */{"rotl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shad r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1100 shad <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shad",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_C}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	shld r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1101 shld <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shld",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_D}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2e.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2e.s
index a62e3ab..e12732a 100644
--- a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2e.s
+++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2e.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh2e but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh2e.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2e.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -66,7 +65,6 @@ sh2e:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -155,7 +153,6 @@ sh2e:
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shal r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00100000 shal <REG_N>        */{"shal",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
 	shar r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00100001 shar <REG_N>        */{"shar",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_1}, arch_sh_up}
diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh3-dsp.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh3-dsp.s
index 7000596..acc26be 100644
--- a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh3-dsp.s
+++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh3-dsp.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh3-dsp but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh3-dsp.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh3-dsp.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -30,7 +29,7 @@ sh3_dsp:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -140,13 +139,14 @@ sh3_dsp:
 	or #4,R0                  ;!/* 11001011i8*1.... or #<imm>,R0        */{"or",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_C,HEX_B,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	or r5,r4                  ;!/* 0010nnnnmmmm1011 or <REG_M>,<REG_N>  */{"or",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_2,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	or.b #4,@(R0,GBR)         ;!/* 11001111i8*1.... or.b #<imm>,@(R0,GBR)*/{"or.b",{A_IMM,A_R0_GBR},{HEX_C,HEX_F,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	rotcl r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100100 rotcl <REG_N>       */{"rotcl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotcr r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100101 rotcr <REG_N>       */{"rotcr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotl r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000100 rotl <REG_N>        */{"rotl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	setrc r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00010100 setrc <REG_N>       */{"setrc",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_1,HEX_4}, arch_sh_dsp_up}
 	setrc #4                  ;!/* 10000010i8*1.... setrc #<imm>        */{"setrc",{A_IMM},{HEX_8,HEX_2,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_dsp_up}
diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh3-nommu.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh3-nommu.s
index bc6096e..3e8ff02 100644
--- a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh3-nommu.s
+++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh3-nommu.s
@@ -1,23 +1,24 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh3-nommu but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh3-nommu.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh3-nommu.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
 ! Instructions introduced into sh3-nommu
+	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	ldc r4,SSR                ;!/* 0100nnnn00111110 ldc <REG_N>,SSR     */{"ldc",{A_REG_N,A_SSR},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_3,HEX_E}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	ldc r4,SPC                ;!/* 0100nnnn01001110 ldc <REG_N>,SPC     */{"ldc",{A_REG_N,A_SPC},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_4,HEX_E}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	ldc r4,r1_bank            ;!/* 0100nnnn1xxx1110 ldc <REG_N>,Rn_BANK */{"ldc",{A_REG_N,A_REG_B},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_B,HEX_E}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	ldc.l @r4+,SSR            ;!/* 0100nnnn00110111 ldc.l @<REG_N>+,SSR */{"ldc.l",{A_INC_N,A_SSR},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_3,HEX_7}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	ldc.l @r4+,SPC            ;!/* 0100nnnn01000111 ldc.l @<REG_N>+,SPC */{"ldc.l",{A_INC_N,A_SPC},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_4,HEX_7}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	ldc.l @r4+,r1_bank        ;!/* 0100nnnn1xxx0111 ldc.l @<REG_N>+,Rn_BANK */{"ldc.l",{A_INC_N,A_REG_B},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_B,HEX_7}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
+	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	stc SSR,r4                ;!/* 0000nnnn00110010 stc SSR,<REG_N>     */{"stc",{A_SSR,A_REG_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_3,HEX_2}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	stc SPC,r4                ;!/* 0000nnnn01000010 stc SPC,<REG_N>     */{"stc",{A_SPC,A_REG_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_4,HEX_2}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	stc r1_bank,r4            ;!/* 0000nnnn1xxx0010 stc Rn_BANK,<REG_N> */{"stc",{A_REG_B,A_REG_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,REG_B,HEX_2}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
@@ -42,7 +43,6 @@ sh3_nommu:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -125,13 +125,13 @@ sh3_nommu:
 	or #4,R0                  ;!/* 11001011i8*1.... or #<imm>,R0        */{"or",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_C,HEX_B,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	or r5,r4                  ;!/* 0010nnnnmmmm1011 or <REG_M>,<REG_N>  */{"or",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_2,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	or.b #4,@(R0,GBR)         ;!/* 11001111i8*1.... or.b #<imm>,@(R0,GBR)*/{"or.b",{A_IMM,A_R0_GBR},{HEX_C,HEX_F,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	rotcl r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100100 rotcl <REG_N>       */{"rotcl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotcr r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100101 rotcr <REG_N>       */{"rotcr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotl r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000100 rotl <REG_N>        */{"rotl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shad r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1100 shad <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shad",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_C}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	shld r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1101 shld <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shld",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_D}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh3.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh3.s
index 5e031c0..97ab939 100644
--- a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh3.s
+++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh3.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh3 but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh3.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh3.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ sh3:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -120,13 +119,14 @@ sh3:
 	or #4,R0                  ;!/* 11001011i8*1.... or #<imm>,R0        */{"or",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_C,HEX_B,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	or r5,r4                  ;!/* 0010nnnnmmmm1011 or <REG_M>,<REG_N>  */{"or",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_2,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	or.b #4,@(R0,GBR)         ;!/* 11001111i8*1.... or.b #<imm>,@(R0,GBR)*/{"or.b",{A_IMM,A_R0_GBR},{HEX_C,HEX_F,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	rotcl r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100100 rotcl <REG_N>       */{"rotcl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotcr r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100101 rotcr <REG_N>       */{"rotcr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotl r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000100 rotl <REG_N>        */{"rotl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shad r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1100 shad <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shad",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_C}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	shld r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1101 shld <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shld",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_D}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh3e.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh3e.s
index 7076dfc..f5c8ab9 100644
--- a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh3e.s
+++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh3e.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh3e but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh3e.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh3e.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -30,7 +29,7 @@ sh3e:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -124,13 +123,14 @@ sh3e:
 	or #4,R0                  ;!/* 11001011i8*1.... or #<imm>,R0        */{"or",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_C,HEX_B,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	or r5,r4                  ;!/* 0010nnnnmmmm1011 or <REG_M>,<REG_N>  */{"or",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_2,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	or.b #4,@(R0,GBR)         ;!/* 11001111i8*1.... or.b #<imm>,@(R0,GBR)*/{"or.b",{A_IMM,A_R0_GBR},{HEX_C,HEX_F,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	rotcl r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100100 rotcl <REG_N>       */{"rotcl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotcr r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100101 rotcr <REG_N>       */{"rotcr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotl r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000100 rotl <REG_N>        */{"rotl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shad r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1100 shad <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shad",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_C}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	shld r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1101 shld <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shld",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_D}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4-nofpu.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4-nofpu.s
index fb225a1..32b58f9 100644
--- a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4-nofpu.s
+++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4-nofpu.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh4-nofpu but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh4-nofpu.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4-nofpu.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -30,7 +29,7 @@ sh4_nofpu:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -128,14 +127,14 @@ sh4_nofpu:
 	or #4,R0                  ;!/* 11001011i8*1.... or #<imm>,R0        */{"or",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_C,HEX_B,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	or r5,r4                  ;!/* 0010nnnnmmmm1011 or <REG_M>,<REG_N>  */{"or",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_2,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	or.b #4,@(R0,GBR)         ;!/* 11001111i8*1.... or.b #<imm>,@(R0,GBR)*/{"or.b",{A_IMM,A_R0_GBR},{HEX_C,HEX_F,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh4_nommu_nofpu_up}
+	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	rotcl r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100100 rotcl <REG_N>       */{"rotcl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotcr r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100101 rotcr <REG_N>       */{"rotcr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotl r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000100 rotl <REG_N>        */{"rotl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shad r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1100 shad <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shad",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_C}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	shld r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1101 shld <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shld",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_D}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4-nommu-nofpu.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4-nommu-nofpu.s
index fc2877a..61f0bc6 100644
--- a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4-nommu-nofpu.s
+++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4-nommu-nofpu.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh4-nommu-nofpu but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh4-nommu-nofpu.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4-nommu-nofpu.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -42,7 +41,7 @@ sh4_nommu_nofpu:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -131,14 +130,14 @@ sh4_nommu_nofpu:
 	or #4,R0                  ;!/* 11001011i8*1.... or #<imm>,R0        */{"or",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_C,HEX_B,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	or r5,r4                  ;!/* 0010nnnnmmmm1011 or <REG_M>,<REG_N>  */{"or",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_2,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	or.b #4,@(R0,GBR)         ;!/* 11001111i8*1.... or.b #<imm>,@(R0,GBR)*/{"or.b",{A_IMM,A_R0_GBR},{HEX_C,HEX_F,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh4_nommu_nofpu_up}
+	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	rotcl r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100100 rotcl <REG_N>       */{"rotcl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotcr r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100101 rotcr <REG_N>       */{"rotcr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotl r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000100 rotl <REG_N>        */{"rotl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shad r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1100 shad <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shad",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_C}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	shld r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1101 shld <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shld",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_D}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4.s
index 5b1c980..af135ce 100644
--- a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4.s
+++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh4 but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh4.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -35,7 +34,7 @@ sh4:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -137,14 +136,14 @@ sh4:
 	or #4,R0                  ;!/* 11001011i8*1.... or #<imm>,R0        */{"or",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_C,HEX_B,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	or r5,r4                  ;!/* 0010nnnnmmmm1011 or <REG_M>,<REG_N>  */{"or",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_2,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	or.b #4,@(R0,GBR)         ;!/* 11001111i8*1.... or.b #<imm>,@(R0,GBR)*/{"or.b",{A_IMM,A_R0_GBR},{HEX_C,HEX_F,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh4_nommu_nofpu_up}
+	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	rotcl r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100100 rotcl <REG_N>       */{"rotcl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotcr r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100101 rotcr <REG_N>       */{"rotcr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotl r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000100 rotl <REG_N>        */{"rotl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shad r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1100 shad <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shad",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_C}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	shld r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1101 shld <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shld",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_D}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4a-nofpu.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4a-nofpu.s
index 202db6f..9522bb6 100644
--- a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4a-nofpu.s
+++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4a-nofpu.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh4a-nofpu but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh4a-nofpu.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4a-nofpu.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -37,7 +36,7 @@ sh4a_nofpu:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -135,14 +134,14 @@ sh4a_nofpu:
 	or #4,R0                  ;!/* 11001011i8*1.... or #<imm>,R0        */{"or",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_C,HEX_B,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	or r5,r4                  ;!/* 0010nnnnmmmm1011 or <REG_M>,<REG_N>  */{"or",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_2,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	or.b #4,@(R0,GBR)         ;!/* 11001111i8*1.... or.b #<imm>,@(R0,GBR)*/{"or.b",{A_IMM,A_R0_GBR},{HEX_C,HEX_F,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh4_nommu_nofpu_up}
+	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	rotcl r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100100 rotcl <REG_N>       */{"rotcl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotcr r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100101 rotcr <REG_N>       */{"rotcr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotl r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000100 rotl <REG_N>        */{"rotl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shad r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1100 shad <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shad",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_C}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	shld r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1101 shld <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shld",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_D}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4a.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4a.s
index c710ddc..950ed2d 100644
--- a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4a.s
+++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4a.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh4a but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh4a.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4a.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ sh4a:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -138,7 +137,7 @@ sh4a:
 	or #4,R0                  ;!/* 11001011i8*1.... or #<imm>,R0        */{"or",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_C,HEX_B,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	or r5,r4                  ;!/* 0010nnnnmmmm1011 or <REG_M>,<REG_N>  */{"or",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_2,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	or.b #4,@(R0,GBR)         ;!/* 11001111i8*1.... or.b #<imm>,@(R0,GBR)*/{"or.b",{A_IMM,A_R0_GBR},{HEX_C,HEX_F,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh4_nommu_nofpu_up}
+	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	prefi @r4                 ;!/* 0000nnnn11010011 prefi @<REG_N>      */{"prefi",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_D,HEX_3}, arch_sh4a_nofpu_up}
 	rotcl r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100100 rotcl <REG_N>       */{"rotcl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotcr r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100101 rotcr <REG_N>       */{"rotcr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -146,7 +145,7 @@ sh4a:
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shad r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1100 shad <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shad",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_C}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	shld r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1101 shld <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shld",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_D}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4al-dsp.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4al-dsp.s
index 8d48962..6caaf2c 100644
--- a/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4al-dsp.s
+++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4al-dsp.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh4al-dsp but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh4al-dsp.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4al-dsp.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -66,7 +65,7 @@ sh4al_dsp:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -189,7 +188,7 @@ sh4al_dsp:
 	or #4,R0                  ;!/* 11001011i8*1.... or #<imm>,R0        */{"or",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_C,HEX_B,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	or r5,r4                  ;!/* 0010nnnnmmmm1011 or <REG_M>,<REG_N>  */{"or",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_2,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	or.b #4,@(R0,GBR)         ;!/* 11001111i8*1.... or.b #<imm>,@(R0,GBR)*/{"or.b",{A_IMM,A_R0_GBR},{HEX_C,HEX_F,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh4_nommu_nofpu_up}
+	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	prefi @r4                 ;!/* 0000nnnn11010011 prefi @<REG_N>      */{"prefi",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_D,HEX_3}, arch_sh4a_nofpu_up}
 	rotcl r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100100 rotcl <REG_N>       */{"rotcl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotcr r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100101 rotcr <REG_N>       */{"rotcr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -197,7 +196,7 @@ sh4al_dsp:
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	setrc r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00010100 setrc <REG_N>       */{"setrc",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_1,HEX_4}, arch_sh_dsp_up}
 	setrc #4                  ;!/* 10000010i8*1.... setrc #<imm>        */{"setrc",{A_IMM},{HEX_8,HEX_2,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_dsp_up}
diff --git a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/arch_expected.txt b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/arch_expected.txt
index d11c43b..d4d471e 100644
--- a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/arch_expected.txt
+++ b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/arch_expected.txt
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ sh-dsp.o             sh-dsp.o             sh-dsp
 sh-dsp.o             sh.o                 sh-dsp
 sh-dsp.o             sh2.o                sh-dsp
 sh-dsp.o             sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.o sh3-dsp
-sh-dsp.o             sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh4al-dsp
+sh-dsp.o             sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh3-dsp
 sh-dsp.o             sh2a-nofpu.o         ERROR
 sh-dsp.o             sh2a-or-sh3e.o       ERROR
 sh-dsp.o             sh2a-or-sh4.o        ERROR
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ sh.o                 sh-dsp.o             sh-dsp
 sh.o                 sh.o                 sh
 sh.o                 sh2.o                sh2
 sh.o                 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.o sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu
-sh.o                 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu
+sh.o                 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu
 sh.o                 sh2a-nofpu.o         sh2a-nofpu
 sh.o                 sh2a-or-sh3e.o       sh2a-or-sh3e
 sh.o                 sh2a-or-sh4.o        sh2a-or-sh4
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ sh2.o                sh-dsp.o             sh-dsp
 sh2.o                sh.o                 sh2
 sh2.o                sh2.o                sh2
 sh2.o                sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.o sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu
-sh2.o                sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu
+sh2.o                sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu
 sh2.o                sh2a-nofpu.o         sh2a-nofpu
 sh2.o                sh2a-or-sh3e.o       sh2a-or-sh3e
 sh2.o                sh2a-or-sh4.o        sh2a-or-sh4
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.o sh-dsp.o             sh3-dsp
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.o sh.o                 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.o sh2.o                sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.o sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.o sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.o sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.o sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.o sh2a-nofpu.o         sh2a-nofpu
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.o sh2a-or-sh3e.o       sh2a-or-sh3e
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.o sh2a-or-sh4.o        sh2a-or-sh4
@@ -94,27 +94,27 @@ sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.o sh4a-nofpu.o         sh4a-nofpu
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.o sh4a.o               sh4a
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.o sh4al-dsp.o          sh4al-dsp
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.o sh-unknown.o         sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh-dsp.o             sh4al-dsp
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh.o                 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh2.o                sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.o sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh-dsp.o             sh3-dsp
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh.o                 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh2.o                sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.o sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh2a-nofpu.o         sh2a-nofpu
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh2a-or-sh3e.o       sh2a-or-sh4
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh2a-or-sh3e.o       sh2a-or-sh3e
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh2a-or-sh4.o        sh2a-or-sh4
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh2a.o               sh2a
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh2e.o               sh2a-or-sh4
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh3-dsp.o            sh4al-dsp
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh3-nommu.o          sh4-nommu-nofpu
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh3.o                sh4-nofpu
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh3e.o               sh4
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh2e.o               sh2a-or-sh3e
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh3-dsp.o            sh3-dsp
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh3-nommu.o          sh3-nommu
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh3.o                sh3
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh3e.o               sh3e
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh4-nofpu.o          sh4-nofpu
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh4-nommu-nofpu.o    sh4-nommu-nofpu
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh4.o                sh4
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh4a-nofpu.o         sh4a-nofpu
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh4a.o               sh4a
 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh4al-dsp.o          sh4al-dsp
-sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh-unknown.o         sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu
+sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh-unknown.o         sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu
 sh2a-nofpu.o         sh-dsp.o             ERROR
 sh2a-nofpu.o         sh.o                 sh2a-nofpu
 sh2a-nofpu.o         sh2.o                sh2a-nofpu
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ sh2a-or-sh3e.o       sh-dsp.o             ERROR
 sh2a-or-sh3e.o       sh.o                 sh2a-or-sh3e
 sh2a-or-sh3e.o       sh2.o                sh2a-or-sh3e
 sh2a-or-sh3e.o       sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.o sh2a-or-sh3e
-sh2a-or-sh3e.o       sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh2a-or-sh4
+sh2a-or-sh3e.o       sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh2a-or-sh3e
 sh2a-or-sh3e.o       sh2a-nofpu.o         sh2a
 sh2a-or-sh3e.o       sh2a-or-sh3e.o       sh2a-or-sh3e
 sh2a-or-sh3e.o       sh2a-or-sh4.o        sh2a-or-sh4
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ sh2e.o               sh-dsp.o             ERROR
 sh2e.o               sh.o                 sh2e
 sh2e.o               sh2.o                sh2e
 sh2e.o               sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.o sh2a-or-sh3e
-sh2e.o               sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh2a-or-sh4
+sh2e.o               sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh2a-or-sh3e
 sh2e.o               sh2a-nofpu.o         sh2a
 sh2e.o               sh2a-or-sh3e.o       sh2a-or-sh3e
 sh2e.o               sh2a-or-sh4.o        sh2a-or-sh4
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ sh3-dsp.o            sh-dsp.o             sh3-dsp
 sh3-dsp.o            sh.o                 sh3-dsp
 sh3-dsp.o            sh2.o                sh3-dsp
 sh3-dsp.o            sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.o sh3-dsp
-sh3-dsp.o            sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh4al-dsp
+sh3-dsp.o            sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh3-dsp
 sh3-dsp.o            sh2a-nofpu.o         ERROR
 sh3-dsp.o            sh2a-or-sh3e.o       ERROR
 sh3-dsp.o            sh2a-or-sh4.o        ERROR
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ sh3-nommu.o          sh-dsp.o             sh3-dsp
 sh3-nommu.o          sh.o                 sh3-nommu
 sh3-nommu.o          sh2.o                sh3-nommu
 sh3-nommu.o          sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.o sh3-nommu
-sh3-nommu.o          sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh4-nommu-nofpu
+sh3-nommu.o          sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh3-nommu
 sh3-nommu.o          sh2a-nofpu.o         ERROR
 sh3-nommu.o          sh2a-or-sh3e.o       sh3e
 sh3-nommu.o          sh2a-or-sh4.o        sh4
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ sh3.o                sh-dsp.o             sh3-dsp
 sh3.o                sh.o                 sh3
 sh3.o                sh2.o                sh3
 sh3.o                sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.o sh3
-sh3.o                sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh4-nofpu
+sh3.o                sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh3
 sh3.o                sh2a-nofpu.o         ERROR
 sh3.o                sh2a-or-sh3e.o       sh3e
 sh3.o                sh2a-or-sh4.o        sh4
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ sh3e.o               sh-dsp.o             ERROR
 sh3e.o               sh.o                 sh3e
 sh3e.o               sh2.o                sh3e
 sh3e.o               sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.o sh3e
-sh3e.o               sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh4
+sh3e.o               sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh3e
 sh3e.o               sh2a-nofpu.o         ERROR
 sh3e.o               sh2a-or-sh3e.o       sh3e
 sh3e.o               sh2a-or-sh4.o        sh4
@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ sh-unknown.o         sh-dsp.o             sh-dsp
 sh-unknown.o         sh.o                 sh
 sh-unknown.o         sh2.o                sh2
 sh-unknown.o         sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.o sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu
-sh-unknown.o         sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu
+sh-unknown.o         sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.o sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu
 sh-unknown.o         sh2a-nofpu.o         sh2a-nofpu
 sh-unknown.o         sh2a-or-sh3e.o       sh2a-or-sh3e
 sh-unknown.o         sh2a-or-sh4.o        sh2a-or-sh4
diff --git a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh-dsp.s b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh-dsp.s
index cd87a22..b26e898 100644
--- a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh-dsp.s
+++ b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh-dsp.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh-dsp but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh-dsp.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh-dsp.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -136,7 +135,6 @@ sh_dsp:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -225,7 +223,6 @@ sh_dsp:
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shal r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00100000 shal <REG_N>        */{"shal",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
 	shar r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00100001 shar <REG_N>        */{"shar",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_1}, arch_sh_up}
diff --git a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh.s b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh.s
index 86de648..ce9a2a2 100644
--- a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh.s
+++ b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -24,7 +23,6 @@ sh:
 	bt .+8                    ;!/* 10001001i8p1.... bt <bdisp8>         */{"bt",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_9,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	bf .+8                    ;!/* 10001011i8p1.... bf <bdisp8>         */{"bf",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_B,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -112,7 +110,6 @@ sh:
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shal r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00100000 shal <REG_N>        */{"shal",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
 	shar r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00100001 shar <REG_N>        */{"shar",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_1}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -152,4 +149,4 @@ sh:
 	xor.b #4,@(R0,GBR)        ;!/* 11001110i8*1.... xor.b #<imm>,@(R0,GBR)*/{"xor.b",{A_IMM,A_R0_GBR},{HEX_C,HEX_E,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	xtrct r5,r4               ;!/* 0010nnnnmmmm1101 xtrct <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"xtrct",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_2,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_D}, arch_sh_up}
-! Instructions inherited from ancestors: 
+! Instructions inherited from ancestors:
diff --git a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh2.s b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh2.s
index 3659942..7f2e02a 100644
--- a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh2.s
+++ b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh2.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh2 but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh2.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -37,7 +36,6 @@ sh2:
 	bt .+8                    ;!/* 10001001i8p1.... bt <bdisp8>         */{"bt",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_9,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	bf .+8                    ;!/* 10001011i8p1.... bf <bdisp8>         */{"bf",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_B,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -125,7 +123,6 @@ sh2:
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shal r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00100000 shal <REG_N>        */{"shal",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
 	shar r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00100001 shar <REG_N>        */{"shar",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_1}, arch_sh_up}
diff --git a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.s b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.s
index ce93bc9..cc29889 100644
--- a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.s
+++ b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.s
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
 ! Instructions introduced into sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu
+	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	shad r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1100 shad <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shad",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_C}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	shld r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1101 shld <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shld",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_D}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -121,7 +120,6 @@ sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu:
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shal r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00100000 shal <REG_N>        */{"shal",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
 	shar r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00100001 shar <REG_N>        */{"shar",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_1}, arch_sh_up}
diff --git a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s
index cc350c0..c702845 100644
--- a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s
+++ b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s
@@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
 ! Instructions introduced into sh2a-nofpu-or-sh4-nommu-nofpu
-	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh4_nommu_nofpu_up}
 ! Instructions inherited from ancestors: sh sh2 sh2a-nofpu-or-sh3-nommu
 	add #4,r4                 ;!/* 0111nnnni8*1.... add #<imm>,<REG_N>  */{"add",{A_IMM,A_REG_N},{HEX_7,REG_N,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -31,7 +29,6 @@ sh2a_nofpu_or_sh4_nommu_nofpu:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -114,13 +111,13 @@ sh2a_nofpu_or_sh4_nommu_nofpu:
 	or #4,R0                  ;!/* 11001011i8*1.... or #<imm>,R0        */{"or",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_C,HEX_B,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	or r5,r4                  ;!/* 0010nnnnmmmm1011 or <REG_M>,<REG_N>  */{"or",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_2,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	or.b #4,@(R0,GBR)         ;!/* 11001111i8*1.... or.b #<imm>,@(R0,GBR)*/{"or.b",{A_IMM,A_R0_GBR},{HEX_C,HEX_F,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	rotcl r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100100 rotcl <REG_N>       */{"rotcl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotcr r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100101 rotcr <REG_N>       */{"rotcr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotl r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000100 rotl <REG_N>        */{"rotl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shad r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1100 shad <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shad",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_C}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	shld r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1101 shld <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shld",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_D}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
diff --git a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu.s b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu.s
index 878a5a3..6f4a17e 100644
--- a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu.s
+++ b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh2a-nofpu but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh2a-nofpu.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a-nofpu.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -82,7 +81,6 @@ sh2a_nofpu:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -165,14 +163,13 @@ sh2a_nofpu:
 	or #4,R0                  ;!/* 11001011i8*1.... or #<imm>,R0        */{"or",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_C,HEX_B,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	or r5,r4                  ;!/* 0010nnnnmmmm1011 or <REG_M>,<REG_N>  */{"or",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_2,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	or.b #4,@(R0,GBR)         ;!/* 11001111i8*1.... or.b #<imm>,@(R0,GBR)*/{"or.b",{A_IMM,A_R0_GBR},{HEX_C,HEX_F,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh4_nommu_nofpu_up}
+	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	rotcl r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100100 rotcl <REG_N>       */{"rotcl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotcr r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100101 rotcr <REG_N>       */{"rotcr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotl r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000100 rotl <REG_N>        */{"rotl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shad r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1100 shad <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shad",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_C}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	shld r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1101 shld <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shld",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_D}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
diff --git a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh2a-or-sh3e.s b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh2a-or-sh3e.s
index b7be336..25c8ae1 100644
--- a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh2a-or-sh3e.s
+++ b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh2a-or-sh3e.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh2a-or-sh3e but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh2a-or-sh3e.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a-or-sh3e.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -31,7 +30,6 @@ sh2a_or_sh3e:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -118,13 +116,13 @@ sh2a_or_sh3e:
 	or #4,R0                  ;!/* 11001011i8*1.... or #<imm>,R0        */{"or",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_C,HEX_B,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	or r5,r4                  ;!/* 0010nnnnmmmm1011 or <REG_M>,<REG_N>  */{"or",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_2,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	or.b #4,@(R0,GBR)         ;!/* 11001111i8*1.... or.b #<imm>,@(R0,GBR)*/{"or.b",{A_IMM,A_R0_GBR},{HEX_C,HEX_F,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	rotcl r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100100 rotcl <REG_N>       */{"rotcl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotcr r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100101 rotcr <REG_N>       */{"rotcr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotl r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000100 rotl <REG_N>        */{"rotl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shad r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1100 shad <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shad",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_C}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	shld r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1101 shld <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shld",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_D}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
diff --git a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh2a-or-sh4.s b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh2a-or-sh4.s
index 0200796..d3300ca 100644
--- a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh2a-or-sh4.s
+++ b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh2a-or-sh4.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh2a-or-sh4 but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh2a-or-sh4.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a-or-sh4.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -57,7 +56,6 @@ sh2a_or_sh4:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -144,14 +142,13 @@ sh2a_or_sh4:
 	or #4,R0                  ;!/* 11001011i8*1.... or #<imm>,R0        */{"or",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_C,HEX_B,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	or r5,r4                  ;!/* 0010nnnnmmmm1011 or <REG_M>,<REG_N>  */{"or",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_2,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	or.b #4,@(R0,GBR)         ;!/* 11001111i8*1.... or.b #<imm>,@(R0,GBR)*/{"or.b",{A_IMM,A_R0_GBR},{HEX_C,HEX_F,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh4_nommu_nofpu_up}
+	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	rotcl r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100100 rotcl <REG_N>       */{"rotcl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotcr r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100101 rotcr <REG_N>       */{"rotcr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotl r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000100 rotl <REG_N>        */{"rotl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shad r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1100 shad <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shad",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_C}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	shld r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1101 shld <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shld",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_D}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
diff --git a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh2a.s b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh2a.s
index 04e10f0..370dbd4 100644
--- a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh2a.s
+++ b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh2a.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh2a but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh2a.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2a.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -34,7 +33,6 @@ sh2a:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -134,14 +132,13 @@ sh2a:
 	or #4,R0                  ;!/* 11001011i8*1.... or #<imm>,R0        */{"or",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_C,HEX_B,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	or r5,r4                  ;!/* 0010nnnnmmmm1011 or <REG_M>,<REG_N>  */{"or",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_2,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	or.b #4,@(R0,GBR)         ;!/* 11001111i8*1.... or.b #<imm>,@(R0,GBR)*/{"or.b",{A_IMM,A_R0_GBR},{HEX_C,HEX_F,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh4_nommu_nofpu_up}
+	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	rotcl r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100100 rotcl <REG_N>       */{"rotcl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotcr r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100101 rotcr <REG_N>       */{"rotcr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotl r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000100 rotl <REG_N>        */{"rotl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shad r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1100 shad <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shad",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_C}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	shld r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1101 shld <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shld",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_D}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
diff --git a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh2e.s b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh2e.s
index a62e3ab..e12732a 100644
--- a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh2e.s
+++ b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh2e.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh2e but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh2e.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh2e.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -66,7 +65,6 @@ sh2e:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -155,7 +153,6 @@ sh2e:
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shal r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00100000 shal <REG_N>        */{"shal",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
 	shar r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00100001 shar <REG_N>        */{"shar",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_1}, arch_sh_up}
diff --git a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh3-dsp.s b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh3-dsp.s
index 7000596..acc26be 100644
--- a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh3-dsp.s
+++ b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh3-dsp.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh3-dsp but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh3-dsp.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh3-dsp.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -30,7 +29,7 @@ sh3_dsp:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -140,13 +139,14 @@ sh3_dsp:
 	or #4,R0                  ;!/* 11001011i8*1.... or #<imm>,R0        */{"or",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_C,HEX_B,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	or r5,r4                  ;!/* 0010nnnnmmmm1011 or <REG_M>,<REG_N>  */{"or",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_2,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	or.b #4,@(R0,GBR)         ;!/* 11001111i8*1.... or.b #<imm>,@(R0,GBR)*/{"or.b",{A_IMM,A_R0_GBR},{HEX_C,HEX_F,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	rotcl r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100100 rotcl <REG_N>       */{"rotcl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotcr r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100101 rotcr <REG_N>       */{"rotcr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotl r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000100 rotl <REG_N>        */{"rotl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	setrc r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00010100 setrc <REG_N>       */{"setrc",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_1,HEX_4}, arch_sh_dsp_up}
 	setrc #4                  ;!/* 10000010i8*1.... setrc #<imm>        */{"setrc",{A_IMM},{HEX_8,HEX_2,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_dsp_up}
diff --git a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh3-nommu.s b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh3-nommu.s
index bc6096e..3e8ff02 100644
--- a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh3-nommu.s
+++ b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh3-nommu.s
@@ -1,23 +1,24 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh3-nommu but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh3-nommu.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh3-nommu.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
 ! Instructions introduced into sh3-nommu
+	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	ldc r4,SSR                ;!/* 0100nnnn00111110 ldc <REG_N>,SSR     */{"ldc",{A_REG_N,A_SSR},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_3,HEX_E}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	ldc r4,SPC                ;!/* 0100nnnn01001110 ldc <REG_N>,SPC     */{"ldc",{A_REG_N,A_SPC},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_4,HEX_E}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	ldc r4,r1_bank            ;!/* 0100nnnn1xxx1110 ldc <REG_N>,Rn_BANK */{"ldc",{A_REG_N,A_REG_B},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_B,HEX_E}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	ldc.l @r4+,SSR            ;!/* 0100nnnn00110111 ldc.l @<REG_N>+,SSR */{"ldc.l",{A_INC_N,A_SSR},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_3,HEX_7}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	ldc.l @r4+,SPC            ;!/* 0100nnnn01000111 ldc.l @<REG_N>+,SPC */{"ldc.l",{A_INC_N,A_SPC},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_4,HEX_7}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	ldc.l @r4+,r1_bank        ;!/* 0100nnnn1xxx0111 ldc.l @<REG_N>+,Rn_BANK */{"ldc.l",{A_INC_N,A_REG_B},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_B,HEX_7}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
+	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	stc SSR,r4                ;!/* 0000nnnn00110010 stc SSR,<REG_N>     */{"stc",{A_SSR,A_REG_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_3,HEX_2}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	stc SPC,r4                ;!/* 0000nnnn01000010 stc SPC,<REG_N>     */{"stc",{A_SPC,A_REG_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_4,HEX_2}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	stc r1_bank,r4            ;!/* 0000nnnn1xxx0010 stc Rn_BANK,<REG_N> */{"stc",{A_REG_B,A_REG_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,REG_B,HEX_2}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
@@ -42,7 +43,6 @@ sh3_nommu:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -125,13 +125,13 @@ sh3_nommu:
 	or #4,R0                  ;!/* 11001011i8*1.... or #<imm>,R0        */{"or",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_C,HEX_B,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	or r5,r4                  ;!/* 0010nnnnmmmm1011 or <REG_M>,<REG_N>  */{"or",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_2,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	or.b #4,@(R0,GBR)         ;!/* 11001111i8*1.... or.b #<imm>,@(R0,GBR)*/{"or.b",{A_IMM,A_R0_GBR},{HEX_C,HEX_F,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	rotcl r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100100 rotcl <REG_N>       */{"rotcl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotcr r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100101 rotcr <REG_N>       */{"rotcr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotl r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000100 rotl <REG_N>        */{"rotl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shad r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1100 shad <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shad",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_C}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	shld r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1101 shld <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shld",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_D}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
diff --git a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh3.s b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh3.s
index 5e031c0..97ab939 100644
--- a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh3.s
+++ b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh3.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh3 but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh3.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh3.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ sh3:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -120,13 +119,14 @@ sh3:
 	or #4,R0                  ;!/* 11001011i8*1.... or #<imm>,R0        */{"or",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_C,HEX_B,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	or r5,r4                  ;!/* 0010nnnnmmmm1011 or <REG_M>,<REG_N>  */{"or",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_2,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	or.b #4,@(R0,GBR)         ;!/* 11001111i8*1.... or.b #<imm>,@(R0,GBR)*/{"or.b",{A_IMM,A_R0_GBR},{HEX_C,HEX_F,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	rotcl r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100100 rotcl <REG_N>       */{"rotcl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotcr r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100101 rotcr <REG_N>       */{"rotcr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotl r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000100 rotl <REG_N>        */{"rotl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shad r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1100 shad <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shad",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_C}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	shld r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1101 shld <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shld",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_D}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
diff --git a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh3e.s b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh3e.s
index 7076dfc..f5c8ab9 100644
--- a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh3e.s
+++ b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh3e.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh3e but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh3e.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh3e.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -30,7 +29,7 @@ sh3e:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -124,13 +123,14 @@ sh3e:
 	or #4,R0                  ;!/* 11001011i8*1.... or #<imm>,R0        */{"or",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_C,HEX_B,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	or r5,r4                  ;!/* 0010nnnnmmmm1011 or <REG_M>,<REG_N>  */{"or",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_2,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	or.b #4,@(R0,GBR)         ;!/* 11001111i8*1.... or.b #<imm>,@(R0,GBR)*/{"or.b",{A_IMM,A_R0_GBR},{HEX_C,HEX_F,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	rotcl r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100100 rotcl <REG_N>       */{"rotcl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotcr r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100101 rotcr <REG_N>       */{"rotcr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotl r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000100 rotl <REG_N>        */{"rotl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shad r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1100 shad <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shad",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_C}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	shld r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1101 shld <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shld",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_D}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
diff --git a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh4-nofpu.s b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh4-nofpu.s
index fb225a1..32b58f9 100644
--- a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh4-nofpu.s
+++ b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh4-nofpu.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh4-nofpu but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh4-nofpu.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4-nofpu.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -30,7 +29,7 @@ sh4_nofpu:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -128,14 +127,14 @@ sh4_nofpu:
 	or #4,R0                  ;!/* 11001011i8*1.... or #<imm>,R0        */{"or",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_C,HEX_B,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	or r5,r4                  ;!/* 0010nnnnmmmm1011 or <REG_M>,<REG_N>  */{"or",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_2,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	or.b #4,@(R0,GBR)         ;!/* 11001111i8*1.... or.b #<imm>,@(R0,GBR)*/{"or.b",{A_IMM,A_R0_GBR},{HEX_C,HEX_F,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh4_nommu_nofpu_up}
+	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	rotcl r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100100 rotcl <REG_N>       */{"rotcl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotcr r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100101 rotcr <REG_N>       */{"rotcr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotl r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000100 rotl <REG_N>        */{"rotl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shad r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1100 shad <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shad",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_C}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	shld r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1101 shld <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shld",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_D}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
diff --git a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh4-nommu-nofpu.s b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh4-nommu-nofpu.s
index fc2877a..61f0bc6 100644
--- a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh4-nommu-nofpu.s
+++ b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh4-nommu-nofpu.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh4-nommu-nofpu but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh4-nommu-nofpu.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4-nommu-nofpu.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -42,7 +41,7 @@ sh4_nommu_nofpu:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -131,14 +130,14 @@ sh4_nommu_nofpu:
 	or #4,R0                  ;!/* 11001011i8*1.... or #<imm>,R0        */{"or",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_C,HEX_B,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	or r5,r4                  ;!/* 0010nnnnmmmm1011 or <REG_M>,<REG_N>  */{"or",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_2,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	or.b #4,@(R0,GBR)         ;!/* 11001111i8*1.... or.b #<imm>,@(R0,GBR)*/{"or.b",{A_IMM,A_R0_GBR},{HEX_C,HEX_F,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh4_nommu_nofpu_up}
+	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	rotcl r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100100 rotcl <REG_N>       */{"rotcl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotcr r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100101 rotcr <REG_N>       */{"rotcr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotl r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000100 rotl <REG_N>        */{"rotl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shad r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1100 shad <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shad",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_C}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	shld r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1101 shld <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shld",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_D}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
diff --git a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh4.s b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh4.s
index 5b1c980..af135ce 100644
--- a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh4.s
+++ b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh4.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh4 but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh4.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -35,7 +34,7 @@ sh4:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -137,14 +136,14 @@ sh4:
 	or #4,R0                  ;!/* 11001011i8*1.... or #<imm>,R0        */{"or",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_C,HEX_B,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	or r5,r4                  ;!/* 0010nnnnmmmm1011 or <REG_M>,<REG_N>  */{"or",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_2,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	or.b #4,@(R0,GBR)         ;!/* 11001111i8*1.... or.b #<imm>,@(R0,GBR)*/{"or.b",{A_IMM,A_R0_GBR},{HEX_C,HEX_F,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh4_nommu_nofpu_up}
+	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	rotcl r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100100 rotcl <REG_N>       */{"rotcl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotcr r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100101 rotcr <REG_N>       */{"rotcr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotl r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000100 rotl <REG_N>        */{"rotl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shad r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1100 shad <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shad",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_C}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	shld r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1101 shld <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shld",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_D}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
diff --git a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh4a-nofpu.s b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh4a-nofpu.s
index 202db6f..9522bb6 100644
--- a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh4a-nofpu.s
+++ b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh4a-nofpu.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh4a-nofpu but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh4a-nofpu.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4a-nofpu.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -37,7 +36,7 @@ sh4a_nofpu:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -135,14 +134,14 @@ sh4a_nofpu:
 	or #4,R0                  ;!/* 11001011i8*1.... or #<imm>,R0        */{"or",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_C,HEX_B,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	or r5,r4                  ;!/* 0010nnnnmmmm1011 or <REG_M>,<REG_N>  */{"or",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_2,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	or.b #4,@(R0,GBR)         ;!/* 11001111i8*1.... or.b #<imm>,@(R0,GBR)*/{"or.b",{A_IMM,A_R0_GBR},{HEX_C,HEX_F,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh4_nommu_nofpu_up}
+	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	rotcl r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100100 rotcl <REG_N>       */{"rotcl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotcr r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100101 rotcr <REG_N>       */{"rotcr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotl r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000100 rotl <REG_N>        */{"rotl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shad r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1100 shad <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shad",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_C}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	shld r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1101 shld <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shld",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_D}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
diff --git a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh4a.s b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh4a.s
index c710ddc..950ed2d 100644
--- a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh4a.s
+++ b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh4a.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh4a but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh4a.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4a.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ sh4a:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -138,7 +137,7 @@ sh4a:
 	or #4,R0                  ;!/* 11001011i8*1.... or #<imm>,R0        */{"or",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_C,HEX_B,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	or r5,r4                  ;!/* 0010nnnnmmmm1011 or <REG_M>,<REG_N>  */{"or",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_2,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	or.b #4,@(R0,GBR)         ;!/* 11001111i8*1.... or.b #<imm>,@(R0,GBR)*/{"or.b",{A_IMM,A_R0_GBR},{HEX_C,HEX_F,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh4_nommu_nofpu_up}
+	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	prefi @r4                 ;!/* 0000nnnn11010011 prefi @<REG_N>      */{"prefi",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_D,HEX_3}, arch_sh4a_nofpu_up}
 	rotcl r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100100 rotcl <REG_N>       */{"rotcl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotcr r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100101 rotcr <REG_N>       */{"rotcr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -146,7 +145,7 @@ sh4a:
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	shad r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1100 shad <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shad",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_C}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	shld r5,r4                ;!/* 0100nnnnmmmm1101 shld <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"shld",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_D}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
diff --git a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh4al-dsp.s b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh4al-dsp.s
index 8d48962..6caaf2c 100644
--- a/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh4al-dsp.s
+++ b/ld/testsuite/ld-sh/arch/sh4al-dsp.s
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 ! Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
-! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/arch.exp .
+! This file was generated by gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/ .
 ! This file should contain every instruction valid on
 ! architecture sh4al-dsp but no more.
-! If the tests are failing because the expected results
-! have changed then run 'make check' and copy the new file
-! from <objdir>/gas/testsuite/sh4al-dsp.s
-! to   <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch/sh4al-dsp.s .
+! If the tests are failing because the expected results have changed then run
+!    'cat ../../../../../opcodes/sh-opc.h | perl'
+! in <srcdir>/gas/testsuite/gas/sh/arch to re-generate the files.
 ! Make sure there are no unexpected or missing instructions.
 	.section .text
@@ -66,7 +65,7 @@ sh4al_dsp:
 	bf.s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf.s <bdisp8>       */{"bf.s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	bf/s .+8                  ;!/* 10001111i8p1.... bf/s <bdisp8>       */{"bf/s",{A_BDISP8},{HEX_8,HEX_F,BRANCH_8}, arch_sh2_up}
 	clrmac                    ;!/* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	clrs                      ;!/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	clrt                      ;!/* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq #4,R0              ;!/* 10001000i8*1.... cmp/eq #<imm>,R0    */{"cmp/eq",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_8,HEX_8,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	cmp/eq r5,r4              ;!/* 0011nnnnmmmm0000 cmp/eq <REG_M>,<REG_N>*/{"cmp/eq",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_3,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_0}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -189,7 +188,7 @@ sh4al_dsp:
 	or #4,R0                  ;!/* 11001011i8*1.... or #<imm>,R0        */{"or",{A_IMM,A_R0},{HEX_C,HEX_B,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	or r5,r4                  ;!/* 0010nnnnmmmm1011 or <REG_M>,<REG_N>  */{"or",{ A_REG_M,A_REG_N},{HEX_2,REG_N,REG_M,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	or.b #4,@(R0,GBR)         ;!/* 11001111i8*1.... or.b #<imm>,@(R0,GBR)*/{"or.b",{A_IMM,A_R0_GBR},{HEX_C,HEX_F,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up}
-	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh4_nommu_nofpu_up}
+	pref @r4                  ;!/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up}
 	prefi @r4                 ;!/* 0000nnnn11010011 prefi @<REG_N>      */{"prefi",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_D,HEX_3}, arch_sh4a_nofpu_up}
 	rotcl r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100100 rotcl <REG_N>       */{"rotcl",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_4}, arch_sh_up}
 	rotcr r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00100101 rotcr <REG_N>       */{"rotcr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_2,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
@@ -197,7 +196,7 @@ sh4al_dsp:
 	rotr r4                   ;!/* 0100nnnn00000101 rotr <REG_N>        */{"rotr",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_0,HEX_5}, arch_sh_up}
 	rte                       ;!/* 0000000000101011 rte                 */{"rte",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
 	rts                       ;!/* 0000000000001011 rts                 */{"rts",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_B}, arch_sh_up}
-	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
+	sets                      ;!/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up}
 	sett                      ;!/* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up}
 	setrc r4                  ;!/* 0100nnnn00010100 setrc <REG_N>       */{"setrc",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_1,HEX_4}, arch_sh_dsp_up}
 	setrc #4                  ;!/* 10000010i8*1.... setrc #<imm>        */{"setrc",{A_IMM},{HEX_8,HEX_2,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_dsp_up}
diff --git a/opcodes/sh-opc.h b/opcodes/sh-opc.h
index ee235bd..d511cae 100644
--- a/opcodes/sh-opc.h
+++ b/opcodes/sh-opc.h
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ const sh_opcode_info sh_table[] =
 /* 0000000000101000 clrmac              */{"clrmac",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_2,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up},
-/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up},
+/* 0000000001001000 clrs                */{"clrs",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_4,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up},
 /* 0000000000001000 clrt                */{"clrt",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up},
@@ -683,7 +683,7 @@ const sh_opcode_info sh_table[] =
 /* 11001111i8*1.... or.b #<imm>,@(R0,GBR)*/{"or.b",{A_IMM,A_R0_GBR},{HEX_C,HEX_F,IMM0_8}, arch_sh_up},
-/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh4_nommu_nofpu_up},
+/* 0000nnnn10000011 pref @<REG_N>       */{"pref",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_8,HEX_3}, arch_sh2a_nofpu_or_sh3_nommu_up},
 /* 0000nnnn11010011 prefi @<REG_N>      */{"prefi",{A_IND_N},{HEX_0,REG_N,HEX_D,HEX_3}, arch_sh4a_nofpu_up},
@@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ const sh_opcode_info sh_table[] =
 /* 0000000010011000 setdmx              */{"setdmx",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_9,HEX_8}, arch_sh4al_dsp_up},
 /* 0000000011001000 setdmy              */{"setdmy",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_C,HEX_8}, arch_sh4al_dsp_up},
-/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up},
+/* 0000000001011000 sets                */{"sets",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_5,HEX_8}, arch_sh3_nommu_up},
 /* 0000000000011000 sett                */{"sett",{0},{HEX_0,HEX_0,HEX_1,HEX_8}, arch_sh_up},
 /* 0100nnnn00010100 setrc <REG_N>       */{"setrc",{A_REG_N},{HEX_4,REG_N,HEX_1,HEX_4}, arch_sh_dsp_up},

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