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Does ld linker generate VER_FLG_WEAK?

I am learning about symbol versioning in ELF and came across this post where WEAK
flag is added to a library dependency:

  0x00c0:   Name: GLIBC_2.14  Flags: WEAK   Version: 12

I am trying to simulate this with my own small library and program
using it.  Does ld linker generate VER_FLG_WEAK or is my thinking
incorrect?  I have this in lib.c:

void foo(void)
    puts("Hello, I'm a shared library");

and this in main.c

extern void foo(void)  __attribute__((weak)) ;

void foo1(void)
    puts("In program");

int main(void)
    puts("This is a shared library test...");

    foo ? foo() : foo1();
    return 0;

I saw other people doing this.  Basically I want to run my program
even when foo() is not defined in the library. I have a simple

LIB11 {


LIB12 {

} LIB11;

LIB13 { } LIB12;

However, after compiling and linking readelf -V still not shows WEAK
flag next to my library dependency. I may be completely wrong about
what I'm doing but I haven't even found a mention of VER_FLG_WEAK in
ld source code and here
they say that it's not supported. How is it?


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