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[RFC] New cpu --- Morpho ms1


On behalf of Red Hat I would like approval to commit the attached ms1.cpu and ms1.opc files for CGEN to the src/cpu directory. I will also be submitting the opcodes and SID ports to their respective lists.

; Morpho Technologies mRISC CPU description.  -*- Scheme -*-
; Copyright (C) 2001 Red Hat, Inc.
; This file is part of CGEN.
; See file COPYING.CGEN for details.

(include "")

;; Define The Architecture, Attributes, ISA, CPU, Machine, And Model. ;;

; define-arch must appear first
  (name ms1) ; name of cpu family
  (comment "Morpho Technologies mRISC family")
  (default-alignment aligned)
  (insn-lsb0? #t)
  (machs ms1 ms1-003)
  (isas ms1)

; Instruction set parameters.

  (name ms1)
  (comment "Morpho Technologies mrisc ISA")
  (default-insn-word-bitsize 32)
  (default-insn-bitsize 32)
  (base-insn-bitsize 32)
  (parallel-insns 2)
; Cpu family definitions.

  ; cpu names must be distinct from the architecture name and machine names.
  (name ms1bf)
  (comment "Morpho Technologies mRISC family")
  (endian big)
  (word-bitsize 32)

  ; cpu names must be distinct from the architecture name and machine names.
  (name ms1-003bf)
  (comment "Morpho Technologies mRISC family")
  (endian big)
  (word-bitsize 32)

  (name ms1)
  (comment "Morpho Technologies mrisc")
  (cpu ms1bf)
  (isas ms1)

  (name ms1-003)
  (comment "Morpho Technologies mrisc")
  (cpu ms1-003bf)
  (isas ms1)

; Model descriptions.
; Can probably take the u-exec out.  We'll see.
  (name ms1)
  (comment "Morpho Technologies mrisc")
  (mach ms1)
  (unit u-exec "Execution Unit" ()
	1 1 ; issue done
	() ; state
	() ; inputs
	() ; outputs
	() ; profile action (default)

  (name ms1-003)
  (comment "Morpho Technologies mrisc")
  (mach ms1-003)
  (unit u-exec "Execution Unit" ()
	1 1 ; issue done
	() ; state
	() ; inputs
	() ; outputs
	() ; profile action (default)

; Macros to simplify MACH attribute specification.

(define-pmacro MACHMS1 (MACH ms1))
(define-pmacro MACHMS1-003 (MACH ms1-003))

; FIXME: It might simplify things to separate the execute process from the
; one that updates the PC.

;; Instruction Fields ;;

; Attributes:
; PCREL-ADDR: pc relative value (for reloc and disassembly purposes)
; ABS-ADDR: absolute address (for reloc and disassembly purposes?)
; RESERVED: bits are not used to decode insn, must be all 0
; RELOC: there is a relocation associated with this field (experiment)
; f-msys: Identify a a morphosys insns.  1 if msys, 0 if not.
; f-opc: 6 bit opcode for non-morphosys instructions.
; f-msopc: 6 bit opcode for morphosys instructions.
; f-imm: flag to indicate use of an immediate operand.  1 if yes, 0 if no.
; f-sr1: source resgister 1. (also used for MSYS insns)
; f-sr2: source register 2. (also used for MSYS insns)
; f-dr: destination register when located in bits 19:16.
; f-drrr: destination register when located in bits 15:12. (also for MSYS insns)
; f-imm16: 16 bit immediate value when not an offset.
; f-imm16a: 16 bit immediate value when it's a pc-rel offset.
; f-uu4a: unused 4 bit field.
; f-uu4b: second unsed 4 bit field.
; f-uu12: unused 12 bit field.
; f-uu16: unused 16 bit field.
; f-uu24: unused 24 bit field.

(dnf f-msys      "morphosys insn flag"  	() 31 1)
(dnf f-opc       "opcode field"			() 30 6)
(dnf f-imm       "immedate flag"		() 24 1)
(dnf f-uu24      "unused 24 bits"               () 23 24)
(dnf f-sr1       "sr1 register field"	(ABS-ADDR) 23 4)
(dnf f-sr2       "sr2 register field"	(ABS-ADDR) 19 4)
(dnf f-dr        "dr register field"	(ABS-ADDR) 19 4)
(dnf f-drrr      "drrr register field"	(ABS-ADDR) 15 4)
(dnf f-imm16u    "unsigned 16 bit immediate"    () 15 16)
(df  f-imm16s    "signed 16 bit immediate"      () 15 16 INT ((value pc) (add HI value 0)) ((value pc) (add HI value 0)))
(dnf f-imm16a	 "pc-rel offset"      (PCREL-ADDR) 15 16)
(dnf f-uu4a      "unused 4 bit field"		() 19 4)
(dnf f-uu4b      "unused 4 bit field"		() 23 4)
(dnf f-uu12      "unused 12 bit field"	        () 11 12)
(dnf f-uu16      "unused 16 bit field" 	        () 15 16)

; The following ifields are used exclusively for the MorphoSys instructions.
; In a few cases, a bit field is used for something in addition to what its
; name suggests.  For the most part, the names are meaningful though.

(dnf f-msopc     "opcode field"			() 30 5)
(dnf f-uu-26-25  "unused 26 bits"               () 25 26)
(dnf f-mask      "mask"	                        () 25 16)
(dnf f-bankaddr  "bank address"	                () 25 13)
(dnf f-rda       "rda"	                        () 25 1)
(dnf f-uu-2-25   "unused bits  25 & 24"		() 25 2)
(dnf f-rbbc      "Omega network configuration"	() 25 2)
(dnf f-perm	 "perm"				() 25 2)
(dnf f-mode      "mode"                         () 25 2)
(dnf f-uu-1-24   "testing" 			() 24 1)
(dnf f-wr        "wr"	                        () 24 1)
(dnf f-fbincr    "fb incr"                      () 23 4)
(dnf f-uu-2-23   "unused bits 23 and 22"	() 23 2)
(dnf f-xmode     "xmode"	                () 23 1)
(dnf f-a23	 "a23"				() 23 1)
(dnf f-mask1     "mask1"	                () 22 3)
(dnf f-cr 	 "cr"				() 22 3)
(dnf f-type      "type"	                        () 21 2)
(dnf f-incamt    "increment amount"             () 19 8)
(dnf f-cbs	 "cbs"				() 19 2)
(dnf f-uu-1-19   "unused bit 19"		() 19 1)
(dnf f-ball      "b_all"	                () 19 1)
(dnf f-colnum    "column number"		() 18 3)
(dnf f-brc       "b_r_c"	                () 18 3)
(dnf f-incr	 "incr"				() 17 6)
(dnf f-fbdisp    "frame buffer displacement"	() 15 6)
(dnf f-uu-4-15   "unused bits 15,14,13,12"	() 15 4)
(dnf f-length	 "length"			() 15 3)
(dnf f-uu-1-15   "unused bit 15"         	() 15 1)
(dnf f-rc        "row/column context"		() 15 1)
(dnf f-rcnum     "starting cell of cntxt mem."	() 14 3)
(dnf f-rownum    "row number"		        () 14 3)
(dnf f-cbx	 "cbx"				() 14 3)
(dnf f-id        "id"                           () 14 1)
(dnf f-size      "size"                         () 13 14)
(dnf f-rownum1   "row number"		        () 12 3)
(dnf f-uu-3-11   "unused 3 bits (11-9)"         () 11 3)
(dnf f-rc1       "row/column context"		() 11 1)
(dnf f-ccb	 "ccb"				() 11 1)
(dnf f-cbrb      "data-bus orientation"		() 10 1)
(dnf f-cdb	 "cdb"				() 10 1)
(dnf f-rownum2   "row number"		        ()  9 3)
(dnf f-cell      "cell"         		()  9 3)
(dnf f-uu-3-9    "unused 3 bits (9-7)"          ()  9 3)
(dnf f-contnum   "context number"		()  8 9)
(dnf f-uu-1-6    "unused bit 6"                 ()  6 1)
(dnf f-dup       "dup"           		()  6 1)
(dnf f-rc2       "rc2"           		()  6 1)
(dnf f-ctxdisp   "context displacement"		()  5 6)

; The following is just for a test
(dnf f-msysfrsr2 "sr2 for msys"			() 19 4)
(dnf f-brc2      "b_r_c2"                       () 14 3)
(dnf f-ball2     "b_all2"                       () 15 1)

;; Enumerations Of Instruction Fields ;;

; insn-msys: bit 31.  1 for Morphosys Insns, 0 if not.
(define-normal-insn-enum insn-msys "msys enums" () MSYS_ f-msys
  (NO YES)

; insn-opc: bits 30 through 25 .  Non-MorphoSys Instructions
; Note - the documentation is wrong for the encoding of the DBNZ
; instruction.  It is actually 011110.  See Issue 67699.
(define-normal-insn-enum insn-opc "opc enums" () OPC_ f-opc
  (ADD  ADDU SUB  SUBU MUL   -      -    -
   LSL  LSR  ASR  -    -     -      -    -
   LDW  STW  -    -    -     -      -    -
   -    -    -    -    -     -      -    -
   EI   DI   SI   RETI BREAK IFLUSH -    -

; insn-msopc: bits 30 through 26 .  MorphoSys Instructions
(define-normal-insn-enum insn-msopc "msopc enums" () MSOPC_ f-msopc
   -      -         -       -        -        -         -         -

; insn-imm: bit 24.  Immediate operand indicator.
(define-normal-insn-enum insn-imm "imm enums" () IMM_ f-imm
  ; This bit specifies whether and immediate operand will be present.
  ; It's 1 if ther is, 0 if there is not.
  (NO YES)
;; Attributes ;;

; Might not need this.  Keep if for the sim just in case.
;  (for insn)
;  (type boolean)
;  (name EXT-SKIP-INSN)
;  (comment "instruction is a PAGE, LOADL or LOADH instruction")
  (for insn)
  (type boolean)
  (name LOAD-DELAY)
  (comment "insn has a load delay")
  (for insn)
  (type boolean)
  (comment "insn performs a memory access")

  (for insn)
  (type boolean)
  (name AL-INSN)
  (comment "insn is an arithmetic or logic insn.")

  (for insn)
  (type boolean)
  (name IO-INSN)
  (comment "insn performs an I/O operation")

  (for insn)
  (type boolean)
  (name BR-INSN)
  (comment "insn performs an I/O operation")

(define-pmacro (define-reg-use-attr regfield)
    (for insn)
    (type boolean)
    (name (.sym "USES-" (.upcase regfield)))
    (comment ("insn accesses register operand " regfield))))

(define-reg-use-attr "frdr")
(define-reg-use-attr "frdrrr")
(define-reg-use-attr "frsr1")
(define-reg-use-attr "frsr2")

; Might not need this.  Keep it for the sim just in case.
  (for insn)
  (type boolean)
  (name SKIPA)
  (comment "instruction is a SKIP instruction")

;; Hardware Pieces ;;

;(define-pmacro (build-reg-name n) (.splice (.str "$" n) n))

; These are the 16 registers that the chip has.  In later versions
; where there will be more registers, this will need to be expanded.
; Note that there are two entries for the registers with two names.
  (name h-spr)
  (comment "special-purpose registers")
  (type register SI (16))
  (indices keyword "" (("R0" 0) ("R1" 1) ("R2" 2) ("R3" 3) ("R4" 4) ("R5" 5)
  ("R6" 6) ("R7" 7) ("R8" 8) ("R9" 9) ("R10" 10) ("R11" 11) ("R12" 12) ("fp" 12)
  ("R13" 13) ("sp" 13) ("R14" 14) ("ra" 14) ("R15" 15) ("ira" 15)))
;  (get (index) (and (raw-reg h-spr) #xffffffff))
;  (set (index value) (set (raw-reg h-spr) (and value #xffffffff)))

; This is the  program counter.
(dnh h-pc "program counter" (PC PROFILE) (pc) () () ())

   (name msys-syms)
   (print-name h-nil)
   (prefix "")
   (values (DUP 1) (XX 0))

;; Operands ;;

(define-operand (name frsr1) (comment "register") (attrs) 
  (type h-spr) (index f-sr1) )
(define-operand (name frsr2) (comment "register") (attrs) 
  (type h-spr) (index f-sr2) )
(define-operand (name frdr) (comment "register") (attrs) 
  (type h-spr) (index f-dr) )
(define-operand (name frdrrr) (comment "register") (attrs) 
  (type h-spr) (index f-drrr) )
(define-operand (name imm16) (comment "immediate value - sign extd") (attrs) 
  (type h-sint) (index f-imm16s) (handlers (parse "imm16") (print "dollarhex")))
(define-operand (name imm16z) (comment "immediate value - zero extd") (attrs) 
  (type h-uint) (index f-imm16u) (handlers (parse "imm16") (print "dollarhex")))
(define-operand (name imm16o) (comment "immediate value") (attrs) 
  (type h-uint) (index f-imm16s) (handlers (parse "imm16") (print "dollarhex")))

; Operands for MorphoSys Instructions

(define-operand (name rc) (comment "rc") (attrs) 
  (type h-uint) (index f-rc) (handlers (parse "rc") (print "dollarhex")))

(define-operand (name rcnum) (comment "rcnum") (attrs) 
  (type h-uint) (index f-rcnum) (handlers (print "dollarhex")))

(define-operand (name contnum) (comment "context number") (attrs) 
  (type h-uint) (index f-contnum) (handlers (print "dollarhex")))

(define-operand (name rbbc) (comment "omega network configuration") (attrs) 
  (type h-uint) (index f-rbbc) (handlers (parse "rbbc") (print "dollarhex")))

(define-operand (name colnum) (comment "column number") (attrs) 
  (type h-uint) (index f-colnum) (handlers (print "dollarhex")))

(define-operand (name rownum) (comment "row number") (attrs) 
  (type h-uint) (index f-rownum) (handlers (print "dollarhex")))

(define-operand (name rownum1) (comment "row number") (attrs) 
  (type h-uint) (index f-rownum1) (handlers (print "dollarhex")))

(define-operand (name rownum2) (comment "row number") (attrs) 
  (type h-uint) (index f-rownum2) (handlers (print "dollarhex")))

(define-operand (name rc1) (comment "rc1") (attrs) 
  (type h-uint) (index f-rc1) (handlers (parse "rc") (print "dollarhex")))

(define-operand (name rc2) (comment "rc2") (attrs) 
  (type h-uint) (index f-rc2) (handlers (parse "rc") (print "dollarhex")))

(define-operand (name cbrb) (comment "data-bus orientation") (attrs) 
  (type h-uint) (index f-cbrb) (handlers (parse "cbrb") (print "dollarhex")))

(define-operand (name cell) (comment "cell") (attrs) 
  (type h-uint) (index f-cell) (handlers (print "dollarhex")))

(define-operand (name dup) (comment "dup") (attrs) 
  (type h-uint) (index f-dup) (handlers (parse "dup") (print "dollarhex")))

(define-operand (name ctxdisp) (comment "context displacement") (attrs) 
  (type h-uint) (index f-ctxdisp) (handlers (print "dollarhex")))

(define-operand (name fbdisp) (comment "frame buffer displacement") (attrs) 
  (type h-uint) (index f-fbdisp) (handlers (print "dollarhex")))

(define-operand (name type) (comment "type") (attrs) 
  (type h-uint) (index f-type) (handlers (parse "type") (print "dollarhex")))

(define-operand (name mask) (comment "mask") (attrs) 
  (type h-uint) (index f-mask) (handlers (print "dollarhex")))

(define-operand (name bankaddr) (comment "bank address") (attrs) 
  (type h-uint) (index f-bankaddr) (handlers (print "dollarhex")))

(define-operand (name incamt) (comment "increment amount") (attrs) 
  (type h-uint) (index f-incamt) (handlers (print "dollarhex")))

(define-operand (name xmode) (comment "xmode") (attrs) 
  (type h-uint) (index f-xmode) (handlers (parse "xmode") (print "dollarhex")))

(define-operand (name mask1) (comment "mask1") (attrs) 
  (type h-uint) (index f-mask1) (handlers (print "dollarhex")))

(define-operand (name ball) (comment "b_all") (attrs) 
  (type h-uint) (index f-ball) (handlers (parse "ball") (print "dollarhex")))

(define-operand (name brc) (comment "b_r_c") (attrs) 
  (type h-uint) (index f-brc) (handlers (print "dollarhex")))

(define-operand (name rda) (comment "rd") (attrs) 
  (type h-uint) (index f-rda) (handlers (print "dollarhex")))

(define-operand (name wr) (comment "wr") (attrs) 
  (type h-uint) (index f-wr) (handlers (print "dollarhex")))

(define-operand (name ball2) (comment "b_all2") (attrs)
  (type h-uint) (index f-ball2) (handlers (parse "ball") (print "dollarhex")))

(define-operand (name brc2) (comment "b_r_c2") (attrs)
  (type h-uint) (index f-brc2) (handlers (print "dollarhex")))
(define-operand (name perm) (comment "perm") (attrs)
  (type h-uint) (index f-perm) (handlers (print "dollarhex")))
(define-operand (name a23)   (comment "a23") (attrs)
  (type h-uint) (index f-a23) (handlers (print "dollarhex")))
(define-operand (name cr)   (comment "c-r") (attrs)
  (type h-uint) (index f-cr) (handlers (print "dollarhex")))
(define-operand (name cbs)	(comment "cbs") (attrs)
  (type h-uint) (index f-cbs) (handlers (print "dollarhex")))
(define-operand (name incr)	(comment "incr") (attrs)
  (type h-uint) (index f-incr) (handlers (print "dollarhex")))
(define-operand (name length)	(comment "length") (attrs)
  (type h-uint) (index f-length) (handlers (print "dollarhex")))
(define-operand (name cbx)	(comment "cbx") (attrs)
  (type h-uint) (index f-cbx) (handlers (print "dollarhex")))
(define-operand (name ccb)	(comment "ccb") (attrs)
  (type h-uint) (index f-ccb) (handlers (print "dollarhex")))
(define-operand (name cdb)	(comment "cdb") (attrs)
  (type h-uint) (index f-cdb) (handlers (print "dollarhex")))

; For the INTLVR insn
(define-operand (name mode) (comment "mode") (attrs)
  (type h-uint) (index f-mode) (handlers (print "dollarhex")))
(define-operand (name id) (comment "i/d") (attrs)
  (type h-uint) (index f-id) (handlers (print "dollarhex")))
(define-operand (name size) (comment "size") (attrs)
  (type h-uint) (index f-size) (handlers (print "dollarhex")))

(define-operand (name fbincr)	(comment "fb incr") (attrs)
  (type h-uint) (index f-fbincr) (handlers (print "dollarhex")))

; Probaby won't need most of these.
(define-pmacro r0    (reg h-spr #x0))
(define-pmacro r1    (reg h-spr #x01))
(define-pmacro r2    (reg h-spr #x02))
(define-pmacro r3    (reg h-spr #x03))
(define-pmacro r4    (reg h-spr #x04))
(define-pmacro r5    (reg h-spr #x05))
(define-pmacro r6    (reg h-spr #x06))
(define-pmacro r7    (reg h-spr #x07))
(define-pmacro r8    (reg h-spr #x08))
(define-pmacro r9    (reg h-spr #x09))
(define-pmacro r10   (reg h-spr #xA))
(define-pmacro r11   (reg h-spr #xB))
(define-pmacro r12   (reg h-spr #xC))
(define-pmacro fp    (reg h-spr #xC))
(define-pmacro r13   (reg h-spr #xD))
(define-pmacro sp    (reg h-spr #xD))
(define-pmacro r14   (reg h-spr #xE))
(define-pmacro ra    (reg h-spr #xE))
(define-pmacro r15   (reg h-spr #xF))
(define-pmacro ira   (reg h-spr #xF))

; delayed set
(define-pmacro (dset dest src) (set (delay 1 dest) src))

;; Instructions As Defined In the MorphoRisc ISA Document ;;

; Arithmetic Instructions

(dni add "ADD DstReg, SrcReg1, SrcReg2"
     "add $frdrrr,$frsr1,$frsr2"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_ADD IMM_NO frsr1 frsr2 frdrrr (f-uu12 0))
     (set frdrrr (add SI frsr1 frsr2))

(dni addu "ADDU DstReg, SrcReg1, SrcReg2"
     "addu $frdrrr,$frsr1,$frsr2"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_ADDU IMM_NO frsr1 frsr2 frdrrr (f-uu12 0))
     (set frdrrr (add USI frsr1 frsr2))

(dni addi "ADDI DstReg, SrcReg1 UnsImm"
     "addi $frdr,$frsr1,#$imm16"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_ADD IMM_YES frsr1 frdr imm16)
     (sequence((HI tmp))
        (set HI tmp (and imm16 #xffff))
	(set frdr (add SI frsr1 (ext SI tmp)))

(dni addui "ADDUI DstReg, SrcReg1, UnsImm"
     "addui $frdr,$frsr1,#$imm16z"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_ADDU IMM_YES frsr1 frdr imm16z)
     (set frdr (add USI frsr1 (ext USI imm16z)))

(dni sub "SUB DstReg, SrcReg1, SrcReg2"
     "sub $frdrrr,$frsr1,$frsr2"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_SUB IMM_NO frsr1 frsr2 frdrrr (f-uu12 0))
     (set frdrrr (sub SI frsr1 frsr2))

(dni subu "SUBU DstReg, SrcReg1, SrcReg2"
     "subu $frdrrr,$frsr1,$frsr2"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_SUBU IMM_NO frsr1 frsr2 frdrrr (f-uu12 0))
     (set frdrrr (sub USI frsr1 frsr2))

(dni subi "SUBI DstReg, SrcReg1, UnsImm"
     "subi $frdr,$frsr1,#$imm16"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_SUB IMM_YES frsr1 frdr imm16)
     (sequence((HI tmp))
        (set HI tmp (and imm16 #xffff))
	(set frdr (sub SI frsr1 (ext SI tmp)))
     ;(set frdr (sub SI frsr1 (ext SI imm16)))

(dni subui "SUBUI DstReg, SrcReg1, UnsImm"
     "subui $frdr,$frsr1,#$imm16z"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_SUBU IMM_YES frsr1 frdr imm16z)
     (set frdr (sub USI frsr1 (ext USI imm16z)))

(dni mul "MUL DstReg, SrcReg1, SrcReg2"
     "mul $frdrrr,$frsr1,$frsr2"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_MUL IMM_NO frsr1 frsr2 frdrrr (f-uu12 0))
     (sequence((HI op1) (HI op2))
	 (set op1 (and frsr1 #xffff))
         (if (or (lt op1 (const -32768)) (gt op1 (const 32767)))
            (error "operand out of range")
	 (set op2 (and frsr2 #xffff))
         (if (or (lt op2 (const -32768)) (gt op2 (const 32767)))
            (error "operand out of range")
	 (set frdrrr (mul SI (ext SI op1) (ext SI op2)))

(dni muli "MULI DstReg, SrcReg1, UnsImm"
     "muli $frdr,$frsr1,#$imm16"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_MUL IMM_YES frsr1 frdr imm16)
     (sequence((HI op1) (HI op2))
	 (set op1 (and frsr1 #xffff))
         (if (or (lt op1 (const -32768)) (gt op1 (const 32767)))
            (error "operand out of range")
         (set op2 (and imm16 #xffff))
         (if (eq op1 (const 0))
          (error "op1 is 0")
         (if (eq op2 (const 0))
          (error "op2 is 0")
	 (set frdr (mul SI (ext SI op1) (ext SI op2)))

; Logical Instructions

(dni and "AND DstReg, SrcReg1, SrcReg2"
     "and $frdrrr,$frsr1,$frsr2"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_AND IMM_NO frsr1 frsr2 frdrrr (f-uu12 0))
     (set frdrrr (and frsr1 frsr2))

(dni andi "ANDI DstReg, SrcReg1, UnsImm"
     "andi $frdr,$frsr1,#$imm16z"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_AND IMM_YES frsr1 frdr imm16z)
     (set frdr (and frsr1 (ext USI imm16z)))

(dni or "OR DstReg, SrcReg1, SrcReg2"
     "or $frdrrr,$frsr1,$frsr2"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_OR IMM_NO frsr1 frsr2 frdrrr (f-uu12 0))
     (set frdrrr (or frsr1 frsr2))

(dni nop "nop"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_OR IMM_NO (f-uu24 0))

(dni ori "ORI DstReg, SrcReg1, UnsImm"
     "ori $frdr,$frsr1,#$imm16z"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_OR IMM_YES frsr1 frdr imm16z)
     (set frdr (or frsr1 (ext USI imm16z)))

(dni xor "XOR DstReg, SrcReg1, SrcReg2"
     "xor $frdrrr,$frsr1,$frsr2"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_XOR IMM_NO frsr1 frsr2 frdrrr (f-uu12 0))
     (set frdrrr (xor frsr1 frsr2))

(dni xori "XORI DstReg, SrcReg1, UnsImm"
     "xori $frdr,$frsr1,#$imm16z"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_XOR IMM_YES frsr1 frdr imm16z)
     (set frdr (xor frsr1 (ext USI imm16z)))

(dni nand "NAND DstReg, SrcReg1, SrcReg2"
     "nand $frdrrr,$frsr1,$frsr2"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_NAND IMM_NO frsr1 frsr2 frdrrr (f-uu12 0))
     (set frdrrr (inv (and frsr1 frsr2)))

(dni nandi "NANDI DstReg, SrcReg1, UnsImm"
     "nandi $frdr,$frsr1,#$imm16z"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_NAND IMM_YES frsr1 frdr imm16z)
     (set frdr (inv (and frsr1 (ext USI imm16z))))

(dni nor "NOR DstReg, SrcReg1, SrcReg2"
     "nor $frdrrr,$frsr1,$frsr2"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_NOR IMM_NO frsr1 frsr2 frdrrr (f-uu12 0))
     (set frdrrr (inv (or frsr1 frsr2)))

(dni nori "NORI DstReg, SrcReg1, UnsImm"
     "nori $frdr,$frsr1,#$imm16z"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_NOR IMM_YES frsr1 frdr imm16z)
     (set frdr (inv (or frsr1 (ext USI imm16z))))

(dni xnor "XNOR DstReg, SrcReg1, SrcReg2"
     "xnor $frdrrr,$frsr1,$frsr2"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_XNOR IMM_NO frsr1 frsr2 frdrrr (f-uu12 0))
     (set frdrrr (inv (xor frsr1 frsr2)))

(dni xnori "XNORI DstReg, SrcReg1, UnsImm"
     "xnori $frdr,$frsr1,#$imm16z"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_XNOR IMM_YES frsr1 frdr imm16z)
     (set frdr (inv (xor frsr1 (ext USI imm16z))))

(dni ldui "LDUI DstReg, UnsImm"
     "ldui $frdr,#$imm16z"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_LDUI IMM_YES (f-uu4b 0) frdr imm16z)
     (set frdr (and (sll imm16z 16) #xffff0000))

; Shift Instructions

(dni lsl "LSL DstReg, SrcReg1, SrcReg2"
     "lsl $frdrrr,$frsr1,$frsr2"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_LSL IMM_NO frsr1 frsr2 frdrrr (f-uu12 0))
     (set frdrrr (sll frsr1 frsr2))

(dni lsli "LSLI DstReg, SrcReg1, UnsImm"
     "lsli $frdr,$frsr1,#$imm16"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_LSL IMM_YES frsr1 frdr imm16)
     (set frdr (sll frsr1 imm16))

(dni lsr "LSR DstReg, SrcReg1, SrcReg2"
     "lsr $frdrrr,$frsr1,$frsr2"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_LSR IMM_NO frsr1 frsr2 frdrrr (f-uu12 0))
     (set frdrrr (srl frsr1 frsr2))

(dni lsri "LSRI DstReg, SrcReg1, UnsImm"
     "lsri $frdr,$frsr1,#$imm16"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_LSR IMM_YES frsr1 frdr imm16)
     (set frdr (srl frsr1 imm16))

(dni asr "ASR DstReg, SrcReg1, SrcReg2"
     "asr $frdrrr,$frsr1,$frsr2"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_ASR IMM_NO frsr1 frsr2 frdrrr (f-uu12 0))
     (set frdrrr (sra frsr1 frsr2))

(dni asri "ASRI DstReg, SrcReg1, UnsImm"
     "asri $frdr,$frsr1,#$imm16"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_ASR IMM_YES frsr1 frdr imm16)
     (set frdr (sra frsr1 imm16))

; Control Transfer Instructions

(dni brlt "BRLT SrcReg1, SrcReg2, label"
     "brlt $frsr1,$frsr2,$imm16o"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_BRLT IMM_YES frsr1 frsr2 imm16o)
        (if (lt USI frsr1 frsr2)
            (dset pc (add pc (ext SI imm16o))))

(dni brle "BRLE SrcReg1, SrcReg2, label"
     "brle $frsr1,$frsr2,$imm16o"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_BRLE IMM_YES frsr1 frsr2 imm16o)
        (if (le USI frsr1 frsr2)
            (dset pc (add pc (ext SI imm16o))))

(dni breq "BREQ SrcReg1, SrcReg2, label"
     "breq $frsr1,$frsr2,$imm16o"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_BREQ IMM_YES frsr1 frsr2 imm16o)
        (if (eq USI frsr1 frsr2)
            (dset pc (add pc (ext SI imm16o))))

(dni brne "BRNE SrcReg1, SrcReg2, label"
     "brne $frsr1,$frsr2,$imm16o"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_BRNEQ IMM_YES frsr1 frsr2 imm16o)
        (if (not (eq USI frsr1 frsr2))
            (dset pc (add pc (ext SI imm16o))))

(dni jmp "JMP, label"
     "jmp $imm16o"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_JMP IMM_YES (f-uu4b 0) (f-uu4a 0) imm16o)
     (dset pc (add pc (ext SI imm16o)))

(dni jal "JAL DstReg, SrcReg1"
     "jal $frdrrr,$frsr1"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_JAL IMM_NO frsr1 (f-uu4a 0) frdrrr (f-uu12 0))
         (if (eq frsr1 #x0)
	    (c-call VOID "do_syscall" pc)
	    (sequence()   ; else part.  Do non-syscall stuff here.
		(dset frdrrr (add pc #x8))
		(dset pc frsr1)

(dni dbnz "DBNZ SrcReg1, label"
     "dbnz $frsr1,$imm16o"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_DBNZ IMM_YES frsr1 (f-uu4a 0) imm16o)
	 (if (not (eq USI frsr1 0))
            (dset pc (add pc (ext SI imm16o))))

; Interrupt Control Instructions

(dni ei "EI - Enable Interrupt Processing"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_EI IMM_NO (f-uu4b 0) (f-uu4a 0) (f-uu16 0))
     (c-call VOID "enable_interrupts")

(dni di "DI - Disable Interrupt Processing"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_DI IMM_NO (f-uu4b 0) (f-uu4a 0) (f-uu16 0))
     (c-call VOID "disable_interrupts")

(dni si "SI - Send software Interrupt"
     "si $frdrrr"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_SI IMM_NO (f-uu4b 0) (f-uu4a 0) frdrrr (f-uu12 0))
     ;   (dset frdr (add pc #x4))
     ;   (c-call VOID "do_syscall1" pc)
     ;   ; (dset pc frsr1) Do this later when we have the address.
        (set frdrrr (add pc #x4))
        (c-call VOID "do_syscall" pc)
        ; (set pc frsr1) Do this later when we have the address.

(dni reti "RETI SrcReg1"
     "reti $frsr1"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_RETI IMM_NO frsr1 (f-uu4a 0) (f-uu16 0))
       (c-call VOID "enable_interrupts")
       (dset pc frsr1)

; Memory Access Instructions

(dni ldw "LDW DstReg, SrcReg1, Imm"
     "ldw $frdr,$frsr1,#$imm16"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_LDW IMM_YES frsr1 frdr imm16)
     (sequence((USI ea) (HI tmp))
      (set HI tmp (and imm16 #xffff))
      (set ea (and (add SI frsr1 (ext SI tmp)) #xfffffffc))
      (set frdr (mem SI ea))

(dni stw "STW SrcReg2, SrcReg1, Imm"
     "stw $frsr2,$frsr1,#$imm16"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_STW IMM_YES frsr1 frsr2 imm16)
     (sequence((USI ea) (HI tmp))
      (set HI tmp (and imm16 #xffff))
      (set ea (and (add SI frsr1 (ext SI tmp)) #xfffffffc))
      (set (mem SI ea) frsr2)

; Break Instruction

(dni break "BREAK"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_BREAK (f-imm 0) (f-uu24 0))
     (c-call VOID "do_break" pc)

; Cache Flush Instruction

(dni iflush "IFLUSH"
     (+ MSYS_NO OPC_IFLUSH (f-imm 0) (f-uu24 0))

; MorphoSys Instructions

(dni ldctxt "LDCTXT SRC1, SRC2, r/c, r/c#, context#"
     "ldctxt $frsr1,$frsr2,#$rc,#$rcnum,#$contnum"
     (+ MSYS_YES MSOPC_LDCTXT (f-uu-2-25 0) frsr1 frsr2 rc rcnum (f-uu-3-11 0)
	contnum )

(dni ldfb "LDFB SRC1, byte#"
     "ldfb $frsr1,$frsr2,#$imm16z"
     (+ MSYS_YES MSOPC_LDFB (f-uu-2-25 0) frsr1 frsr2 imm16z)

(dni stfb "STFB SRC1, SRC2, byte "
     "stfb $frsr1,$frsr2,#$imm16z"
     (+ MSYS_YES MSOPC_STFB (f-uu-2-25 0) frsr1 frsr2 imm16z)

(dni fbcb "FBCB SRC1, RT/BR1/BR2/CS, B_all, B_r_c, r/c, CB/RB, cell, dup, ctx_disp"
     "fbcb $frsr1,#$rbbc,#$ball,#$brc,#$rc1,#$cbrb,#$cell,#$dup,#$ctxdisp"
     (+ MSYS_YES MSOPC_FBCB rbbc frsr1 ball brc (f-uu-4-15 0) rc cbrb cell dup ctxdisp)

(dni mfbcb "MFBCB SRC1, RT/BR1/BR2/CS, SRC2, r/c, CB/RB, cell, dup, ctx_disp"
     "mfbcb $frsr1,#$rbbc,$frsr2,#$rc1,#$cbrb,#$cell,#$dup,#$ctxdisp"
     (+ MSYS_YES MSOPC_MFBCB rbbc frsr1 frsr2 (f-uu-4-15 0) rc1 cbrb cell dup ctxdisp)

(dni fbcci "FBCCI SRC1, RT/BR1/BR2/CS, B_all, B_r_c, FB_disp, cell, dup, ctx_disp"
     "fbcci $frsr1,#$rbbc,#$ball,#$brc,#$fbdisp,#$cell,#$dup,#$ctxdisp"
     (+ MSYS_YES MSOPC_FBCCI rbbc frsr1 ball brc fbdisp cell dup ctxdisp)

(dni fbrci "FBRCI SRC1, RT/BR1/BR2/CS, B_all, B_r_c, FB_disp, cell, dup, ctx_disp"
     "fbrci $frsr1,#$rbbc,#$ball,#$brc,#$fbdisp,#$cell,#$dup,#$ctxdisp"
     (+ MSYS_YES MSOPC_FBRCI rbbc frsr1 ball brc fbdisp cell dup ctxdisp)

(dni fbcri "FBCRI SRC1, RT/BR1/BR2/CS, B_all, B_r_c, FB_disp, cell, dup, ctx_disp"
     "fbcri $frsr1,#$rbbc,#$ball,#$brc,#$fbdisp,#$cell,#$dup,#$ctxdisp"
     (+ MSYS_YES MSOPC_FBCRI rbbc frsr1 ball brc fbdisp cell dup ctxdisp)

(dni fbrri "FBRRI SRC1, RT/BR1/BR2/CS, B_all, B_r_c, FB_disp, cell, dup, ctx_disp"
     "fbrri $frsr1,#$rbbc,#$ball,#$brc,#$fbdisp,#$cell,#$dup,#$ctxdisp"
     (+ MSYS_YES MSOPC_FBRRI rbbc frsr1 ball brc fbdisp cell dup ctxdisp)

(dni mfbcci "MFBCCI SRC1, RT/BR1/BR2/CS, SRC2, FB_disp, cell, dup, ctx_disp"
     "mfbcci $frsr1,#$rbbc,$frsr2,#$fbdisp,#$cell,#$dup,#$ctxdisp"
     (+ MSYS_YES MSOPC_MFBCCI rbbc frsr1 frsr2 fbdisp cell dup ctxdisp)

(dni mfbrci "MFBRCI SRC1, RT/BR1/BR2/CS, SRC2, FB_disp, cell, dup, ctx_disp"
     "mfbrci $frsr1,#$rbbc,$frsr2,#$fbdisp,#$cell,#$dup,#$ctxdisp"
     (+ MSYS_YES MSOPC_MFBRCI rbbc frsr1 frsr2 fbdisp cell dup ctxdisp)

(dni mfbcri "MFBCRI SRC1, RT/BR1/BR2/CS, SRC2, FB_disp, cell, dup, ctx_disp"
     "mfbcri $frsr1,#$rbbc,$frsr2,#$fbdisp,#$cell,#$dup,#$ctxdisp"
     (+ MSYS_YES MSOPC_MFBCRI rbbc frsr1 frsr2 fbdisp cell dup ctxdisp)

(dni mfbrri "MFBRRI SRC1, RT/BR1/BR2/CS, SRC2, FB_disp, cell, dup, ctx_disp"
     "mfbrri $frsr1,#$rbbc,$frsr2,#$fbdisp,#$cell,#$dup,#$ctxdisp"
     (+ MSYS_YES MSOPC_MFBRRI rbbc frsr1 frsr2 fbdisp cell dup ctxdisp)

(dni fbcbdr "FBCBDR SRC1, RT/BR1/BR2/CS, SRC2, B_all, B_r_c, r/c, CB/RB, cell, dup, ctx_disp"
     "fbcbdr $frsr1,#$rbbc,$frsr2,#$ball2,#$brc2,#$rc1,#$cbrb,#$cell,#$dup,#$ctxdisp"
     (+ MSYS_YES MSOPC_FBCBDR rbbc frsr1 frsr2 ball2 brc2 rc1 cbrb cell dup ctxdisp)

(dni rcfbcb "RCFBCB RT/BR1/BR2/CS, type, B_all, B_r_c, row#, r/c, CB/RB, cell, dup, ctx_disp"
     "rcfbcb #$rbbc,#$type,#$ball,#$brc,#$rownum,#$rc1,#$cbrb,#$cell,#$dup,#$ctxdisp"
     (+ MSYS_YES MSOPC_RCFBCB rbbc (f-uu-2-23 0) type ball brc (f-uu-1-15 0) rownum rc1 cbrb cell dup ctxdisp)

(dni mrcfbcb "MRCFBCB SRC2, RT/BR1/BR2/CS, type, row#, r/c, CB/RB, cell, dup, ctx_disp"
     "mrcfbcb $frsr2,#$rbbc,#$type,#$rownum,#$rc1,#$cbrb,#$cell,#$dup,#$ctxdisp"
     (+ MSYS_YES MSOPC_MRCFBCB rbbc (f-uu-2-23 0) type frsr2 (f-uu-1-15 0) rownum rc1 cbrb cell dup ctxdisp)

(dni cbcast "CBCAST mask, r/c, ctx_disp "
     "cbcast #$mask,#$rc2,#$ctxdisp"
     (+ MSYS_YES MSOPC_CBCAST mask (f-uu-3-9 0) rc2 ctxdisp)

(dni dupcbcast "DUPCBCAST mask, cell, r/c, ctx_disp "
     "dupcbcast #$mask,#$cell,#$rc2,#$ctxdisp"
     (+ MSYS_YES MSOPC_DUPCBCAST mask cell rc2 ctxdisp)

(dni wfbi "WFBI Bank_address, row#, cell, dup, ctx_disp "
    "wfbi #$bankaddr,#$rownum1,#$cell,#$dup,#$ctxdisp"
     (+ MSYS_YES MSOPC_WFBI bankaddr rownum1 cell dup ctxdisp)

;(dni wfb "WFB SRC1, SRC2, FB_disp, row#, ctx_disp"
;     ()
;     "wfb $frsr1,$frsr2,#$fbdisp,#$rownum,#$ctxdisp"
;     (+ MSYS_YES MSOPC_WFB (f-uu-2-25 0) frsr1 frsr2 fbdisp rownum (f-uu-1-6 0) ctxdisp)
;     (nop)
;     ()

(dni wfb "WFB, DRC1,SRC2,FB_disp,row#,ctx_disp"
      "wfb $frsr1,$frsr2,#$fbdisp,#$rownum2,#$ctxdisp"
      (+ MSYS_YES MSOPC_WFB (f-uu-2-25 0) frsr1 frsr2 fbdisp rownum2 (f-uu-1-6 0) ctxdisp)

(dni rcrisc "RCRISC DEST, RT/BR1/BR2/CS, SRC1, column#, r/c, CB/RB, cell, dup, ctx_disp"
     "rcrisc $frdrrr,#$rbbc,$frsr1,#$colnum,#$rc1,#$cbrb,#$cell,#$dup,#$ctxdisp"
     (+ MSYS_YES MSOPC_RCRISC rbbc frsr1 (f-uu-1-19 0) colnum frdrrr rc1 cbrb cell dup ctxdisp)

(dni fbcbinc "FBCBINC SRC1, RT/BR1/BR2/CS, Incr_amount, r/c, CB/RB, cell, dup, ctx_disp "
     "fbcbinc $frsr1,#$rbbc,#$incamt,#$rc1,#$cbrb,#$cell,#$dup,#$ctxdisp"
     (+ MSYS_YES MSOPC_FBCBINC rbbc frsr1 incamt rc1 cbrb cell dup ctxdisp)

(dni rcxmode "RCXMODE SRC2, rd, wr, xmode, mask, FB_disp, row#, r/c, ctx_disp"
     "rcxmode $frsr2,#$rda,#$wr,#$xmode,#$mask1,#$fbdisp,#$rownum2,#$rc2,#$ctxdisp"
     (+ MSYS_YES MSOPC_RCXMODE rda wr xmode mask1 frsr2 fbdisp rownum2 rc2 ctxdisp)

(dni interleaver "INTLVR ireg, mode, ireg, i/d, size"
     "intlvr $frsr1,#$mode,$frsr2,#$id,#$size"
     (+ MSYS_YES MSOPC_INTLVR mode frsr1 frsr2 (f-uu-1-15 0) id size)

;; Issue 66262: The documenatation gives the wrong order for 
;;               the arguments to the WFBINC instruction.
(dni wfbinc "WFBINC type, ccb/rcb, incr, all, c/r, length, rca_row, word, dup, ctxt_disp"
     "wfbinc #$rda,#$wr,#$fbincr,#$ball,#$colnum,#$length,#$rownum1,#$rownum2,#$dup,#$ctxdisp"
     (+ MSYS_YES MSOPC_WFBINC rda wr fbincr ball colnum length rownum1 rownum2 dup ctxdisp)

(dni mwfbinc "MWFBINC mreg, type, ccb/rcb, incr, length, rca_row, word, dup, ctxt_disp"
     "mwfbinc $frsr2,#$rda,#$wr,#$fbincr,#$length,#$rownum1,#$rownum2,#$dup,#$ctxdisp"
     (+ MSYS_YES MSOPC_MWFBINC rda wr fbincr frsr2 length rownum1 rownum2 dup ctxdisp)

(dni wfbincr "WFBINCR ireg, type, ccb/rcb, all, c/r, length, rca_row, word, dup, ctxt_disp"
     "wfbincr $frsr1,#$rda,#$wr,#$ball,#$colnum,#$length,#$rownum1,#$rownum2,#$dup,#$ctxdisp"
     (+ MSYS_YES MSOPC_WFBINCR rda wr frsr1 ball colnum length rownum1 rownum2 dup ctxdisp)

(dni mwfbincr "MWFBINCR ireg, mreg, type, ccb/rcb, length, rca_row, word, dup, ctxt_disp"
     "mwfbincr $frsr1,$frsr2,#$rda,#$wr,#$length,#$rownum1,#$rownum2,#$dup,#$ctxdisp"
     (+ MSYS_YES MSOPC_MWFBINCR rda wr frsr1 frsr2 length rownum1 rownum2 dup ctxdisp)

(dni fbcbincs "FBCBINCS	     perm, all, c/r, cbs, incr, ccb/rcb, cdb/rdb, word, dup, ctxt_disp"
     "fbcbincs #$perm,#$a23,#$cr,#$cbs,#$incr,#$ccb,#$cdb,#$rownum2,#$dup,#$ctxdisp"
     (+ MSYS_YES MSOPC_FBCBINCS perm a23 cr cbs incr ccb cdb rownum2 dup ctxdisp)

(dni mfbcbincs "MFBCBINCS		ireg, perm, cbs, incr, ccb/rcb, cdb/rdb, word, dup, ctxt_disp"
     "mfbcbincs $frsr1,#$perm,#$cbs,#$incr,#$ccb,#$cdb,#$rownum2,#$dup,#$ctxdisp"
     (+ MSYS_YES MSOPC_MFBCBINCS perm frsr1 cbs incr ccb cdb rownum2 dup ctxdisp)

(dni fbcbincrs "FBCBINCRS	     ireg, perm, all, c/r, cbs, ccb/rcb, cdb/rdb, word, dup, ctxt_disp"
     "fbcbincrs $frsr1,#$perm,#$ball,#$colnum,#$cbx,#$ccb,#$cdb,#$rownum2,#$dup,#$ctxdisp"
     (+ MSYS_YES MSOPC_FBCBINCRS perm frsr1 ball colnum (f-uu-1-15 0) cbx ccb cdb rownum2 dup ctxdisp)

(dni mfbcbincrs "MFBCBINCRS ireg, mreg, perm, cbs, ccb/rcb, cdb/rdb, word, dup, ctxt_disp"
     "mfbcbincrs $frsr1,$frsr2,#$perm,#$cbx,#$ccb,#$cdb,#$rownum2,#$dup,#$ctxdisp"
     (+ MSYS_YES MSOPC_MFBCBINCRS perm frsr1 frsr2 (f-uu-1-15 0) cbx ccb cdb rownum2 dup ctxdisp)
/* MS1 opcode support.  -*- C -*-
   Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2005 Red Hat, Inc.
   This file is part of CGEN.  */

   Each section is delimited with start and end markers.

   <arch>-opc.h additions use: "-- opc.h"
   <arch>-opc.c additions use: "-- opc.c"
   <arch>-asm.c additions use: "-- asm.c"
   <arch>-dis.c additions use: "-- dis.c"
   <arch>-ibd.h additions use: "-- ibd.h"
/* -- opc.h */

/* Check applicability of instructions against machines.  */

/* Allows reason codes to be output when assembler errors occur.  */

/* Override disassembly hashing - there are variable bits in the top
   byte of these instructions.  */
#define CGEN_DIS_HASH(buf, value) (((* (unsigned char *) (buf)) >> 5) % CGEN_DIS_HASH_SIZE)

#define CGEN_ASM_HASH_SIZE 127
#define CGEN_ASM_HASH(insn) ms1_asm_hash (insn)

extern unsigned int ms1_asm_hash (const char *);

extern int ms1_cgen_insn_supported (CGEN_CPU_DESC, const CGEN_INSN *);

/* -- opc.c */
#include "safe-ctype.h"

/* Special check to ensure that instruction exists for given machine.  */

ms1_cgen_insn_supported (CGEN_CPU_DESC cd,
			 const CGEN_INSN *insn)
  int machs = CGEN_INSN_ATTR_VALUE (insn, CGEN_INSN_MACH);

  /* No mach attribute?  Assume it's supported for all machs.  */
  if (machs == 0)
    return 1;
  return ((machs & cd->machs) != 0);

/* A better hash function for instruction mnemonics.  */

unsigned int
ms1_asm_hash (const char* insn)
  unsigned int hash;
  const char* m = insn;

  for (hash = 0; *m && ! ISSPACE (*m); m++)
    hash = (hash * 23) ^ (0x1F & TOLOWER (*m));

  /* printf ("%s %d\n", insn, (hash % CGEN_ASM_HASH_SIZE)); */

  return hash % CGEN_ASM_HASH_SIZE;

/* -- asm.c */
static int signed_out_of_bounds (long);
static const char * parse_imm16 (CGEN_CPU_DESC, const char **, int, long *);
static const char * parse_dup   (CGEN_CPU_DESC, const char **, int, long *);
static const char * parse_ball  (CGEN_CPU_DESC, const char **, int, long *);
static const char * parse_xmode (CGEN_CPU_DESC, const char **, int, long *);
static const char * parse_rc    (CGEN_CPU_DESC, const char **, int, long *);
static const char * parse_cbrb  (CGEN_CPU_DESC, const char **, int, long *);
static const char * parse_rbbc  (CGEN_CPU_DESC, const char **, int, long *);
static const char * parse_type  (CGEN_CPU_DESC, const char **, int, long *);

/* Range checking for signed numbers.  Returns 0 if acceptable
   and 1 if the value is out of bounds for a signed quantity.  */

static int 
signed_out_of_bounds (long val)
  if ((val < -32768) || (val > 32767))
    return 1;
  return 0;

static const char *
parse_imm16 (CGEN_CPU_DESC cd,
	     const char **strp,
	     int opindex,
	     long *valuep)
  const char *errmsg;
  enum cgen_parse_operand_result result_type;
  bfd_reloc_code_real_type code = BFD_RELOC_NONE;
  bfd_vma value;

  /* Is it a control transfer instructions?  */ 
  if (opindex == (CGEN_OPERAND_TYPE) MS1_OPERAND_IMM16O)
      code = BFD_RELOC_16_PCREL;
      errmsg = cgen_parse_address (cd, strp, opindex, code,
                                   & result_type, & value);
      if (errmsg == NULL)
	  if (signed_out_of_bounds (value))
	    errmsg = _("Operand out of range. Must be between -32768 and 32767.");
      *valuep = value;
      return errmsg;

  /* If it's not a control transfer instruction, then
     we have to check for %OP relocating operators.  */
  if (strncmp (*strp, "%hi16", 5) == 0)
      *strp += 5;
      code = BFD_RELOC_HI16;
  else if (strncmp (*strp, "%lo16", 5) == 0)
      *strp += 5;
      code = BFD_RELOC_LO16;

  /* If we found a %OP relocating operator, then parse it as an address.
     If not, we need to parse it as an integer, either signed or unsigned
     depending on which operand type we have.  */
  if (code != BFD_RELOC_NONE)
       /* %OP relocating operator found.  */
       errmsg = cgen_parse_address (cd, strp, opindex, code,
                                   & result_type, & value);
       if (errmsg == NULL)
           switch (result_type)
	       if (code == BFD_RELOC_HI16)
		 value = (value >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
	       else if (code == BFD_RELOC_LO16)
		 value = value  & 0xFFFF;
		 errmsg = _("Biiiig Trouble in parse_imm16!");

	       /* No special processing for this case.  */

	       errmsg = _("%operator operand is not a symbol");
       *valuep = value;
      /* Parse hex values like 0xffff as unsigned, and sign extend
	 them manually.  */
      int parse_signed = (opindex == (CGEN_OPERAND_TYPE)MS1_OPERAND_IMM16);

      if ((*strp)[0] == '0'
	  && ((*strp)[1] == 'x' || (*strp)[1] == 'X'))
	parse_signed = 0;

      /* No relocating operator.  Parse as an number.  */
      if (parse_signed)
          /* Parse as as signed integer.  */
          errmsg = cgen_parse_signed_integer (cd, strp, opindex, valuep);

          if (errmsg == NULL) 
#if 0
	      /* Manual range checking is needed for the signed case.  */
	      if (*valuep & 0x8000)
                value = 0xffff0000 | *valuep;
                value = *valuep;

	      if (signed_out_of_bounds (value))
	        errmsg = _("Operand out of range. Must be between -32768 and 32767.");
	      /* Truncate to 16 bits. This is necessary
		 because cgen will have sign extended *valuep.  */
	      *valuep &= 0xFFFF; 
          /* MS1_OPERAND_IMM16Z.  Parse as an unsigned integer.  */
          errmsg = cgen_parse_unsigned_integer (cd, strp, opindex, valuep);

	  if (opindex == (CGEN_OPERAND_TYPE)MS1_OPERAND_IMM16
	      && *valuep >= 0x8000
	      && *valuep <= 0xffff)
	    *valuep -= 0x10000;

  return errmsg;

static const char *
parse_dup (CGEN_CPU_DESC cd,
	   const char **strp,
	   int opindex,
	   long *valuep)
  const char *errmsg = NULL;

  if (strncmp (*strp, "dup", 3) == 0 || strncmp (*strp, "DUP", 3) == 0)
      *strp += 3;
      *valuep = 1;
  else if (strncmp (*strp, "xx", 2) == 0 || strncmp (*strp, "XX", 2) == 0)
      *strp += 2;
      *valuep = 0;
    errmsg = cgen_parse_unsigned_integer (cd, strp, opindex, valuep);

  return errmsg;

static const char *
parse_ball (CGEN_CPU_DESC cd,
	    const char **strp,
	    int opindex,
	    long *valuep)
  const char *errmsg = NULL;

  if (strncmp (*strp, "all", 3) == 0 || strncmp (*strp, "ALL", 3) == 0)
      *strp += 3;
      *valuep = 1;
  else if (strncmp (*strp, "one", 3) == 0 || strncmp (*strp, "ONE", 3) == 0)
      *strp += 3;
      *valuep = 0;
    errmsg = cgen_parse_unsigned_integer (cd, strp, opindex, valuep);

  return errmsg;

static const char *
parse_xmode (CGEN_CPU_DESC cd,
	     const char **strp,
	     int opindex,
	     long *valuep)
  const char *errmsg = NULL;

  if (strncmp (*strp, "pm", 2) == 0 || strncmp (*strp, "PM", 2) == 0)
      *strp += 2;
      *valuep = 1;
  else if (strncmp (*strp, "xm", 2) == 0 || strncmp (*strp, "XM", 2) == 0)
      *strp += 2;
      *valuep = 0;
    errmsg = cgen_parse_unsigned_integer (cd, strp, opindex, valuep);

  return errmsg;

static const char *
parse_rc (CGEN_CPU_DESC cd,
	  const char **strp,
	  int opindex,
	  long *valuep)
  const char *errmsg = NULL;

  if (strncmp (*strp, "r", 1) == 0 || strncmp (*strp, "R", 1) == 0)
      *strp += 1;
      *valuep = 1;
  else if (strncmp (*strp, "c", 1) == 0 || strncmp (*strp, "C", 1) == 0)
      *strp += 1;
      *valuep = 0;
    errmsg = cgen_parse_unsigned_integer (cd, strp, opindex, valuep);

  return errmsg;

static const char *
parse_cbrb (CGEN_CPU_DESC cd,
	    const char **strp,
	    int opindex,
	    long *valuep)
  const char *errmsg = NULL;

  if (strncmp (*strp, "rb", 2) == 0 || strncmp (*strp, "RB", 2) == 0)
      *strp += 2;
      *valuep = 1;
  else if (strncmp (*strp, "cb", 2) == 0 || strncmp (*strp, "CB", 2) == 0)
      *strp += 2;
      *valuep = 0;
    errmsg = cgen_parse_unsigned_integer (cd, strp, opindex, valuep);

  return errmsg;

static const char *
parse_rbbc (CGEN_CPU_DESC cd,
	    const char **strp,
	    int opindex,
	    long *valuep)
  const char *errmsg = NULL;

  if (strncmp (*strp, "rt", 2) == 0 || strncmp (*strp, "RT", 2) == 0)
      *strp += 2;
      *valuep = 0;
  else if (strncmp (*strp, "br1", 3) == 0 || strncmp (*strp, "BR1", 3) == 0)
      *strp += 3;
      *valuep = 1;
  else if (strncmp (*strp, "br2", 3) == 0 || strncmp (*strp, "BR2", 3) == 0)
      *strp += 3;
      *valuep = 2;
  else if (strncmp (*strp, "cs", 2) == 0 || strncmp (*strp, "CS", 2) == 0)
      *strp += 2;
      *valuep = 3;
    errmsg = cgen_parse_unsigned_integer (cd, strp, opindex, valuep);

  return errmsg;

static const char *
parse_type (CGEN_CPU_DESC cd,
	    const char **strp,
	    int opindex,
	    long *valuep)
  const char *errmsg = NULL;

  if (strncmp (*strp, "odd", 3) == 0 || strncmp (*strp, "ODD", 3) == 0)
      *strp += 3;
      *valuep = 0;
  else if (strncmp (*strp, "even", 4) == 0 || strncmp (*strp, "EVEN", 4) == 0)
      *strp += 4;
      *valuep = 1;
  else if (strncmp (*strp, "oe", 2) == 0 || strncmp (*strp, "OE", 2) == 0)
      *strp += 2;
      *valuep = 2;
    errmsg = cgen_parse_unsigned_integer (cd, strp, opindex, valuep);

 if ((errmsg == NULL) && (*valuep == 3))
    errmsg = _("invalid operand.  type may have values 0,1,2 only.");

  return errmsg;

/* -- dis.c */
static void print_dollarhex (CGEN_CPU_DESC, PTR, long, unsigned, bfd_vma, int);

static void
		 void * dis_info,
		 long value,
		 unsigned int attrs ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
		 bfd_vma pc ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
		 int length ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
  disassemble_info *info = (disassemble_info *) dis_info;

  info->fprintf_func (info->stream, "$%x", value);

  if (0)
    print_normal (cd, dis_info, value, attrs, pc, length);

/* -- */

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