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Re: build failures with ct-ng

Hello Lance!
Hello All!

I can but answer to your second problm, see below...

On Friday 05 September 2008 16:21:59 Lance Spaulding wrote:
> I'm running into the following error when I try to use crosstool-ng to 
> build for arm on a gentoo-based machine:
> [ERROR]    configure: error: cannot run /bin/sh 
> /root/crosstool.armhf/targets/src/mpfr-2.3.1/config.sub
> [ERROR]    Build failed in step 'Installing MPFR'
> I was able to build on gentoo earlier this summer so I suspect a 
> recent emerge caused the problems but I dont know what package is
> broken.  Anyone have any ideas why config.sub would be missing in 
> this directory or where to start looking?

I'll be looking at this later... Just a thought: what's your shell?

Also, MPFR must reebuild its autoconf "database" to be able to build
successfully, maybe this is a problem on your machine? Can you check
the autoconf version you have installed, please?

As a third hint, did you enable OVERIDE_CONFIG_GUESS_SUB in your
.config? If so, can you try without, please?

> Also on a seperate topic, is anyone currently able to build a 4.3.1 based
> ARM toolchain?  I tried (on a suse-based machine) and it fails with the
> following error:

Yes. This Makefile rule has changed between gcc-4.2 and 4.3, it's now
called libgcc.mvars instead. crosstool-NG trunk has support for building
with at least gcc-4.3.1 (4.3.0 is untested, 4.3.2 will come a bit later,
when I have time to rebase the patchset and test).

So there is currently no way to build gcc-4.3 with the crosstool-NG 1.2
branch, because it has no support to do so (and never will). Can you try
the svn trunk and report back, please?

Yann E. MORIN.

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