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Re: Where's the Cross-GCC FAQ ?

Hi Yann & All - I am in need of building a cross-compiler for MIPS (PIC32MX), with host and build environment cygwin using gcc 3.4.4. Also, bare-metal libraries, including C++.

From the crosstool-NG I understood that cygwin is not supported, hence I was looking at Dan Kegel's tool - where I find a bunch of broken links.

Would trying a current GCC under cygwin with crosstool-NG be a good idea or a hopeless exercise in frustration ? It would be much easier under linux than cygwin I know, but cygwin is going to be much more practical for users of this toolchain at the moment.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts,
Best Regards, Dave

At 05:47 PM 11/26/2008, Yann E. MORIN wrote:

On Wednesday 26 November 2008 02:02:12 Dave Nadler wrote:
> Can someone point me at a current FAQ ?

Try to start with:

May I also suggest looking at pre-existing toolchain build procedures, like:
 - Dan KEGEL's crosstool:

- my rewrite of crosstool, called crosstool-NG:

- ptxdist (not really about only toolchains, but valuable nonetheless):

- buildroot (again not only about toolcahins, but valuable nonetheless):

There are many others as well, Gogle is your friend...

And, BTW, no need to post twice... :-)

Yann E. MORIN.
| Yann E. MORIN | Real-Time Embedded | /"\ ASCII RIBBON | Erics' conspiracy: |
| +0/33 662376056 | Software Designer | \ / CAMPAIGN | ___ |
| --==< ^_^ >==-- `------------.-------: X AGAINST | \e/ There is no |
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Dave Nadler, USA East Coast voice (978) 263-0097,

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