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Re: CrossTool-NG, ARM7 bare metal


On Sunday 22 March 2009 17:05:04 Thomas Charron wrote:
>   It seems to be working ok now.  My issues where mostly configuration
> based, aka, some thing I can't turn on, which I dont need much anyway.
>  :-D  Why can't crosstool-NG generate a C++ compiler?

The latest release is now 4 months old, and the C++ option was not
available for bare-metal. It now is working in the SVN trunk, upon which
branches/newlib is based.

I was planning a 1.4.0 release end march, but am a little late on schedule,
so it will probably be early april. Hopefully, newlib support will be
available by that time...

Yann E. MORIN.

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