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ibus 1.5.13-1

The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:

* ibus-1.5.13-1
* libibus1.0_5-1.5.13-1
* libibus1.0-devel-1.5.13-1
* libibus1.0-doc-1.5.13-1
* girepository-IBus1.0-1.5.13-1
* python-ibus-1.5.13-1
* vala-ibus1.0-1.5.13-1

IBus is an Intelligent Input Bus. It is a new input framework for X11 
systems. It provides full featured and user friendly input method user 
interface. It also may help developers to develop input method easily.

This is an update to the latest upstream release.


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