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Re: [ITP]: Berkley DB v2

well its not me who has to handle the requests 'why is my db install broken?'
so I dont realy mind :P (not you either :P)

I dont think it will be quite as rare - but i certainly dont have close to the same level of experience as a maintainer as you.


I've been thinking about this and I propose the following:

When I update a db package other then the latest sleepycat release, it will install scripts into /etc/profile.d (being sure I cover the sh & csh variants). This script will do the following the next time a user fires up some sort of shell:

1)Scan the installed packages for which db's have been installed.
2)Inform the user that an update to an older db package has been preformed.
3)Prompt the user to select which version should be default.
4)Adjust symlinks as necessary.
5)Write results to a log file in /var/log.
6)Delete itself and any other variants of itself from /etc/profile.d

Again, this solution just popped into mind while reading your comments, so I haven't tested the feasibility. I guess I'll just have to cross this bridge when I come to it.

(One of the db maintainers)

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