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Re: pcre packages

I'd been wondering why there was so much silence on this subject.. 
apparently stuff sent to gmane doesn't get through to me (don't know why 

Anyway, I read the mails, I can see Chuck's point in splitting libpcre off 
completely, but I'd like to keep the docs separate: I personally download 
docs separately quite often, and I suspect I might not be the only one 
(that, and it doesn't add any overhead I know of).

If you people really disagree, I'll merge the main and the doc package, or 
the devel and the doc package, whichever you people like best.

Please cc me when replying through gmane or to something posted through 
gmane on this thread - I apparently don't get the gmane stuff. If anyone 
knows a reason why that might be, please do tell (it's not my spam filter 
- I checked the spambox and it doesn't contain any Cygwin-related mail)


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