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Re: [HEADSUP] Dropping libopenssl098 from distro

Hi Ken,

On Jan 29 15:25, Ken Brown wrote:
> On 1/23/2015 8:48 AM, Ken Brown wrote:
> >My guess is correct.  lisp.exe uses bit 31 (counting from the LSB) as a marker
> >during garbage collection, and this is incompatible with Cygwin's use of high
> >memory for the heap.  I think I know how to fix this (by defining
> >LINUX_NOEXEC_HEAPCODES in the Cygwin build), but I haven't finished testing it yet.
> I've now built clisp-2.48 with this change (32-bit only), and I've tested it
> as well as I can, given that I'm not a clisp user.  The build passes all but
> a handful of about 12,000 tests, so I think it's probably OK.  (None of the
> test failures involved crashes.)

Sounds great to me (not being a clisp user myself).

> I'm attaching the patches that I applied (on top of Reini's patches) in
> order to make the build succeed.  I also had to use libdb4.5 instead of
> libdb4.8.

Is that ok?  I mean, shouldn't a package always try to use the latest
version?  What's the problem you're observing ?  Maybe Volker can help

I just had a look and it turned out that the 64 bit release only has
a single db version, 5.3, while the 32 bit version comes with 4.5 and
4.8 only.  Volker???


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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