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Re: setup.hint documentation issues

On 09/02/2016 17:10, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Feb  9 13:18, Jon Turney wrote:
* 'sdesc' text is mangled in setup.ini (but not the HTML package list)

In particular, it is forced to start with a capital letter (which is
incorrect when the sdesc starts with a command name which is properly
lower-case, e.g. "dash shell", etc.), and any text up to and including the
first colon is removed, presumably in an effort to prevent people writing
the package name again, (which mangles perl and ruby module names in the
description, e.g. "Ruby Net::HTTP persistent connection support", ""Perl
Math::Int64 distribution", etc.)

I'd suggest this mangling is removed, and sdesc starting "packagename:" is
explicitly reported.

Sounds good, but where is this mangling performed?  Upset?

Yes, upset currently does this mangling.

* Handling of double-quoted text seems over-complicated

A multi-line double-quoted value is terminated only by a double-quote at the
end of the line, and embedded double-quotes are silently transformed to
single-quotes (e.g proj had a sdesc of ""The PROJ Cartographic Projections
Software (utilities)", where the erroneous nested double-quote was being
transformed to a single-quote)

There is no escaping of embedded double-quotes, and no way to represent one.

Additionally, spaces after the leading quote are magically removed.

Additionally, genini requires that sdesc and ldesc are double-quoted, but
upset does not.

I'd suggest that double-quoting of those keys is made mandatory, and
embedded double-quotes are forbidden, as this permits simpler processing of
this text, lexing character by character.

What about existing packages?

I've fixed the existing uses on sourceware (which were proj and I think one other package I unfortunately didn't take note of)

* It's not very clear what 'skip' represents

The description "The skip line indicates that that package should not appear
in setup. It is intended for directories that exist in the hierarchy that
should not be considered." is a bit vague to me.

It's not totally clear if it's intended for indicating directories which
should be empty, source-only packages, or something else.

upset knows enough to omit packages which have no install tarfiles (i.e. are
source-only) from from setup.ini, irrespective of 'skip'.

However, the presence of 'skip' also causes the package to be omitted from
the HTML package list.

I think cygport's behaviour has changed over time, but currently will mark
source-packages as 'skip', however there are several packages that are
source-only (e.g. attica), that are missing 'skip'.

IMHO we don't need "skip".  A source-only package should be
automatically skipped anyway.  What other reason do we need to ignore
a package?

Yes, this is why I ask the question.

I don't see what 'skip' adds above automatically noticing that there are no install tar files, only source tar files.

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