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Re: Building from source packages

On May 13 15:33, Jon Turney wrote:
> Recently I've done a little prototyping of a system to build from uploaded
> source packages in a VM, to verify that they recreate packages with the same
> contents as the uploaded packages.
> Issues I noted were:
> [...]
> * a handful of packages are oddities
> These often contain source and patches, but no build script, so the
> configuration used by the maintainer to build the package isn't recorded (at
> least in a way accessible to automation)
> pkg       ver         arch
> ---       ---         ----
> bzr       2.6+b2-2    x86    contains source for 2.6b2-1 and 2.6+b2-2
> exim      4.86-1      both
> fetchmail 6.3.21-1    x86
> flex      2.5.39-1    both   orphaned
> ipc-utils 1.0-1       x86

The orignal x86 package predates me using cygport.  The x86_64 package
has then probably been built by Yaakov, who's much less a slacker than
I am.  Just rebuilding the 32 bit packafge with Yaakov's 64 bit
cygport file will probably do.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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