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Re: 1.3.4 status?

On Tue, Oct 23, 2001 at 11:10:23AM +1000, Robert Collins wrote:
>Can you mail me the disas for the fhandler_read (with the source line
>tags) ? I don't have time today to build a new dll, but I can have a
>quick squint...

It's below.

>Also, what about 2.95.4 ?

It is not released.

61017c24 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12>:
61017c24:	55                   	push   %ebp
61017c25:	b8 ac 20 00 00       	mov    $0x20ac,%eax
61017c2a:	89 e5                	mov    %esp,%ebp
61017c2c:	e8 87 f5 08 00       	call   610a71b8 <__chkstk>
61017c31:	57                   	push   %edi
61017c32:	56                   	push   %esi
61017c33:	89 c7                	mov    %eax,%edi
61017c35:	53                   	push   %ebx
61017c36:	89 95 90 df ff ff    	mov    %edx,0xffffdf90(%ebp)
61017c3c:	83 c4 f4             	add    $0xfffffff4,%esp
61017c3f:	89 8d 8c df ff ff    	mov    %ecx,0xffffdf8c(%ebp)
61017c45:	8b 47 34             	mov    0x34(%edi),%eax
61017c48:	0f bf 90 68 01 00 00 	movswl 0x168(%eax),%edx
61017c4f:	01 fa                	add    %edi,%edx
61017c51:	52                   	push   %edx
61017c52:	8b 80 6c 01 00 00    	mov    0x16c(%eax),%eax
61017c58:	ff d0                	call   *%eax
61017c5a:	8b 00                	mov    (%eax),%eax
61017c5c:	83 c4 10             	add    $0x10,%esp
61017c5f:	89 85 88 df ff ff    	mov    %eax,0xffffdf88(%ebp)
61017c65:	83 bd 8c df ff ff 00 	cmpl   $0x0,0xffffdf8c(%ebp)
61017c6c:	75 0a                	jne    61017c78 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x54>
61017c6e:	31 c0                	xor    %eax,%eax
61017c70:	e9 ce 06 00 00       	jmp    61018343 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x71f>
61017c75:	8d 76 00             	lea    0x0(%esi),%esi
61017c78:	83 c4 f4             	add    $0xfffffff4,%esp
61017c7b:	57                   	push   %edi
61017c7c:	e8 eb 4d 00 00       	call   6101ca6c <fhandler_console::set_input_state(void)>
61017c81:	83 c4 fc             	add    $0xfffffffc,%esp
61017c84:	8b 85 8c df ff ff    	mov    0xffffdf8c(%ebp),%eax
61017c8a:	50                   	push   %eax
61017c8b:	8b 95 90 df ff ff    	mov    0xffffdf90(%ebp),%edx
61017c91:	52                   	push   %edx
61017c92:	57                   	push   %edi
61017c93:	e8 44 e5 ff ff       	call   610161dc <fhandler_base::get_readahead_into_buffer(char *, unsigned int)>
61017c98:	89 85 84 df ff ff    	mov    %eax,0xffffdf84(%ebp)
61017c9e:	83 c4 20             	add    $0x20,%esp
61017ca1:	85 c0                	test   %eax,%eax
61017ca3:	0f 85 9a 06 00 00    	jne    61018343 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x71f>
61017ca9:	8b 8d 88 df ff ff    	mov    0xffffdf88(%ebp),%ecx
61017caf:	89 8d 98 df ff ff    	mov    %ecx,0xffffdf98(%ebp)
61017cb5:	e8 32 e2 fe ff       	call   61005eec <iscygthread__Fv@0>
61017cba:	85 c0                	test   %eax,%eax
61017cbc:	74 0e                	je     61017ccc <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0xa8>
61017cbe:	c7 85 80 df ff ff 01 	movl   $0x1,0xffffdf80(%ebp)
61017cc5:	00 00 00 
61017cc8:	eb 1a                	jmp    61017ce4 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0xc0>
61017cca:	89 f6                	mov    %esi,%esi
61017ccc:	a1 18 c8 0b 61       	mov    0x610bc818,%eax
61017cd1:	89 85 9c df ff ff    	mov    %eax,0xffffdf9c(%ebp)
61017cd7:	c7 85 80 df ff ff 02 	movl   $0x2,0xffffdf80(%ebp)
61017cde:	00 00 00 
61017ce1:	8d 76 00             	lea    0x0(%esi),%esi
61017ce4:	8b 47 34             	mov    0x34(%edi),%eax
61017ce7:	83 c4 f8             	add    $0xfffffff8,%esp
61017cea:	6a 15                	push   $0x15
61017cec:	0f bf 90 a8 01 00 00 	movswl 0x1a8(%eax),%edx
61017cf3:	01 fa                	add    %edi,%edx
61017cf5:	52                   	push   %edx
61017cf6:	8b 80 ac 01 00 00    	mov    0x1ac(%eax),%eax
61017cfc:	ff d0                	call   *%eax
61017cfe:	83 c4 10             	add    $0x10,%esp
61017d01:	85 c0                	test   %eax,%eax
61017d03:	0f 8e 3a 06 00 00    	jle    61018343 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x71f>
61017d09:	83 c4 f8             	add    $0xfffffff8,%esp
61017d0c:	8d 5d a0             	lea    0xffffffa0(%ebp),%ebx
61017d0f:	53                   	push   %ebx
61017d10:	89 de                	mov    %ebx,%esi
61017d12:	8b 57 34             	mov    0x34(%edi),%edx
61017d15:	83 c4 f4             	add    $0xfffffff4,%esp
61017d18:	0f bf 82 70 01 00 00 	movswl 0x170(%edx),%eax
61017d1f:	01 f8                	add    %edi,%eax
61017d21:	50                   	push   %eax
61017d22:	8b 82 74 01 00 00    	mov    0x174(%edx),%eax
61017d28:	ff d0                	call   *%eax
61017d2a:	83 c4 10             	add    $0x10,%esp
61017d2d:	8b 00                	mov    (%eax),%eax
61017d2f:	50                   	push   %eax
61017d30:	e8 27 69 06 00       	call   6107e65c <GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo@8>
61017d35:	83 c4 08             	add    $0x8,%esp
61017d38:	85 c0                	test   %eax,%eax
61017d3a:	74 4f                	je     61017d8b <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x167>
61017d3c:	8b 45 a4             	mov    0xffffffa4(%ebp),%eax
61017d3f:	66 39 87 c2 04 00 00 	cmp    %ax,0x4c2(%edi)
61017d46:	75 0d                	jne    61017d55 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x131>
61017d48:	0f b7 45 a6          	movzwl 0xffffffa6(%ebp),%eax
61017d4c:	66 39 87 c4 04 00 00 	cmp    %ax,0x4c4(%edi)
61017d53:	74 36                	je     61017d8b <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x167>
61017d55:	8b 45 a4             	mov    0xffffffa4(%ebp),%eax
61017d58:	83 c4 f8             	add    $0xfffffff8,%esp
61017d5b:	50                   	push   %eax
61017d5c:	8b 57 34             	mov    0x34(%edi),%edx
61017d5f:	83 c4 f4             	add    $0xfffffff4,%esp
61017d62:	0f bf 82 70 01 00 00 	movswl 0x170(%edx),%eax
61017d69:	01 f8                	add    %edi,%eax
61017d6b:	50                   	push   %eax
61017d6c:	8b 82 74 01 00 00    	mov    0x174(%edx),%eax
61017d72:	ff d0                	call   *%eax
61017d74:	83 c4 10             	add    $0x10,%esp
61017d77:	8b 00                	mov    (%eax),%eax
61017d79:	50                   	push   %eax
61017d7a:	e8 fd 69 06 00       	call   6107e77c <SetConsoleCursorPosition@8>
61017d7f:	8b 45 a4             	mov    0xffffffa4(%ebp),%eax
61017d82:	83 c4 08             	add    $0x8,%esp
61017d85:	89 87 c2 04 00 00    	mov    %eax,0x4c2(%edi)
61017d8b:	6a ff                	push   $0xffffffff
61017d8d:	8d 85 98 df ff ff    	lea    0xffffdf98(%ebp),%eax
61017d93:	6a 00                	push   $0x0
61017d95:	50                   	push   %eax
61017d96:	8b 85 80 df ff ff    	mov    0xffffdf80(%ebp),%eax
61017d9c:	50                   	push   %eax
61017d9d:	e8 e2 69 06 00       	call   6107e784 <WaitForMultipleObjects@16>
61017da2:	85 c0                	test   %eax,%eax
61017da4:	74 22                	je     61017dc8 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x1a4>
61017da6:	83 f8 01             	cmp    $0x1,%eax
61017da9:	0f 84 85 05 00 00    	je     61018334 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x710>
61017daf:	b8 e0 7a 01 61       	mov    $0x61017ae0,%eax
61017db4:	ba f2 00 00 00       	mov    $0xf2,%edx
61017db9:	e8 26 51 ff ff       	call   6100cee4 <seterrno__FPCci@8>
61017dbe:	b8 ff ff ff ff       	mov    $0xffffffff,%eax
61017dc3:	e9 7b 05 00 00       	jmp    61018343 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x71f>
61017dc8:	8d 85 94 df ff ff    	lea    0xffffdf94(%ebp),%eax
61017dce:	31 db                	xor    %ebx,%ebx
61017dd0:	50                   	push   %eax
61017dd1:	6a 01                	push   $0x1
61017dd3:	56                   	push   %esi
61017dd4:	8b 95 88 df ff ff    	mov    0xffffdf88(%ebp),%edx
61017dda:	52                   	push   %edx
61017ddb:	e8 ac 69 06 00       	call   6107e78c <ReadConsoleInputA@16>
61017de0:	85 c0                	test   %eax,%eax
61017de2:	75 30                	jne    61017e14 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x1f0>
61017de4:	ba fc 00 00 00       	mov    $0xfc,%edx
61017de9:	b8 e0 7a 01 61       	mov    $0x61017ae0,%eax
61017dee:	e8 f1 50 ff ff       	call   6100cee4 <seterrno__FPCci@8>
61017df3:	83 3d 30 b6 10 61 00 	cmpl   $0x0,0x6110b630
61017dfa:	74 c2                	je     61017dbe <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x19a>
61017dfc:	68 17 7b 01 61       	push   $0x61017b17
61017e01:	68 40 7b 01 61       	push   $0x61017b40
61017e06:	6a 10                	push   $0x10
61017e08:	68 2c b6 10 61       	push   $0x6110b62c
61017e0d:	e8 42 14 05 00       	call   61069254 <strace::prntf(unsigned int, char const *, char const *,...)>
61017e12:	eb aa                	jmp    61017dbe <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x19a>
61017e14:	0f b7 45 a0          	movzwl 0xffffffa0(%ebp),%eax
61017e18:	83 f8 02             	cmp    $0x2,%eax
61017e1b:	0f 84 43 02 00 00    	je     61018064 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x440>
61017e21:	7f 0d                	jg     61017e30 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x20c>
61017e23:	83 f8 01             	cmp    $0x1,%eax
61017e26:	74 18                	je     61017e40 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x21c>
61017e28:	e9 b7 fe ff ff       	jmp    61017ce4 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0xc0>
61017e2d:	8d 76 00             	lea    0x0(%esi),%esi
61017e30:	83 f8 04             	cmp    $0x4,%eax
61017e33:	0f 84 77 04 00 00    	je     610182b0 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x68c>
61017e39:	e9 a6 fe ff ff       	jmp    61017ce4 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0xc0>
61017e3e:	89 f6                	mov    %esi,%esi
61017e40:	8b 55 a4             	mov    0xffffffa4(%ebp),%edx
61017e43:	85 d2                	test   %edx,%edx
61017e45:	74 59                	je     61017ea0 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x27c>
61017e47:	66 81 7d aa 91 00    	cmpw   $0x91,0xffffffaa(%ebp)
61017e4d:	75 51                	jne    61017ea0 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x27c>
61017e4f:	83 bf d8 04 00 00 00 	cmpl   $0x0,0x4d8(%edi)
61017e56:	0f 94 c0             	sete   %al
61017e59:	0f b6 c0             	movzbl %al,%eax
61017e5c:	89 87 d8 04 00 00    	mov    %eax,0x4d8(%edi)
61017e62:	83 3d 30 b6 10 61 00 	cmpl   $0x0,0x6110b630
61017e69:	0f 84 75 fe ff ff    	je     61017ce4 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0xc0>
61017e6f:	83 c4 f4             	add    $0xfffffff4,%esp
61017e72:	ba 65 7a 01 61       	mov    $0x61017a65,%edx
61017e77:	85 c0                	test   %eax,%eax
61017e79:	74 05                	je     61017e80 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x25c>
61017e7b:	ba 62 7a 01 61       	mov    $0x61017a62,%edx
61017e80:	52                   	push   %edx
61017e81:	68 69 7a 01 61       	push   $0x61017a69
61017e86:	68 a0 7a 01 61       	push   $0x61017aa0
61017e8b:	6a 10                	push   $0x10
61017e8d:	68 2c b6 10 61       	push   $0x6110b62c
61017e92:	e8 bd 13 05 00       	call   61069254 <strace::prntf(unsigned int, char const *, char const *,...)>
61017e97:	83 c4 20             	add    $0x20,%esp
61017e9a:	e9 45 fe ff ff       	jmp    61017ce4 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0xc0>
61017e9f:	90                   	nop    
61017ea0:	83 bf d8 04 00 00 00 	cmpl   $0x0,0x4d8(%edi)
61017ea7:	74 6f                	je     61017f18 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x2f4>
61017ea9:	8b 45 b0             	mov    0xffffffb0(%ebp),%eax
61017eac:	8d 5d c0             	lea    0xffffffc0(%ebp),%ebx
61017eaf:	50                   	push   %eax
61017eb0:	0f b7 45 ae          	movzwl 0xffffffae(%ebp),%eax
61017eb4:	50                   	push   %eax
61017eb5:	0f b7 45 ac          	movzwl 0xffffffac(%ebp),%eax
61017eb9:	50                   	push   %eax
61017eba:	0f b7 45 aa          	movzwl 0xffffffaa(%ebp),%eax
61017ebe:	50                   	push   %eax
61017ebf:	0f b7 45 a8          	movzwl 0xffffffa8(%ebp),%eax
61017ec3:	50                   	push   %eax
61017ec4:	52                   	push   %edx
61017ec5:	68 71 7b 01 61       	push   $0x61017b71
61017eca:	53                   	push   %ebx
61017ecb:	e8 cc cf 04 00       	call   61064e9c <__small_sprintf>
61017ed0:	89 da                	mov    %ebx,%edx
61017ed2:	89 d8                	mov    %ebx,%eax
61017ed4:	83 e2 03             	and    $0x3,%edx
61017ed7:	74 16                	je     61017eef <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x2cb>
61017ed9:	7a 0f                	jp     61017eea <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x2c6>
61017edb:	83 fa 02             	cmp    $0x2,%edx
61017ede:	74 05                	je     61017ee5 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x2c1>
61017ee0:	38 30                	cmp    %dh,(%eax)
61017ee2:	74 2d                	je     61017f11 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x2ed>
61017ee4:	40                   	inc    %eax
61017ee5:	38 30                	cmp    %dh,(%eax)
61017ee7:	74 28                	je     61017f11 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x2ed>
61017ee9:	40                   	inc    %eax
61017eea:	38 30                	cmp    %dh,(%eax)
61017eec:	74 23                	je     61017f11 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x2ed>
61017eee:	40                   	inc    %eax
61017eef:	8b 10                	mov    (%eax),%edx
61017ef1:	84 d2                	test   %dl,%dl
61017ef3:	74 1c                	je     61017f11 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x2ed>
61017ef5:	84 f6                	test   %dh,%dh
61017ef7:	74 17                	je     61017f10 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x2ec>
61017ef9:	f7 c2 00 00 ff 00    	test   $0xff0000,%edx
61017eff:	74 0e                	je     61017f0f <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x2eb>
61017f01:	83 c0 04             	add    $0x4,%eax
61017f04:	f7 c2 00 00 00 ff    	test   $0xff000000,%edx
61017f0a:	75 e3                	jne    61017eef <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x2cb>
61017f0c:	83 e8 03             	sub    $0x3,%eax
61017f0f:	40                   	inc    %eax
61017f10:	40                   	inc    %eax
61017f11:	83 c4 20             	add    $0x20,%esp
61017f14:	eb 70                	jmp    61017f86 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x362>
61017f16:	89 f6                	mov    %esi,%esi
61017f18:	85 d2                	test   %edx,%edx
61017f1a:	0f 84 c4 fd ff ff    	je     61017ce4 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0xc0>
61017f20:	66 83 7d ae 00       	cmpw   $0x0,0xffffffae(%ebp)
61017f25:	74 06                	je     61017f2d <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x309>
61017f27:	f6 45 b1 01          	testb  $0x1,0xffffffb1(%ebp)
61017f2b:	74 67                	je     61017f94 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x370>
61017f2d:	83 c4 f8             	add    $0xfffffff8,%esp
61017f30:	8d 45 c0             	lea    0xffffffc0(%ebp),%eax
61017f33:	50                   	push   %eax
61017f34:	56                   	push   %esi
61017f35:	e8 1e 53 00 00       	call   6101d258 <get_nonascii_key(_INPUT_RECORD &, char *)>
61017f3a:	89 c3                	mov    %eax,%ebx
61017f3c:	83 c4 10             	add    $0x10,%esp
61017f3f:	85 db                	test   %ebx,%ebx
61017f41:	0f 84 9d fd ff ff    	je     61017ce4 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0xc0>
61017f47:	89 da                	mov    %ebx,%edx
61017f49:	83 e2 03             	and    $0x3,%edx
61017f4c:	74 16                	je     61017f64 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x340>
61017f4e:	7a 0f                	jp     61017f5f <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x33b>
61017f50:	83 fa 02             	cmp    $0x2,%edx
61017f53:	74 05                	je     61017f5a <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x336>
61017f55:	38 30                	cmp    %dh,(%eax)
61017f57:	74 2d                	je     61017f86 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x362>
61017f59:	40                   	inc    %eax
61017f5a:	38 30                	cmp    %dh,(%eax)
61017f5c:	74 28                	je     61017f86 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x362>
61017f5e:	40                   	inc    %eax
61017f5f:	38 30                	cmp    %dh,(%eax)
61017f61:	74 23                	je     61017f86 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x362>
61017f63:	40                   	inc    %eax
61017f64:	8b 10                	mov    (%eax),%edx
61017f66:	84 d2                	test   %dl,%dl
61017f68:	74 1c                	je     61017f86 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x362>
61017f6a:	84 f6                	test   %dh,%dh
61017f6c:	74 17                	je     61017f85 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x361>
61017f6e:	f7 c2 00 00 ff 00    	test   $0xff0000,%edx
61017f74:	74 0e                	je     61017f84 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x360>
61017f76:	83 c0 04             	add    $0x4,%eax
61017f79:	f7 c2 00 00 00 ff    	test   $0xff000000,%edx
61017f7f:	75 e3                	jne    61017f64 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x340>
61017f81:	83 e8 03             	sub    $0x3,%eax
61017f84:	40                   	inc    %eax
61017f85:	40                   	inc    %eax
61017f86:	29 d8                	sub    %ebx,%eax
61017f88:	89 85 94 df ff ff    	mov    %eax,0xffffdf94(%ebp)
61017f8e:	e9 39 03 00 00       	jmp    610182cc <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x6a8>
61017f93:	90                   	nop    
61017f94:	8a 45 ae             	mov    0xffffffae(%ebp),%al
61017f97:	88 45 c1             	mov    %al,0xffffffc1(%ebp)
61017f9a:	84 c0                	test   %al,%al
61017f9c:	7d 69                	jge    61018007 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x3e3>
61017f9e:	8d 4d c1             	lea    0xffffffc1(%ebp),%ecx
61017fa1:	89 8d 7c df ff ff    	mov    %ecx,0xffffdf7c(%ebp)
61017fa7:	83 3d 04 f0 0a 61 00 	cmpl   $0x0,0x610af004
61017fae:	75 08                	jne    61017fb8 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x394>
61017fb0:	e8 df 67 06 00       	call   6107e794 <GetACP@0>
61017fb5:	eb 06                	jmp    61017fbd <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x399>
61017fb7:	90                   	nop    
61017fb8:	e8 df 67 06 00       	call   6107e79c <GetOEMCP@0>
61017fbd:	89 c3                	mov    %eax,%ebx
61017fbf:	e8 88 66 06 00       	call   6107e64c <GetConsoleCP@0>
61017fc4:	39 c3                	cmp    %eax,%ebx
61017fc6:	74 3f                	je     61018007 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x3e3>
61017fc8:	83 c4 f8             	add    $0xfffffff8,%esp
61017fcb:	8d b5 a0 df ff ff    	lea    0xffffdfa0(%ebp),%esi
61017fd1:	68 00 20 00 00       	push   $0x2000
61017fd6:	56                   	push   %esi
61017fd7:	6a 01                	push   $0x1
61017fd9:	8b 95 7c df ff ff    	mov    0xffffdf7c(%ebp),%edx
61017fdf:	52                   	push   %edx
61017fe0:	6a 00                	push   $0x0
61017fe2:	50                   	push   %eax
61017fe3:	e8 bc 67 06 00       	call   6107e7a4 <MultiByteToWideChar@24>
61017fe8:	83 c4 08             	add    $0x8,%esp
61017feb:	85 c0                	test   %eax,%eax
61017fed:	74 18                	je     61018007 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x3e3>
61017fef:	6a 00                	push   $0x0
61017ff1:	6a 00                	push   $0x0
61017ff3:	6a 01                	push   $0x1
61017ff5:	8b 8d 7c df ff ff    	mov    0xffffdf7c(%ebp),%ecx
61017ffb:	51                   	push   %ecx
61017ffc:	6a 01                	push   $0x1
61017ffe:	56                   	push   %esi
61017fff:	6a 00                	push   $0x0
61018001:	53                   	push   %ebx
61018002:	e8 a5 67 06 00       	call   6107e7ac <WideCharToMultiByte@32>
61018007:	a1 c4 ce 0b 61       	mov    0x610bcec4,%eax
6101800c:	f6 40 0e 02          	testb  $0x2,0xe(%eax)
61018010:	74 1a                	je     6101802c <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x408>
61018012:	b2 00                	mov    $0x0,%dl
61018014:	8b 45 b0             	mov    0xffffffb0(%ebp),%eax
61018017:	a8 03                	test   $0x3,%al
61018019:	74 1a                	je     61018035 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x411>
6101801b:	a8 0c                	test   $0xc,%al
6101801d:	74 25                	je     61018044 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x420>
6101801f:	8a 45 ae             	mov    0xffffffae(%ebp),%al
61018022:	3c 1f                	cmp    $0x1f,%al
61018024:	76 1e                	jbe    61018044 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x420>
61018026:	3c 7f                	cmp    $0x7f,%al
61018028:	75 0b                	jne    61018035 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x411>
6101802a:	eb 18                	jmp    61018044 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x420>
6101802c:	8b 45 b0             	mov    0xffffffb0(%ebp),%eax
6101802f:	23 47 48             	and    0x48(%edi),%eax
61018032:	0f 95 c2             	setne  %dl
61018035:	84 d2                	test   %dl,%dl
61018037:	75 0b                	jne    61018044 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x420>
61018039:	8d 5d c1             	lea    0xffffffc1(%ebp),%ebx
6101803c:	e9 8b 02 00 00       	jmp    610182cc <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x6a8>
61018041:	8d 76 00             	lea    0x0(%esi),%esi
61018044:	0f b6 45 c1          	movzbl 0xffffffc1(%ebp),%eax
61018048:	c6 45 c0 1b          	movb   $0x1b,0xffffffc0(%ebp)
6101804c:	8d 5d c0             	lea    0xffffffc0(%ebp),%ebx
6101804f:	ff 85 94 df ff ff    	incl   0xffffdf94(%ebp)
61018055:	8a 80 00 b1 0b 61    	mov    0x610bb100(%eax),%al
6101805b:	88 45 c1             	mov    %al,0xffffffc1(%ebp)
6101805e:	e9 69 02 00 00       	jmp    610182cc <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x6a8>
61018063:	90                   	nop    
61018064:	83 bf d4 04 00 00 00 	cmpl   $0x0,0x4d4(%edi)
6101806b:	0f 84 5b 02 00 00    	je     610182cc <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x6a8>
61018071:	8d 75 a4             	lea    0xffffffa4(%ebp),%esi
61018074:	83 7e 0c 02          	cmpl   $0x2,0xc(%esi)
61018078:	75 29                	jne    610180a3 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x47f>
6101807a:	83 3d 30 b6 10 61 00 	cmpl   $0x0,0x6110b630
61018081:	74 19                	je     6101809c <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x478>
61018083:	68 87 7b 01 61       	push   $0x61017b87
61018088:	68 40 7b 01 61       	push   $0x61017b40
6101808d:	6a 10                	push   $0x10
6101808f:	68 2c b6 10 61       	push   $0x6110b62c
61018094:	e8 bb 11 05 00       	call   61069254 <strace::prntf(unsigned int, char const *, char const *,...)>
61018099:	83 c4 10             	add    $0x10,%esp
6101809c:	c7 46 0c 00 00 00 00 	movl   $0x0,0xc(%esi)
610180a3:	83 7e 0c 00          	cmpl   $0x0,0xc(%esi)
610180a7:	0f 85 37 fc ff ff    	jne    61017ce4 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0xc0>
610180ad:	0f bf 06             	movswl (%esi),%eax
610180b0:	89 85 78 df ff ff    	mov    %eax,0xffffdf78(%ebp)
610180b6:	0f bf 56 02          	movswl 0x2(%esi),%edx
610180ba:	83 c0 21             	add    $0x21,%eax
610180bd:	89 95 74 df ff ff    	mov    %edx,0xffffdf74(%ebp)
610180c3:	3d ff 00 00 00       	cmp    $0xff,%eax
610180c8:	7f 11                	jg     610180db <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x4b7>
610180ca:	83 c2 21             	add    $0x21,%edx
610180cd:	89 95 6c df ff ff    	mov    %edx,0xffffdf6c(%ebp)
610180d3:	81 fa ff 00 00 00    	cmp    $0xff,%edx
610180d9:	7e 15                	jle    610180f0 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x4cc>
610180db:	83 3d 30 b6 10 61 00 	cmpl   $0x0,0x6110b630
610180e2:	0f 84 fc fb ff ff    	je     61017ce4 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0xc0>
610180e8:	68 a4 7b 01 61       	push   $0x61017ba4
610180ed:	eb 32                	jmp    61018121 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x4fd>
610180ef:	90                   	nop    
610180f0:	8b 5e 04             	mov    0x4(%esi),%ebx
610180f3:	89 d8                	mov    %ebx,%eax
610180f5:	83 e0 07             	and    $0x7,%eax
610180f8:	89 46 04             	mov    %eax,0x4(%esi)
610180fb:	c7 85 70 df ff ff 00 	movl   $0x0,0xffffdf70(%ebp)
61018102:	00 00 00 
61018105:	8b 8f c8 04 00 00    	mov    0x4c8(%edi),%ecx
6101810b:	39 c8                	cmp    %ecx,%eax
6101810d:	75 2d                	jne    6101813c <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x518>
6101810f:	83 3d 30 b6 10 61 00 	cmpl   $0x0,0x6110b630
61018116:	0f 84 c8 fb ff ff    	je     61017ce4 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0xc0>
6101811c:	68 c1 7b 01 61       	push   $0x61017bc1
61018121:	68 40 7b 01 61       	push   $0x61017b40
61018126:	6a 10                	push   $0x10
61018128:	68 2c b6 10 61       	push   $0x6110b62c
6101812d:	e8 22 11 05 00       	call   61069254 <strace::prntf(unsigned int, char const *, char const *,...)>
61018132:	83 c4 10             	add    $0x10,%esp
61018135:	e9 aa fb ff ff       	jmp    61017ce4 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0xc0>
6101813a:	89 f6                	mov    %esi,%esi
6101813c:	39 c8                	cmp    %ecx,%eax
6101813e:	73 30                	jae    61018170 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x54c>
61018140:	c7 85 70 df ff ff 03 	movl   $0x3,0xffffdf70(%ebp)
61018147:	00 00 00 
6101814a:	ba df 7b 01 61       	mov    $0x61017bdf,%edx
6101814f:	a1 df 7b 01 61       	mov    0x61017bdf,%eax
61018154:	89 85 a0 df ff ff    	mov    %eax,0xffffdfa0(%ebp)
6101815a:	0f b7 42 04          	movzwl 0x4(%edx),%eax
6101815e:	66 89 85 a4 df ff ff 	mov    %ax,0xffffdfa4(%ebp)
61018165:	8a 42 06             	mov    0x6(%edx),%al
61018168:	88 85 a6 df ff ff    	mov    %al,0xffffdfa6(%ebp)
6101816e:	eb 78                	jmp    610181e8 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x5c4>
61018170:	89 da                	mov    %ebx,%edx
61018172:	89 c8                	mov    %ecx,%eax
61018174:	83 e2 01             	and    $0x1,%edx
61018177:	83 e0 01             	and    $0x1,%eax
6101817a:	39 c2                	cmp    %eax,%edx
6101817c:	74 0e                	je     6101818c <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x568>
6101817e:	a1 e6 7b 01 61       	mov    0x61017be6,%eax
61018183:	ba e6 7b 01 61       	mov    $0x61017be6,%edx
61018188:	eb 44                	jmp    610181ce <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x5aa>
6101818a:	89 f6                	mov    %esi,%esi
6101818c:	89 da                	mov    %ebx,%edx
6101818e:	89 c8                	mov    %ecx,%eax
61018190:	83 e2 02             	and    $0x2,%edx
61018193:	83 e0 02             	and    $0x2,%eax
61018196:	39 c2                	cmp    %eax,%edx
61018198:	74 16                	je     610181b0 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x58c>
6101819a:	c7 85 70 df ff ff 01 	movl   $0x1,0xffffdf70(%ebp)
610181a1:	00 00 00 
610181a4:	ba f0 7b 01 61       	mov    $0x61017bf0,%edx
610181a9:	a1 f0 7b 01 61       	mov    0x61017bf0,%eax
610181ae:	eb 1e                	jmp    610181ce <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x5aa>
610181b0:	83 e3 04             	and    $0x4,%ebx
610181b3:	83 e1 04             	and    $0x4,%ecx
610181b6:	39 cb                	cmp    %ecx,%ebx
610181b8:	74 2e                	je     610181e8 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x5c4>
610181ba:	c7 85 70 df ff ff 02 	movl   $0x2,0xffffdf70(%ebp)
610181c1:	00 00 00 
610181c4:	ba fa 7b 01 61       	mov    $0x61017bfa,%edx
610181c9:	a1 fa 7b 01 61       	mov    0x61017bfa,%eax
610181ce:	89 85 a0 df ff ff    	mov    %eax,0xffffdfa0(%ebp)
610181d4:	8b 42 04             	mov    0x4(%edx),%eax
610181d7:	89 85 a4 df ff ff    	mov    %eax,0xffffdfa4(%ebp)
610181dd:	0f b7 42 08          	movzwl 0x8(%edx),%eax
610181e1:	66 89 85 a8 df ff ff 	mov    %ax,0xffffdfa8(%ebp)
610181e8:	8b 46 04             	mov    0x4(%esi),%eax
610181eb:	89 87 c8 04 00 00    	mov    %eax,0x4c8(%edi)
610181f1:	83 bd 70 df ff ff 03 	cmpl   $0x3,0xffffdf70(%ebp)
610181f8:	74 34                	je     6101822e <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x60a>
610181fa:	c7 87 cc 04 00 00 00 	movl   $0x0,0x4cc(%edi)
61018201:	00 00 00 
61018204:	f6 46 08 10          	testb  $0x10,0x8(%esi)
61018208:	74 0a                	je     61018214 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x5f0>
6101820a:	c7 87 cc 04 00 00 04 	movl   $0x4,0x4cc(%edi)
61018211:	00 00 00 
61018214:	f6 46 08 03          	testb  $0x3,0x8(%esi)
61018218:	74 07                	je     61018221 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x5fd>
6101821a:	80 8f cc 04 00 00 08 	orb    $0x8,0x4cc(%edi)
61018221:	f6 46 08 0c          	testb  $0xc,0x8(%esi)
61018225:	74 07                	je     6101822e <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x60a>
61018227:	80 8f cc 04 00 00 10 	orb    $0x10,0x4cc(%edi)
6101822e:	8b 8f cc 04 00 00    	mov    0x4cc(%edi),%ecx
61018234:	83 c4 f4             	add    $0xfffffff4,%esp
61018237:	09 8d 70 df ff ff    	or     %ecx,0xffffdf70(%ebp)
6101823d:	8d 5d c0             	lea    0xffffffc0(%ebp),%ebx
61018240:	8b 85 6c df ff ff    	mov    0xffffdf6c(%ebp),%eax
61018246:	50                   	push   %eax
61018247:	8b 85 78 df ff ff    	mov    0xffffdf78(%ebp),%eax
6101824d:	83 c0 21             	add    $0x21,%eax
61018250:	50                   	push   %eax
61018251:	8b 85 70 df ff ff    	mov    0xffffdf70(%ebp),%eax
61018257:	83 c0 20             	add    $0x20,%eax
6101825a:	50                   	push   %eax
6101825b:	68 04 7c 01 61       	push   $0x61017c04
61018260:	53                   	push   %ebx
61018261:	e8 fe fe 07 00       	call   61098164 <sprintf>
61018266:	83 c4 20             	add    $0x20,%esp
61018269:	83 3d 30 b6 10 61 00 	cmpl   $0x0,0x6110b630
61018270:	74 31                	je     610182a3 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x67f>
61018272:	83 c4 fc             	add    $0xfffffffc,%esp
61018275:	8b 95 74 df ff ff    	mov    0xffffdf74(%ebp),%edx
6101827b:	52                   	push   %edx
6101827c:	8d 85 a0 df ff ff    	lea    0xffffdfa0(%ebp),%eax
61018282:	8b 8d 78 df ff ff    	mov    0xffffdf78(%ebp),%ecx
61018288:	51                   	push   %ecx
61018289:	50                   	push   %eax
6101828a:	68 0e 7c 01 61       	push   $0x61017c0e
6101828f:	68 40 7b 01 61       	push   $0x61017b40
61018294:	6a 10                	push   $0x10
61018296:	68 2c b6 10 61       	push   $0x6110b62c
6101829b:	e8 b4 0f 05 00       	call   61069254 <strace::prntf(unsigned int, char const *, char const *,...)>
610182a0:	83 c4 20             	add    $0x20,%esp
610182a3:	c7 85 94 df ff ff 06 	movl   $0x6,0xffffdf94(%ebp)
610182aa:	00 00 00 
610182ad:	eb 1d                	jmp    610182cc <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x6a8>
610182af:	90                   	nop    
610182b0:	83 c4 f8             	add    $0xfffffff8,%esp
610182b3:	6a 1c                	push   $0x1c
610182b5:	8b 47 3c             	mov    0x3c(%edi),%eax
610182b8:	8b 40 08             	mov    0x8(%eax),%eax
610182bb:	50                   	push   %eax
610182bc:	e8 0b 83 04 00       	call   610605cc <kill_pgrp>
610182c1:	83 c4 10             	add    $0x10,%esp
610182c4:	e9 1b fa ff ff       	jmp    61017ce4 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0xc0>
610182c9:	8d 76 00             	lea    0x0(%esi),%esi
610182cc:	85 db                	test   %ebx,%ebx
610182ce:	0f 84 10 fa ff ff    	je     61017ce4 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0xc0>
610182d4:	6a 00                	push   $0x0
610182d6:	8b 85 94 df ff ff    	mov    0xffffdf94(%ebp),%eax
610182dc:	50                   	push   %eax
610182dd:	53                   	push   %ebx
610182de:	57                   	push   %edi
610182df:	e8 cc fe 00 00       	call   610281b0 <fhandler_termios::line_edit(char const *, int, int)>
610182e4:	83 c4 10             	add    $0x10,%esp
610182e7:	85 c0                	test   %eax,%eax
610182e9:	7c 49                	jl     61018334 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x710>
610182eb:	0f 84 f3 f9 ff ff    	je     61017ce4 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0xc0>
610182f1:	eb 1d                	jmp    61018310 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x6ec>
610182f3:	90                   	nop    
610182f4:	8b 8d 84 df ff ff    	mov    0xffffdf84(%ebp),%ecx
610182fa:	8b 95 90 df ff ff    	mov    0xffffdf90(%ebp),%edx
61018300:	88 04 11             	mov    %al,(%ecx,%edx,1)
61018303:	ff 8d 8c df ff ff    	decl   0xffffdf8c(%ebp)
61018309:	41                   	inc    %ecx
6101830a:	89 8d 84 df ff ff    	mov    %ecx,0xffffdf84(%ebp)
61018310:	83 bd 8c df ff ff 00 	cmpl   $0x0,0xffffdf8c(%ebp)
61018317:	74 10                	je     61018329 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x705>
61018319:	83 c4 f4             	add    $0xfffffff4,%esp
6101831c:	57                   	push   %edi
6101831d:	e8 7a dd ff ff       	call   6101609c <fhandler_base::get_readahead(void)>
61018322:	83 c4 10             	add    $0x10,%esp
61018325:	85 c0                	test   %eax,%eax
61018327:	7d cb                	jge    610182f4 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x6d0>
61018329:	8b 85 84 df ff ff    	mov    0xffffdf84(%ebp),%eax
6101832f:	eb 12                	jmp    61018343 <read__16fhandler_consolePvUi@12+0x71f>
61018331:	8d 76 00             	lea    0x0(%esi),%esi
61018334:	83 c4 f4             	add    $0xfffffff4,%esp
61018337:	6a 04                	push   $0x4
61018339:	e8 e6 9b ff ff       	call   61011f24 <set_sig_errno@4>
6101833e:	b8 ff ff ff ff       	mov    $0xffffffff,%eax
61018343:	8d a5 48 df ff ff    	lea    0xffffdf48(%ebp),%esp
61018349:	5b                   	pop    %ebx
6101834a:	5e                   	pop    %esi
6101834b:	5f                   	pop    %edi
6101834c:	89 ec                	mov    %ebp,%esp
6101834e:	5d                   	pop    %ebp
6101834f:	c3                   	ret    

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