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Re: PLEASE TEST: New implementation of blocking socket I/O

On Mar 29 19:09, Matt Hargett wrote:
> > >PLEASE give the new code a thorough test.  I checked operation with
> > >ssh, scp, ftp and lynx so far but I'm of course not sure if I met
> > >all border conditions.
> >
> > I tried ssh, telnet, exim (client + server), all OK, but
> > cvs update hangs after sending the files
> I am also having difficulties with cvs using the latest snapshot. I tried
> doing a cvs update, but I get the cvs error
> "cvs [update aborted]: error writing to server: Bad address".

Neither this, nor Pierre's problem happen for me.  I've called various
cvs operations multiple times on different repositories and it's always
working fine, on XP as well as on 98. 

Any more debugging information? 

Can somebody of you step this through to find the cause?  It really
doesn't involve much code.  Everything which is important happens in
the affected fhandler_socket recv/send call ( either one of recvfrom,
recvmsg, sendto, sendmsg) and in wsock_event::wait.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Developer                      
Red Hat, Inc.

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