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Re: Mouse support

On Mon, Dec 11, 2000 at 12:35:52PM -0500, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>On Mon, Dec 11, 2000 at 10:48:12AM -0500, Town, Brad wrote:
>>Attached is a patch to that allows enabling and
>>disabling the mouse based on ^[[?1000h/l.  It's not perfect, but it works
>>well.  Included is a ChangeLog entry.
>>Also, terribly minor point:  It seems that the mouse code I submitted has
>>been included in the CVS sources, but my ChangeLog entry hasn't yet
>Sorry.  That was a mistake.  I'll revert the code until I have a chance to
>analyze your new patch.

Apologies again, Brad, but I had problems applying your patch.  It didn't
seem to install cleanly to the current CVS version.

I've reverted the changes that I unintentionally applied and have
checked in a fresh version of  I've added some
crude understanding of when a '<ESC>[?' is detected.  Could you adapt
your changes to use that and submit everything all over again, including
an up-to-date changelog?

When you do that, I'll check everything in.


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