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[PATCH 3/6] forkables: Create forkable hardlinks, yet unused.

In preparation to protect fork() against dll- and exe-updates, create
hardlinks to the main executable and each loaded dll in subdirectories
of /var/run/cygfork/, if that one exists on the NTFS file system.

The directory names consist of the user sid, the main executable's NTFS
IndexNumber, and the most recent LastWriteTime of all involved binaries
(dlls and main executable).  Next to the main.exe hardlink we create the
empty file main.exe.local to enable dll redirection.

The name of the mutex to synchronize hardlink creation/cleanup also is
assembled from these directory names, to allow for synchronized cleanup
of even orphaned hardlink directories.

The hardlink to each dynamically loaded dll goes into another directory,
named using the NTFS IndexNumber of the dll's original directory.

	* dll_init.h (struct dll): Declare member variables fbi, fii,
	forkable_ntname.  Declare methods nominate_forkable,
	create_forkable.  Define inline method forkedntname.
	(struct dll_list): Declare enum forkables_needs.  Declare member
	variables forkables_dirx_size, forkables_dirx_ntname,
	forkables_mutex_name, forkables_mutex.  Declare private methods
	forkable_ntnamesize, prepare_forkables_nomination,
	update_forkables_needs, update_forkables, create_forkables,
	denominate_forkables, close_mutex, try_remove_forkables.
	Declare public method cleanup_forkables.
	* (dll_list::alloc): Allocate memory to hold the
	name of the hardlink in struct dll member forkable_ntname.
	Initialize struct dll members fbi, fii.
	* Implement static functions mkdirs, rmdirs,
	rmdirs_synchronized, read_fii, read_fbi, format_IndexNumber,
	rootname, sidname, exename, lwtimename.  Define static array
	(struct dll): Implement nominate_forkable, create_forkable.
	(struct dll_list): Implement forkable_ntnamesize,
	prepare_forkables_nomination, update_forkables_needs,
	update_forkables, create_forkables, close_mutex,
	cleanup_forkables, try_remove_forkables, denominate_forkables.
	(dll_list::set_forkables_inheritance): Also for forkables_mutex.
	(dll_list::request_forkables): Use new methods to create the
	hardlinks as necessary.
	(dll_list::release_forkables): When hardlink creation turned out
	to be impossible, close all the related handles and free the
	distinct memory.
	* (pinfo::exit): Call dlls.cleanup_forkables.
	* (_unlink_nt): Rename public unlink_nt function to
	static _unlink_nt, with 'shareable' as additional argument.
	(unlink_nt): New, wrap _unlink_nt for original behaviour.
	(unlink_nt_shareable): New, wrap _unlink_nt to keep a binary
	file still loadable while removing one of its hardlinks.
 winsup/cygwin/ |   28 +-
 winsup/cygwin/dll_init.h  |   33 ++
 winsup/cygwin/ | 1036 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 winsup/cygwin/    |    3 +
 winsup/cygwin/ |   24 +-
 5 files changed, 1115 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/ b/winsup/cygwin/
index fd807c9..e44ee84 100644
--- a/winsup/cygwin/
+++ b/winsup/cygwin/
@@ -372,8 +372,11 @@ dll_list::alloc (HINSTANCE h, per_process *p, dll_type type)
+      size_t forkntsize = forkable_ntnamesize (type, ntname, modname);
       /* FIXME: Change this to new at some point. */
-      d = (dll *) cmalloc (HEAP_2_DLL, sizeof (*d) + (ntnamelen * sizeof (*ntname)));
+      d = (dll *) cmalloc (HEAP_2_DLL, sizeof (*d)
+			   + ((ntnamelen + forkntsize) * sizeof (*ntname)));
       /* Now we've allocated a block of information.  Fill it in with the
 	 supplied info about this DLL. */
@@ -389,11 +392,24 @@ dll_list::alloc (HINSTANCE h, per_process *p, dll_type type)
       d->image_size = ((pefile*)h)->optional_hdr ()->SizeOfImage;
       d->preferred_base = (void*) ((pefile*)h)->optional_hdr()->ImageBase;
       d->type = type;
-      NTSTATUS status;
-      d->fhandle = ntopenfile (d->ntname, &status);
-      if (!d->fhandle)
-	system_printf ("Unable (ntstatus %y) to open file %W",
-		       status, d->ntname);
+      d->fhandle = NULL;
+      d->fbi.FileAttributes = INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES;
+      d->fii.IndexNumber.QuadPart = 0;
+      d->forkable_ntname = NULL;
+      if (forkntsize)
+	{
+	  NTSTATUS status;
+	  d->fhandle = ntopenfile (d->ntname, &status);
+	  if (!d->fhandle)
+	    system_printf ("Unable (ntstatus %y) to open file %W",
+			   status, d->ntname);
+	  else
+	    {
+	      /* may create a hardlink */
+	      d->forkable_ntname = d->ntname + ntnamelen + 1;
+	      *d->forkable_ntname = L'\0';
+	    }
+	}
       append (d);
       if (type == DLL_LOAD)
diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/dll_init.h b/winsup/cygwin/dll_init.h
index c50f889..554435d 100644
--- a/winsup/cygwin/dll_init.h
+++ b/winsup/cygwin/dll_init.h
@@ -65,6 +65,15 @@ struct dll
   /* forkable */
   HANDLE fhandle;
+  PWCHAR forkable_ntname;
+  void nominate_forkable (PCWCHAR);
+  bool create_forkable ();
+  PWCHAR forkedntname ()
+  {
+    return forkable_ntname && *forkable_ntname ? forkable_ntname : ntname;
+  }
   WCHAR ntname[1]; /* must be the last data member */
   void detach ();
@@ -83,7 +92,30 @@ struct dll
 class dll_list
+  /* forkables */
+  enum
+    {
+      forkables_unknown,
+      forkables_impossible,
+      forkables_disabled,
+      forkables_needless,
+      forkables_needed,
+      forkables_created,
+    }
+    forkables_needs;
+  DWORD forkables_dirx_size;
+  PWCHAR forkables_dirx_ntname;
+  PWCHAR forkables_mutex_name;
+  HANDLE forkables_mutex;
   void track_self ();
+  size_t forkable_ntnamesize (dll_type, PCWCHAR fullntname, PCWCHAR modname);
+  void prepare_forkables_nomination ();
+  void update_forkables_needs ();
+  bool update_forkables ();
+  bool create_forkables ();
+  void denominate_forkables ();
+  bool close_mutex ();
+  void try_remove_forkables (PWCHAR dirbuf, size_t dirlen, size_t dirbufsize);
   void set_forkables_inheritance (bool);
   dll *end;
@@ -97,6 +129,7 @@ public:
   dll *main_executable;
   void request_forkables ();
   void release_forkables ();
+  void cleanup_forkables ();
   static HANDLE ntopenfile (PCWCHAR ntname, NTSTATUS *pstatus = NULL,
 			    ULONG openopts = FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE);
diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/ b/winsup/cygwin/
index 5592985..0a8a528 100644
--- a/winsup/cygwin/
+++ b/winsup/cygwin/
@@ -27,6 +27,998 @@ details. */
 #include <assert.h>
 #include <tls_pbuf.h>
+/* Allow concurrent processes to use the same dll or exe
+ * via their hardlink while we delete our hardlink. */
+extern NTSTATUS unlink_nt_shareable (path_conv &pc);
+#define MUTEXSEP L"@"
+#define PATHSEP L"\\"
+/* Create the lastsepcount directories found in ntdirname, where
+   counting is done along path separators (including trailing ones).
+   Returns true when these directories exist afterwards, false otherways.
+   The ntdirname is used for the path-splitting. */
+static bool
+mkdirs (PWCHAR ntdirname, int lastsepcount)
+  bool success = true;
+  int i = lastsepcount;
+  for (--i; i > 0; --i)
+    {
+      PWCHAR lastsep = wcsrchr (ntdirname, L'\\');
+      if (!lastsep)
+	break;
+      *lastsep = L'\0';
+    }
+  for (++i; i <= lastsepcount; ++i)
+    {
+      if (success && (i == 0 || wcslen (wcsrchr (ntdirname, L'\\')) > 1))
+	{
+	  RtlInitUnicodeString (&dn, ntdirname);
+	  InitializeObjectAttributes (&oa, &dn, 0, NULL,
+				      sec_none_nih.lpSecurityDescriptor);
+	  HANDLE dh = NULL;
+	  NTSTATUS status;
+	  status = NtCreateFile (&dh, GENERIC_READ | SYNCHRONIZE,
+				 &oa, &iosb, NULL, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,
+				 FILE_OPEN_IF, /* allow concurrency */
+				 NULL, 0);
+	  if (NT_SUCCESS(status))
+	    NtClose (dh);
+	  else
+	    success = false;
+	  debug_printf ("%y = NtCreateFile (%p, dir %W)", status, dh, ntdirname);
+	}
+      if (i < lastsepcount)
+	ntdirname[wcslen (ntdirname)] = L'\\'; /* restore original value */
+    }
+  return success;
+/* Recursively remove the directory specified in ntmaxpathbuf,
+   using ntmaxpathbuf as the buffer to form subsequent filenames. */
+static void
+rmdirs (WCHAR ntmaxpathbuf[NT_MAX_PATH])
+  PWCHAR basebuf = wcsrchr (ntmaxpathbuf, L'\\'); /* find last pathsep */
+  if (basebuf && *(basebuf+1))
+    basebuf += wcslen (basebuf); /* last pathsep is not trailing one */
+  if (!basebuf)
+    basebuf = ntmaxpathbuf + wcslen (ntmaxpathbuf);
+  *basebuf = L'\0'; /* kill trailing pathsep, if any */
+  NTSTATUS status;
+  HANDLE hdir = dll_list::ntopenfile (ntmaxpathbuf, &status,
+  if (!hdir)
+    return;
+  *basebuf++ = L'\\'; /* (re-)add trailing pathsep */
+  struct {
+    WCHAR buf[NAME_MAX];
+  } fdibuf;
+  while (NT_SUCCESS (status = NtQueryDirectoryFile (hdir, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+						    &iosb,
+						    &fdibuf, sizeof (fdibuf),
+						    FileDirectoryInformation,
+						    FALSE, NULL, FALSE)))
+    {
+      PFILE_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION pfdi = &fdibuf.fdi;
+      while (true)
+	{
+	  int namelen = pfdi->FileNameLength / sizeof (WCHAR);
+	  wcsncpy (basebuf, pfdi->FileName, namelen);
+	  basebuf[namelen] = L'\0';
+	  if (pfdi->FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
+	    {
+	      if (wcscmp (basebuf, L".") && wcscmp (basebuf, L".."))
+		rmdirs (ntmaxpathbuf);
+	    }
+	  else
+	    {
+	      UNICODE_STRING fn;
+	      RtlInitUnicodeString (&fn, ntmaxpathbuf);
+	      path_conv pc (&fn);
+	      unlink_nt_shareable (pc); /* move to bin */
+	    }
+	  if (!pfdi->NextEntryOffset)
+	    break;
+	  pfdi = (PFILE_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION)((caddr_t)pfdi
+					       + pfdi->NextEntryOffset);
+	}
+    }
+  if (status != STATUS_NO_MORE_FILES)
+    debug_printf ("%y = NtQueryDirectoryFile (%p, io %y, info %d)",
+		  status, hdir, iosb.Status, iosb.Information);
+  CloseHandle (hdir);
+static bool
+read_fii (HANDLE fh, PFILE_INTERNAL_INFORMATION pfii, bool once = false)
+  if (once && pfii->IndexNumber.QuadPart != 0)
+    return true;
+  pfii->IndexNumber.QuadPart = 0LL;
+  NTSTATUS status;
+  status = NtQueryInformationFile (fh, &iosb,
+				   pfii, sizeof (*pfii),
+				   FileInternalInformation);
+  if (!NT_SUCCESS (status))
+    {
+      system_printf ("WARNING: %y = NtQueryInformationFile (%p,"
+		     " InternalInfo, io.Status %y)",
+		     status, fh, iosb.Status);
+      pfii->IndexNumber.QuadPart = -1LL;
+      return false;
+    }
+  return true;
+static bool
+read_fbi (HANDLE fh, PFILE_BASIC_INFORMATION pfbi, bool once = false)
+  if (once && pfbi->FileAttributes != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)
+    return true;
+  pfbi->FileAttributes = INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES;
+  pfbi->LastWriteTime.QuadPart = 0LL;
+  NTSTATUS status;
+  status = NtQueryInformationFile (fh, &iosb,
+				   pfbi, sizeof (*pfbi),
+				   FileBasicInformation);
+  if (!NT_SUCCESS (status))
+    {
+      system_printf ("WARNING: %y = NtQueryInformationFile (%p,"
+		     " BasicInfo, io.Status %y)",
+		     status, fh, iosb.Status);
+      pfbi->FileAttributes = 0;
+      pfbi->LastWriteTime.QuadPart = -1LL;
+      return false;
+    }
+  return true;
+/* Into buf if not NULL, write the IndexNumber in pli.
+   Return the number of characters (that would be) written. */
+static int
+format_IndexNumber (PWCHAR buf, ssize_t bufsize, LARGE_INTEGER const *pli)
+  if (!buf)
+    return 16;
+  if (bufsize >= 0 && bufsize <= 16)
+    return 0;
+  return __small_swprintf (buf, L"%016X", pli->QuadPart);
+/* Into buf if not NULL, write the ntname of cygwin installation_root.
+   Return the number of characters (that would be) written. */
+static int
+rootname (PWCHAR buf, ssize_t bufsize)
+  PWCHAR cygroot = cygheap->installation_root;
+  if (!buf)
+    return 6 /* "\??\UN" */ + wcslen (cygroot);
+  return dll_list::form_ntname (buf, bufsize, cygroot) - buf;
+/* Into buf if not NULL, write the string representation of current user sid.
+   Return the number of characters (that would be) written. */
+static int
+sidname (PWCHAR buf, ssize_t bufsize)
+  if (!buf)
+    return 128;
+  if (bufsize >= 0 && bufsize <= 128)
+    return 0;
+  WCHAR sidbuf[128+1];
+  RtlInitEmptyUnicodeString (&sid, sidbuf, sizeof (sidbuf));
+  RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString (&sid, cygheap->user.sid (), FALSE);
+  return wcpcpy (buf, sid.Buffer) - buf;
+/* Into buf if not NULL, write the IndexNumber of the main executable.
+   Return the number of characters (that would be) written. */
+static int
+exename (PWCHAR buf, ssize_t bufsize)
+  if (!buf)
+    return format_IndexNumber (NULL, bufsize, NULL);
+  dll *d = dlls.main_executable;
+  if (d->fhandle)
+    (void) read_fii (d->fhandle, &d->fii, true);
+  return format_IndexNumber (buf, bufsize, &d->fii.IndexNumber);
+/* Into buf if not NULL, write the newest dll's LastWriteTime.
+   Return the number of characters (that would be) written. */
+static int
+lwtimename (PWCHAR buf, ssize_t bufsize)
+  if (!buf)
+    return sizeof (LARGE_INTEGER) * 2;
+  if (bufsize >= 0 && bufsize <= (int)sizeof (LARGE_INTEGER) * 2)
+    return 0;
+  LARGE_INTEGER newest = { 0 };
+  /* Need by-handle-file-information for _all_ loaded dlls,
+     as most recent ctime forms the hardlinks directory. */
+  dll *d = &dlls.start;
+  while ((d = d->next))
+    {
+      if (!d->fhandle)
+	continue;
+      (void)read_fbi (d->fhandle, &d->fbi, true);
+      /* LastWriteTime more properly tells the last file-content modification
+	 time, because a newly created hardlink may have a different
+	 CreationTime compared to the original file. */
+      if (d->fbi.LastWriteTime.QuadPart > newest.QuadPart)
+	newest = d->fbi.LastWriteTime;
+    }
+  return __small_swprintf (buf, L"%016X", newest);
+struct namepart {
+  PCWCHAR text; /* used when no pathfunc, description otherwise */
+  int (*textfunc)(PWCHAR buf, ssize_t bufsize);
+  bool mutex_from_dir; /* on path-separators add mutex-separator */
+  bool create_dir;
+/* mutex name is formed along dir names */
+static namepart NO_COPY_RO const
+forkable_nameparts[] = {
+ /* text             textfunc  mutex_from_dir  create */
+  { L"<cygroot>",    rootname,          false, false, },
+  { L"\\var\\run\\",     NULL,          false, false, },
+  { L"cygfork",          NULL,          true,  false, },
+  { L"<sid>",         sidname,          true,  true,  },
+  { L"<exe>",         exename,          false, false, },
+  { MUTEXSEP,            NULL,          false, false, },
+  { L"<ctime>",    lwtimename,          true,  true,  },
+  { NULL, NULL },
+/* Nominate the hardlink to an individual DLL inside dirx_name,
+   that ends with the path separator (hence the "x" varname).
+   With NULL as dirx_name, never nominate the hardlink any more.
+   With "" as dirx_name, denominate the hardlink. */
+dll::nominate_forkable (PCWCHAR dirx_name)
+  if (!dirx_name)
+    {
+      debug_printf ("type %d disable %W", type, ntname);
+      forkable_ntname = NULL; /* never create a hardlink for this dll */
+    }
+  if (!forkable_ntname)
+    return;
+  PWCHAR next = wcpcpy (forkable_ntname, dirx_name);
+  if (!*forkable_ntname)
+    return; /* denominate */
+  if (type < DLL_LOAD)
+    wcpcpy (next, modname);
+  else
+    {
+      /* Avoid lots of extra directories for loaded dll's:
+       * mangle full path into one single directory name,
+       * just keep original filename intact. The original
+       * filename is necessary to serve as linked
+       * dependencies of dynamically loaded dlls. */
+      PWCHAR lastpathsep = wcsrchr (ntname, L'\\');
+      if (!lastpathsep)
+        {
+	  forkable_ntname = NULL;
+	  return;
+	}
+      *lastpathsep = L'\0';
+      HANDLE fh = dll_list::ntopenfile (ntname, NULL, FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE);
+      *lastpathsep = L'\\';
+      if (fh)
+	{
+	  read_fii (fh, &fii);
+	  NtClose (fh);
+	}
+      next += format_IndexNumber (next, -1, &fii.IndexNumber);
+      wcpcpy (next, lastpathsep);
+    }
+/* Create the nominated hardlink for one indivitual dll,
+   inside another subdirectory when dynamically loaded. */
+dll::create_forkable ()
+  if (!forkable_ntname || !*forkable_ntname)
+    return true; /* disabled */
+  if (!fhandle)
+    return false; /* impossible */
+  PWCHAR ntname = forkable_ntname;
+  PWCHAR last = NULL;
+  bool success = true;
+  if (type >= DLL_LOAD)
+    {
+      last = wcsrchr (ntname, L'\\');
+      if (!last)
+	return false;
+      *last = L'\0';
+      success = mkdirs (ntname, 1);
+      *last = L'\\';
+      if (!success)
+	return false;
+    }
+  int ntlen = wcslen (ntname);
+  int bufsize = sizeof (FILE_LINK_INFORMATION) + ntlen * sizeof (*ntname);
+  wcscpy (pfli->FileName, ntname);
+  pfli->FileNameLength = ntlen * sizeof (*ntname);
+  pfli->ReplaceIfExists = FALSE; /* allow concurrency */
+  pfli->RootDirectory = NULL;
+  NTSTATUS status = NtSetInformationFile (fhandle, &iosb, pfli, bufsize,
+					  FileLinkInformation);
+  debug_printf ("%y = NtSetInformationFile (%p, FileLink %W, iosb.Status %y)",
+		status, fhandle, pfli->FileName, iosb.Status);
+  if (NT_SUCCESS (status) || status == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION)
+    /* We've not found a performant way yet to protect fork against updates
+       to main executables and/or dlls that do not reside on the same NTFS
+       filesystem as the <cygroot>/var/run/cygfork/ directory.
+       But as long as the main executable can be hardlinked, dll redirection
+       works for any other hardlink-able dll, while non-hardlink-able dlls
+       are used from their original location. */
+    return true;
+  return false;
+/* return the number of characters necessary to store one forkable name */
+dll_list::forkable_ntnamesize (dll_type type, PCWCHAR fullntname, PCWCHAR modname)
+  if (forkables_needs == forkables_impossible)
+    return 0;
+  if (!forkables_dirx_size)
+    {
+      DWORD forkables_mutex_size = 0;
+      bool needsep = false;
+      for (namepart const *part = forkable_nameparts; part->text; ++part)
+	{
+	  if (needsep)
+	    {
+	      forkables_dirx_size += wcslen (PATHSEP);
+	      forkables_mutex_size += wcslen (MUTEXSEP);
+	    }
+	  needsep = part->mutex_from_dir;
+	  int len = 0;
+	  if (part->textfunc)
+	    len = part->textfunc (NULL, 0);
+	  else
+	    len = wcslen (part->text);
+	  forkables_dirx_size += len;
+	  forkables_mutex_size += len;
+	}
+      /* trailing path sep */
+      forkables_dirx_size += wcslen (PATHSEP);
+      /* trailing zeros */
+      ++forkables_dirx_size;
+      ++forkables_mutex_size;
+      /* allocate here, to avoid cygheap size changes during fork */
+      forkables_dirx_ntname = (PWCHAR) cmalloc (HEAP_2_DLL,
+	  (forkables_dirx_size + forkables_mutex_size) *
+	    sizeof (*forkables_dirx_ntname));
+      *forkables_dirx_ntname = L'\0';
+      forkables_mutex_name = forkables_dirx_ntname + forkables_dirx_size;
+      *forkables_mutex_name = L'\0';
+    }
+  size_t ret = forkables_dirx_size;
+  if (type >= DLL_LOAD)
+    ret += format_IndexNumber (NULL, -1, NULL) + 1; /* one more directory */
+  return ret + wcslen (modname);
+/* Prepare top-level names necessary to nominate individual DLL hardlinks,
+   eventually releasing/removing previous forkable hardlinks. */
+dll_list::prepare_forkables_nomination ()
+  if (!forkables_dirx_ntname)
+    return;
+  PWCHAR pbuf = nt_max_path_buf ();
+  bool needsep = false;
+  bool domutex = false;
+  namepart const *part;
+  for (part = forkable_nameparts; part->text; ++part)
+    {
+      if (part->mutex_from_dir)
+	domutex = true; /* mutex naming starts with first mutex_from_dir */
+      if (!domutex)
+	continue;
+      if (needsep)
+	pbuf += __small_swprintf (pbuf, L"%W", MUTEXSEP);
+      needsep = part->mutex_from_dir;
+      if (part->textfunc)
+	pbuf += part->textfunc (pbuf, -1);
+      else
+	pbuf += __small_swprintf (pbuf, L"%W", part->text);
+    }
+  if (!wcscmp (forkables_mutex_name, nt_max_path_buf ()))
+    return; /* nothing changed */
+  if (*forkables_mutex_name &&
+      wcscmp (forkables_mutex_name, nt_max_path_buf ()))
+    {
+      /* The mutex name has changed since last fork and we either have
+	 dlopen'ed a more recent or dlclose'd the most recent dll,
+	 so we will not use the current forkable hardlinks any more.
+	 Removing from the file system is done later, upon exit. */
+      close_mutex ();
+      denominate_forkables ();
+    }
+  wcscpy (forkables_mutex_name, nt_max_path_buf ());
+  pbuf = forkables_dirx_ntname;
+  needsep = false;
+  for (namepart const *part = forkable_nameparts; part->text; ++part)
+    {
+      if (needsep)
+	pbuf += __small_swprintf (pbuf, L"%W", PATHSEP);
+      needsep = part->mutex_from_dir;
+      if (part->textfunc)
+	pbuf += part->textfunc (pbuf, -1);
+      else
+	pbuf += __small_swprintf (pbuf, L"%W", part->text);
+    }
+  pbuf += __small_swprintf (pbuf, L"%W", PATHSEP);
+  debug_printf ("forkables dir %W", forkables_dirx_ntname);
+  debug_printf ("forkables mutex %W", forkables_mutex_name);
+/* Test if creating hardlinks is necessary. If creating hardlinks is possible
+   in general, each individual dll is tested if its previously created
+   hardlink (if any, or the original file) still is the same.
+   Testing is protected against hardlink removal by concurrent processes. */
+dll_list::update_forkables_needs ()
+  dll *d;
+  if (forkables_needs == forkables_unknown)
+    {
+      /* check if filesystem of forkables dir is NTFS */
+      PWCHAR pbuf = nt_max_path_buf ();
+      for (namepart const *part = forkable_nameparts; part->text; ++part)
+	{
+	  if (part->mutex_from_dir)
+	    break; /* leading non-mutex-naming dirs, must exist anyway */
+	  if (part->textfunc)
+	    pbuf += part->textfunc (pbuf, -1);
+	  else
+	    pbuf += __small_swprintf (pbuf, L"%W", part->text);
+	}
+      RtlInitUnicodeString (&fn, nt_max_path_buf ());
+      fs_info fsi;
+      if (fsi.update (&fn, NULL) &&
+/* FIXME: !fsi.is_readonly () && */
+	  fsi.is_ntfs ())
+	forkables_needs = forkables_disabled; /* check directory itself */
+      else
+	{
+	  debug_printf ("impossible, not on NTFS %W", fn.Buffer);
+	  forkables_needs = forkables_impossible;
+	}
+    }
+  if (forkables_needs == forkables_impossible)
+    return; /* we have not created any hardlink, nothing to clean up */
+  if (forkables_needs == forkables_disabled ||
+      forkables_needs == forkables_needless ||
+      forkables_needs == forkables_created)
+    {
+      /* (re-)check existence of forkables dir */
+      PWCHAR pbuf = nt_max_path_buf ();
+      for (namepart const *part = forkable_nameparts; part->text; ++part)
+	{
+	  if (part->textfunc)
+	    pbuf += part->textfunc (pbuf, -1);
+	  else
+	    pbuf += __small_swprintf (pbuf, L"%W", part->text);
+	  if (part->mutex_from_dir)
+	    break; /* up to first mutex-naming dir */
+	}
+      pbuf = nt_max_path_buf ();
+      HANDLE dh = ntopenfile (pbuf, NULL, FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE);
+      if (dh)
+	{
+	  NtClose (dh);
+	  if (forkables_needs == forkables_disabled)
+	    forkables_needs = forkables_needless;
+	}
+      else if (forkables_needs != forkables_disabled)
+	{
+	  debug_printf ("disabled, disappearing %W", pbuf);
+	  close_mutex ();
+	  denominate_forkables ();
+	  forkables_needs = forkables_disabled;
+	}
+      else
+	debug_printf ("disabled, missing %W", pbuf);
+    }
+  if (forkables_needs == forkables_disabled)
+    return;
+  if (forkables_needs == forkables_created)
+    {
+      /* already have created hardlinks in this process, ... */
+      forkables_needs = forkables_needless;
+      d = &start;
+      while ((d = d->next) != NULL)
+	if (d->forkable_ntname && !*d->forkable_ntname)
+	  {
+	    /* ... but another dll was loaded since last fork */
+	    debug_printf ("needed, since last fork loaded %W", d->ntname);
+	    forkables_needs = forkables_needed;
+	    break;
+	  }
+    }
+  if (forkables_needs > forkables_needless)
+    return; /* no need to check anything else */
+  if (forkables_needs != forkables_needless)
+    {
+      /* paranoia */
+      system_printf ("WARNING: invalid forkables_needs value %d",
+		     forkables_needs);
+      return;
+    }
+  if (!forkables_mutex)
+    {
+      /* debugging: check for ".unchecked" file in toplevel forkables dir,
+	 that is: always (try to) create the hardlinks.  Need to find out
+	 if just trying to create the hardlinks is faster than reading
+	 all the hardlink's internal and basic informations. */
+      PWCHAR pbuf = nt_max_path_buf ();
+      for (namepart const *part = forkable_nameparts; part->text; ++part)
+	{
+	  if (part->textfunc)
+	    pbuf += part->textfunc (pbuf, -1);
+	  else
+	    pbuf += __small_swprintf (pbuf, L"%W", part->text);
+	  if (part->mutex_from_dir)
+	    break; /* up to first mutex-naming dir */
+	}
+      pbuf += __small_swprintf (pbuf, L"%W.unchecked", PATHSEP);
+      pbuf = nt_max_path_buf ();
+      HANDLE dh = ntopenfile (pbuf);
+      if (dh)
+	{
+	  NtClose (dh);
+	  forkables_needs = forkables_needed;
+	  debug_printf ("needed, found %W", pbuf);
+	  return;
+	}
+    }
+  /* We have to check the main-executable and all dlls loaded so far via
+     their forked (if available, or their original) filename, if they are
+     still available for loading again. */
+  HANDLE fh = NULL;
+  d = &start;
+  while ((d = d->next) != NULL)
+    {
+      if (!d->fhandle)
+	continue;
+      if (fh)
+	{
+	  NtClose (fh);
+	  fh = NULL;
+	}
+      PWCHAR ntname = d->forkedntname ();
+      fh = ntopenfile (ntname);
+      if (!fh)
+	{
+	  debug_printf ("needed, something wrong with %W", ntname);
+	  forkables_needs = forkables_needed;
+	  break;
+	}
+      if (!read_fii (d->fhandle, &d->fii, true) ||
+	  !read_fii (fh, &fii_now) ||
+	  d->fii.IndexNumber.QuadPart != fii_now.IndexNumber.QuadPart)
+        {
+	  debug_printf ("needed, found modified %W", ntname);
+	  forkables_needs = forkables_needed;
+	  break;
+	}
+      if (!read_fbi (d->fhandle, &d->fbi, true) ||
+	  !read_fbi (fh, &fbi_now) ||
+	  d->fbi.LastWriteTime.QuadPart != fbi_now.LastWriteTime.QuadPart)
+	{
+	  system_printf ("WARNING: changed by same file id %W"
+			 " (now lastwritetime %016X, old lastwritetime %016X)",
+			 ntname,
+			 fbi_now.LastWriteTime.QuadPart,
+			 d->fbi.LastWriteTime.QuadPart);
+	  forkables_needs = forkables_needed;
+	  break;
+	}
+    }
+  if (fh)
+    NtClose (fh);
+  if (forkables_needs == forkables_needless && !forkables_mutex)
+    {
+      /* debugging: check for ".needed" file in toplevel forkables dir */
+      PWCHAR pbuf = nt_max_path_buf ();
+      for (namepart const *part = forkable_nameparts; part->text; ++part)
+	{
+	  if (part->textfunc)
+	    pbuf += part->textfunc (pbuf, -1);
+	  else
+	    pbuf += __small_swprintf (pbuf, L"%W", part->text);
+	  if (part->mutex_from_dir)
+	    break; /* up to first mutex-naming dir */
+	}
+      pbuf += __small_swprintf (pbuf, L"%W.needed", PATHSEP);
+      pbuf = nt_max_path_buf ();
+      HANDLE dh = ntopenfile (pbuf);
+      if (dh)
+	{
+	  NtClose (dh);
+	  forkables_needs = forkables_needed;
+	  debug_printf ("needed, found %W", pbuf);
+	}
+    }
+/* Create the nominated forkable hardlinks and directories as necessary,
+   mutex-protected to avoid concurrent processes removing them. */
+dll_list::update_forkables ()
+  /* existence of mutex indicates that we use these hardlinks */
+  if (!forkables_mutex)
+    {
+      /* neither my parent nor myself did have need for hardlinks yet */
+      forkables_mutex = CreateMutexW (&sec_none, FALSE,
+				      forkables_mutex_name);
+      debug_printf ("%p = CreateMutexW (%W): %E",
+		    forkables_mutex, forkables_mutex_name);
+      if (!forkables_mutex)
+	return false;
+      /* Make sure another process does not rmdirs_synchronized () */
+      debug_printf ("WFSO (%p, %W, inf)...",
+		    forkables_mutex, forkables_mutex_name);
+      DWORD ret = WaitForSingleObject (forkables_mutex, INFINITE);
+      debug_printf ("%u = WFSO (%p, %W)",
+		    ret, forkables_mutex, forkables_mutex_name);
+      switch (ret)
+	{
+	case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
+	  break;
+	default:
+	  system_printf ("cannot wait for mutex %W: %E",
+			 forkables_mutex_name);
+	  return false;
+	}
+      BOOL bret = ReleaseMutex (forkables_mutex);
+      debug_printf ("%d = ReleaseMutex (%p, %W)",
+		    bret, forkables_mutex, forkables_mutex_name);
+    }
+  return create_forkables ();
+/* Create the nominated forkable hardlinks and directories as necessary,
+   as well as the .local file for dll-redirection. */
+dll_list::create_forkables ()
+  bool success = true;
+  int lastsepcount = 1; /* we have trailing pathsep */
+  for (namepart const *part = forkable_nameparts; part->text; ++part)
+    if (part->create_dir)
+      ++lastsepcount;
+  PWCHAR ntname = nt_max_path_buf ();
+  wcsncpy (ntname, forkables_dirx_ntname, NT_MAX_PATH);
+  if (!mkdirs (ntname, lastsepcount))
+    success = false;
+  if (success)
+    {
+      /* create the DotLocal file as empty file */
+      wcsncat (ntname, main_executable->modname, NT_MAX_PATH);
+      wcsncat (ntname, L".local", NT_MAX_PATH);
+      RtlInitUnicodeString (&fn, ntname);
+      InitializeObjectAttributes (&oa, &fn, 0, NULL,
+				  sec_none_nih.lpSecurityDescriptor);
+      HANDLE hlocal = NULL;
+      NTSTATUS status;
+      IO_STATUS_BLOCK iosb;
+      status = NtCreateFile (&hlocal, GENERIC_WRITE | SYNCHRONIZE,
+			     &oa, &iosb, NULL, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,
+			     FILE_OPEN_IF, /* allow concurrency */
+			     NULL, 0);
+      if (NT_SUCCESS (status))
+	CloseHandle (hlocal);
+      else
+	success = false;
+      debug_printf ("%y = NtCreateFile (%p, %W)", status, hlocal, ntname);
+    }
+  if (success)
+    {
+      dll *d = &start;
+      while ((d = d->next))
+	if (!d->create_forkable ())
+	  d->nominate_forkable (NULL); /* never again */
+      debug_printf ("hardlinks created");
+    }
+  return success;
+static void
+rmdirs_synchronized (WCHAR ntbuf[NT_MAX_PATH], int depth, int maxdepth,
+  if (depth == maxdepth)
+    {
+      debug_printf ("sync on %W", ntbuf);
+      /* calculate mutex name from path parts, using
+	 full path name length to allocate mutex name buffer */
+      WCHAR mutexname[wcslen (ntbuf)];
+      mutexname[0] = L'\0';
+      PWCHAR mutexnext = mutexname;
+      /* mutex name is formed by dir names */
+      int pathcount = 0;
+      for (namepart const *part = forkable_nameparts; part->text; ++part)
+	if (part->mutex_from_dir)
+	  ++pathcount;
+      PWCHAR pathseps[pathcount];
+      /* along the path separators split needed path parts */
+      int i = pathcount;
+      while (--i >= 0)
+	if ((pathseps[i] = wcsrchr (ntbuf, L'\\')))
+	  *pathseps[i] = L'\0';
+	else
+	  return; /* something's wrong */
+      /* build the mutex name from dir names */
+      for (i = 0; i < pathcount; ++i)
+	{
+	  if (i > 0)
+	    mutexnext = wcpcpy (mutexnext, MUTEXSEP);
+	  mutexnext = wcpcpy (mutexnext, &pathseps[i][1]);
+	  *pathseps[i] = L'\\'; /* restore full path */
+	}
+      HANDLE mutex = CreateMutexW (&sec_none_nih, TRUE, mutexname);
+      DWORD lasterror = GetLastError ();
+      debug_printf ("%p = CreateMutexW (%W): %E", mutex, mutexname);
+      if (mutex)
+	{
+	  if (lasterror != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)
+	    rmdirs (ntbuf);
+	  BOOL bret = CloseHandle (mutex);
+	  debug_printf ("%d = CloseHandle (%p, %W): %E",
+			bret, mutex, mutexname);
+	}
+      return;
+    }
+  NTSTATUS status;
+  HANDLE hdir = dll_list::ntopenfile (ntbuf, &status,
+				 (depth ? FILE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE : 0));
+  if (!hdir)
+    return;
+  PWCHAR plast = ntbuf + wcslen (ntbuf);
+  while (NT_SUCCESS (status = NtQueryDirectoryFile (hdir,
+						    NULL, NULL, NULL, &iosb,
+						    pfdi, fdisize,
+						    FileDirectoryInformation,
+						    TRUE, NULL, FALSE)))
+    if (pfdi->FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
+      {
+	int namelen = pfdi->FileNameLength / sizeof (WCHAR);
+	if (!wcsncmp (pfdi->FileName, L".", namelen) ||
+	    !wcsncmp (pfdi->FileName, L"..", namelen))
+	  continue;
+	*plast = L'\\';
+	wcsncpy (plast+1, pfdi->FileName, namelen);
+	plast[1+namelen] = L'\0';
+	rmdirs_synchronized (ntbuf, depth+1, maxdepth, pfdi, fdisize);
+	*plast = L'\0';
+      }
+  if (status != STATUS_NO_MORE_FILES)
+    debug_printf ("%y = NtQueryDirectoryFile (%p, io %y, info %d)",
+		  status, hdir, iosb.Status, iosb.Information);
+  CloseHandle (hdir);
+/* Try to lock the mutex handle with almost no timeout, then close the
+   mutex handle.  Locking before closing is to get the mutex closing
+   promoted synchronously, otherways we might end up with no one
+   succeeding in create-with-lock, which is the precondition
+   to actually remove the hardlinks from the filesystem. */
+dll_list::close_mutex ()
+  if (!forkables_mutex || !*forkables_mutex_name)
+    return false;
+  HANDLE hmutex = forkables_mutex;
+  forkables_mutex = NULL;
+  bool locked = false;
+  DWORD ret = WaitForSingleObject (hmutex, 1);
+  debug_printf ("%u = WFSO (%p, %W, 1)",
+		ret, hmutex, forkables_mutex_name);
+  switch (ret)
+    {
+    case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
+      locked = true;
+      break;
+    case WAIT_TIMEOUT:
+      break;
+    default:
+      system_printf ("error locking mutex %W: %E", forkables_mutex_name);
+      break;
+    }
+  BOOL bret = CloseHandle (hmutex);
+  debug_printf ("%d = CloseHandle (%p, %W): %E",
+		bret, hmutex, forkables_mutex_name);
+  return locked;
+/* Release the forkable hardlinks, and remove them if the
+   mutex can be create-locked after locked-closing. */
+dll_list::cleanup_forkables ()
+  bool locked = close_mutex ();
+  if (!forkables_dirx_ntname)
+    return;
+  /* Start the removal below with current forkables dir,
+     which is cleaned in denominate_forkables (). */
+  PWCHAR buf = nt_max_path_buf ();
+  PWCHAR pathsep = wcpncpy (buf, forkables_dirx_ntname, NT_MAX_PATH);
+  buf[NT_MAX_PATH-1] = L'\0';
+  denominate_forkables ();
+  if (!locked)
+    return;
+  /* drop last path separator */
+  while (--pathsep >= buf && *pathsep != L'\\');
+  *pathsep = L'\0';
+  try_remove_forkables (buf, pathsep - buf, NT_MAX_PATH);
+dll_list::try_remove_forkables (PWCHAR dirbuf, size_t dirlen, size_t dirbufsize)
+  /* Instead of just the current forkables, try to remove any forkables
+     found, to ensure some cleanup even in situations like power-loss. */
+  PWCHAR end = dirbuf + wcslen (dirbuf);
+  int backcount = 0;
+  for (namepart const *part = forkable_nameparts; part->text; ++part)
+    if (part->create_dir)
+      {
+	/* drop one path separator per create_dir */
+	while (--end >= dirbuf && *end != L'\\');
+	if (end < dirbuf)
+	  return;
+	*end = L'\0';
+	++backcount;
+      }
+  /* reading one at a time to reduce stack pressure */
+  struct {
+    WCHAR buf[NAME_MAX];
+  } fdibuf;
+  rmdirs_synchronized (dirbuf, 0, backcount, &fdibuf.fdi, sizeof (fdibuf));
+dll_list::denominate_forkables ()
+  if (forkables_dirx_ntname)
+    {
+      *forkables_dirx_ntname = L'\0';
+      *forkables_mutex_name = L'\0';
+    }
+  dll *d = &start;
+  while ((d = d->next))
+    d->nominate_forkable (forkables_dirx_ntname);
 /* Set or clear HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT for all handles necessary
    to maintain forkables-hardlinks. */
@@ -35,6 +1027,9 @@ dll_list::set_forkables_inheritance (bool inherit)
   DWORD flags = inherit ? HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT : 0;
+  if (forkables_mutex)
+    SetHandleInformation (forkables_mutex, mask, flags);
   dll *d = &start;
   while ((d = d->next))
     if (d->fhandle)
@@ -45,11 +1040,52 @@ dll_list::set_forkables_inheritance (bool inherit)
 dll_list::request_forkables ()
+  /* Even on forkables_impossible, keep the number of open handles
+     stable across the fork, and close them when releasing only. */
+  prepare_forkables_nomination ();
+  update_forkables_needs ();
   set_forkables_inheritance (true);
+  if (forkables_needs <= forkables_needless)
+    return;
+  dll *d = &start;
+  while ((d = d->next))
+    d->nominate_forkable (forkables_dirx_ntname);
+  bool updated = update_forkables ();
+  if (!updated)
+    forkables_needs = forkables_needless;
+  else
+    forkables_needs = forkables_created;
 dll_list::release_forkables ()
   set_forkables_inheritance (false);
+  if (forkables_needs == forkables_impossible)
+    {
+      cleanup_forkables ();
+      dll *d = &start;
+      while ((d = d->next))
+	if (d->fhandle)
+	  {
+	    NtClose (d->fhandle);
+	    d->fhandle = NULL;
+	    d->forkable_ntname = NULL;
+	  }
+      if (forkables_dirx_ntname) {
+	cfree (forkables_dirx_ntname);
+	forkables_dirx_ntname = NULL;
+	forkables_mutex_name = NULL;
+      }
+    }
diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/ b/winsup/cygwin/
index d4b2afb..e414a26 100644
--- a/winsup/cygwin/
+++ b/winsup/cygwin/
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ details. */
 #include "cygtls.h"
 #include "tls_pbuf.h"
 #include "child_info.h"
+#include "dll_init.h"
 class pinfo_basic: public _pinfo
@@ -225,6 +226,8 @@ pinfo::exit (DWORD n)
   int exitcode = self->exitcode & 0xffff;
   if (!self->cygstarted)
     exitcode = ((exitcode & 0xff) << 8) | ((exitcode >> 8) & 0xff);
+  sigproc_printf ("Calling dlls.cleanup_forkables n %y, exitcode %y", n, exitcode);
+  dlls.cleanup_forkables ();
   sigproc_printf ("Calling ExitProcess n %y, exitcode %y", n, exitcode);
   if (!TerminateProcess (GetCurrentProcess (), exitcode))
     system_printf ("TerminateProcess failed, %E");
diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/ b/winsup/cygwin/
index 15fb8ce..7f5354e 100644
--- a/winsup/cygwin/
+++ b/winsup/cygwin/
@@ -689,8 +689,8 @@ check_dir_not_empty (HANDLE dir, path_conv &pc)
-unlink_nt (path_conv &pc)
+static NTSTATUS
+_unlink_nt (path_conv &pc, bool shareable)
   NTSTATUS status;
   HANDLE fh, fh_ro = NULL;
@@ -771,6 +771,9 @@ retry_open:
      bin so that it actually disappears from its directory even though its
      in use.  Otherwise, if opening doesn't fail, the file is not in use and
      we can go straight to setting the delete disposition flag.
+     However, while we have the file open with FILE_SHARE_DELETE, using
+     this file via another hardlink for anything other than DELETE by
+     concurrent processes fails. The 'shareable' argument is to prevent this.
      NOTE: The missing sharing modes FILE_SHARE_READ and FILE_SHARE_WRITE do
 	   NOT result in a STATUS_SHARING_VIOLATION, if another handle is
@@ -780,7 +783,10 @@ retry_open:
 	   will succeed.  So, apparently there is no reliable way to find out
 	   if a file is already open elsewhere for other purposes than
 	   reading and writing data.  */
-  status = NtOpenFile (&fh, access, &attr, &io, FILE_SHARE_DELETE, flags);
+  if (shareable)
+  else
+    status = NtOpenFile (&fh, access, &attr, &io, FILE_SHARE_DELETE, flags);
      be generated under not quite clear circumstances when trying to open a
      file on NFS with FILE_SHARE_DELETE only.  This has been observed with
@@ -1026,6 +1032,18 @@ out:
   return status;
+unlink_nt (path_conv &pc)
+  return _unlink_nt (pc, false);
+unlink_nt_shareable (path_conv &pc)
+  return _unlink_nt (pc, true);
 extern "C" int
 unlink (const char *ourname)

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