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RE: Whence the spam/virus filter?

On 03 November 2006 15:36, Matthew Woehlke wrote:

> There have been no fewer than *seven* (no, wait... nine? ten?)
> virus-laden messages slip on the list in the past 24 hours. Am I
> mis-remembering that we have spam (and /virus/) filters, or are they
> letting things through?
> I guess mostly I'm checking that someone is working on it, as the rate
> of arrival is starting to get ridiculous.

  I dropped a note to overseers but I imagine it's the us-uk time zone
difference that's meant nobody's seen to it yet.

  Well, that plus wanting to be very very careful when adjusting the spam
filters on a machine as busy as!

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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