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RE: xfree86/cpp

> Dear Suhaib,
> thanks for taking the task to make xfree86 run on cygwin.
> I do have a
> question for you: What are the exact commands to compile
> the original
> sources from xfree86? When I apply the cygwin-xfree.diff
> file usinf patch
> -p0 <cygwin-xfree-diff the make World command does not
> get very far
> complaining that /lib/cpp wasn't found.

Make a symlink to cpp.exe

for example

ln -s
cpp.exe /cygnus/cygwin-b20/H-i586-cygwin32/bin/cpp.exe

or you could add in /xc/config/cf

Replace the line:
#define Cppcmd  cpp


#define CppCmd
cpp.exe (or whatever you gcc-lib install path is )

>Do I need to use
> -p1? I have tried
> ten times now to compile but always something is wrong!
> If you could help I
> would be happy!!!
> Thanks,
> Haje
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------
> Haje Korth
> Space and Atmospheric Sciences (NIS-1)
> MS D466
> Los Alamos National Laboratory
> Los Alamos, NM 87545
> Phone: (505) 667-0788
> FAX:  (505) 665-7395
> e-mail:
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------

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