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Re: New libGGI package

> >
> > Try a mode of 1024x768[GT_16BIT]  You will have to change the windows
> > color depth to 16 bits also.
> >
> > Also try a smaller resolution  ( 800x600 )
> Is this the size of the X screen that appears? Should it be the same size as my physical screen?

Yes, this is the size of the X screen.  It must be smaller than the size
of your physical screen.
If you physical screen is as 1600x1200, you should be able to use
640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, but not the 1600x1200.  

Be advised that the larger the X screen, and the higher the resolution,
the slower performance will be.  More memory has to be updates after
every update.


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