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RE: Starting web site updates

On Thu, 12 Apr 2001, Harold Hunt wrote:

> Alexander,
> > Or am I missing something?
> I believe so... anyone without a compose key is going to be awefully mad
> when they find out that their left control key is broken. :)

Ok, my fault.
> Real Control_L's and fake Control_L's, generated when AltGr is pressed, both
> generate the same message; we can't indiscriminately drop all Control_L

I tried getting the AltGr keystate via GetAsyncKeyState when processing
the Control_L press. Was there any problem with it?
> presses, as that effectively removes the functionality of Control_L for
> everyone.
> I believe that the solution may require flipping a flag if Control_L is
> pressed, but not sending the Control_L message until another key is pressed,
> and only sending it if that other key is not Alt_R on a keyboard that uses
> the compose key.
This might break some older applications which use the keyboard modifiers
even as mouse modifier. I believe some window managers use this. Even KDE 
uses it (Pressing Control when selecting another icon adds it to the selection

I thought about discarding the normal ControlL press, resend the message
with some of the unused flags set and process it again when it is read from
the queue.

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