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Font Server(s)


I'm trying to compile up a truetype fontserver under cygwin. I'd like to be 
able to mount my C:\WINNT\Fonts directory under the Cygwin tree, run a 
fontserver pointed at that directory, and so give all other *nix machines 
and Windows machines running either Cygwin\XFree86 or StarNet's X-Win32 
access to my fonts. I'm running Cygwin and Cygwin XFree86 4.0.3 under 
Windows 2000.

My first attempt was compiling xfstt. This compiled fine. I mounted my 
windows fonts directory as /usr/share/fonts/truetype, ran 'xfstt --sync', 
which correctly told me that i had 112 fonts, than ran xfstt. On another 
machine I pointed X-Win32 at the maching running xfstt, port 7101, and it 
told me it was unusable. Trying to connect to it from a linux box (using 
xset fp+ inet/i.p.address:7101) gave a heap of errors under linux, while 
xfstt reported 'byteorder mismatch'.

I was thinking next of trying to compile xfsft, but (as far as I can work 
out) it needs the XFree86 3.*.* source to patch.

Has anyone else attempted this? More importantly, has anyone else succeeded 
in doing this? ;-)



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