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RE: Native GDI Server Development - Call for help

> > >
> > >At least one person is working at being able to use the MS name
> > >mangling
> > >
> > Who is that person ?
> Look at

Where should I put the sources ? 

As I see there are several possibilities: 

1. on a mailing list, but this is bad because I think a cvs archive 
   for the future development is needed

2. in the binutils cvs area. Does they like to take this ?
   I think because this project relates to ld or binutils tools, this would be 
   the right place. 

3. on the cvs area of the kde-cygwin project on sourceforge
   because I have acccess to this project 

4. on the cvs area of a specific created project on sourceforge
Please send your suggestions to this statements 


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