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Re: Scrollbars patch

Harold L Hunt wrote:

Implementing a scrollbar patch is quite a bit more complex than you had
initially thought.

I have done a ton of work on the patch and I've got things much more complete
now.  I haven't got time to describe all the changes I made, but here is the
patch against current CVS for you to look over: (12

Okay, I'll give a few highlights:

1) You were passing FALSE for the fRedraw flag to SetScrollInfo in almost
every call that you made to the function.  This had multiple effects,
including causing the thumb position to lag behind the actual scroll location,
causing the thumb size to not update when you changed the page size, etc.
Actually, I set FALSE in all cases. If not, then I forgot :). If I did that, it because on my machine it was working well that way, so I didn't want to force Windows to paint the scrollbar twice.

2) The code for WM_VSCROLL and WM_HSCROLL made about 8 sets of calls each to
the same functions with slightly different parameters.  I changed the code to
calculate the parameters first, then make one set of calls to SetScrollInfo
and ScrollWindowEx, etc.
I thought about doing something like that and then I forgot.
And I didn't look at the example in MSDN, I understood the message well enough and usually their examples suck if they compile at all!! (and this one isn't perfect either: they call UpdateWindow in one case but not the other, tsss!!!)

3) I added a flag for fUserGaveHeightAndWidth to indicate that the user
explicity passed a height and width for a given screen.  Now when we are
creating a default-sized window, with -scrollbars, we make the window as large
as possible, and we shrink the underlying X visual to fit within the client
area of the Windows window, without displaying the scrollbars.  We show the
scrollbars if/when the user ever shrinks the window.
4) When a user does specify a visual size with -scrollbars, we make the
initial window as large as possible and make the visual the same size as the
specified size.  We show the scrollbars only if necessary (i.e. we hide them
if the user passes -screen 0 800 600 -scrollbars on a 1024x768 display).
Hiding the scrollbars, that was already the case, wasn't it?

5) You no longer have to specify a width and height for a ``-screen scr_num
[width height]'' parameter, which allows you to do:
XWin -scrollbars -screen 0 -screen 1

This would create two full-sized screens that are resizable but that will not
initially display scrollbars.
This has nothing to do with the scrollbar, does it? But still a good feature :)

6) I added processing for WM_GETMINMAXINFO, in which we update the maximum
tracking size for the window. The processing in WM_SIZING attempted to do the
same thing, but in actuality it never did anything because it would never see
sizes larger than the initial window size. The max tracking size is the
largest size that the window is allowed to have when it is not maximized. We
let the user make the window large enough to display the whole visual, even is
this means that the window will be larger than the current display (just
think, they can move the window around to see the part that they are
interested in... I'm not going to argue with someone that wants to do that). This should allow multi-monitor users to create one huge window and stretch it
across a couple of monitors, if they so desire.
I didn't know this message, or actually I forgot. That's more elegant for sure.

7) I added a check to make sure that specified screens are numbered
consecutively from 0.  Screens do not have to be described in order, but there
cannot be any gaps in the screen number sequence once all parameters have been
processed.  This prevents a user from doing ``XWin -screen 1 -scrollbars'' and
then wondering why the window does not have scrollbars (or resizing support).
 This fixes an existing, but subtle, bug that no one seems to have stumbled
across yet.
Same comment as 5). :@p

8) I added WM_MAXIMIZE to the window style when -scrollbars is passed.  This
allows one to maximize the Cygwin/XFree86 window.  However, there are a few
problems here... such as, what is a maximized 800x600 window on a 1024x768
screen?  I dunno... try it, it is weird.
I wanted to but I can't compile for now (missing xf86openConfigFile,
xf86readConfigFile, xf86closeConfigFile at link timeand I don't have time to look at that yet)
But, a wild guess, isn't ptMaxSize in WM_GETMINMAXINFO for that? (MSDN, MINMAXINFO: ptMaxSize | when a window is maximized or resized, ...)

9) WarpCursor is messed up when you use mwm to switch to another virtual
desktop inside of a Cygwin/XFree86 window that is smaller than the underlying
visual and has scrollbars displayed.  In this case, WarpCursor will blast the
cursor to the location on the Windows display where the X location should
be... but that location may actually be scrolled off the Cygwin/XFree86
window.  In those cases I would like to be able to scroll the warp destination
into the Cygwin/XFree86 window, then warp accordingly.  Figuring out how to
get the warp destination into the current scroll viewport may be difficult.
Is it?
if ((XY < nPos) || (XY > nPos+Page)) {
nPos = max(0, min(nMax-nPage+1, XY-nPage/2))
dwOffset = nPos;
if you rely on Windows to correct the scrolling you can simplify with
nPos = XY-nPage/2
instead of the min/max thingy

So either I'm missing something, or it's easier than you thought.

j1) in WM_SIZE, you check for fDecoration and fFullscreen for breaking. This is not necessary maybe even dangerous, especially in the nodecoration case. With nodecoration, I guess we can still receive a WM_SIZE if we change the screen resolution via the Display control panel or if we change the size of the taskbar.
And the other hand, I don't thing we'll get any bug if we still do process WM_SIZE.
Well, let's say that, as a matter of preference, I usually manage unlikely cases if the code necessary to do it doesn't make my code harder to read.

j2) Just for detail and the pleasure of commenting (:p), you also have those lines
/* Is the client area large enough to show the whole visual? */
if (iWidth != s_pScreenInfo->dwWidth
|| iHeight != s_pScreenInfo->dwHeight)
if iWidth is bigger than s_pScreenInfo->dwWidth (same for height), isn't the screen "large enough to show the whole visual"?

j3) In your note in wincreatewnd.c, when you describe what is range and what is page, you say: "In other words, the page size is the size of the client area minus the space the scrollbars occupy". And as you said in winwndproc.c, the client area already takes into account the space occupied by the scrollbars.

j4) Still in wincreatewnd.c, for better clarity, I would write something like:
if (!(pScreenInfo->fScrollbars && pScreenInfo->fUserGaveHeightAndWidth)) {
/* except if the user specified the size of the visual *and*
uses scrollbars, we don't want the visual bigger than
the window */
pScreenInfo->dwWidth = rcClient.right - rcClient.left;
pScreenInfo->dwHeight = rcClient.bottom -;

if (pScreenInfo->fScrollbars)
si.nMax = pScreenInfo->dwWidth - 1;
SetScrollInfo (*phwnd, SB_HORZ, &si, FALSE);
si.nMax = pScreenInfo->dwHeight - 1;
SetScrollInfo (*phwnd, SB_VERT, &si, FALSE);
/* no else anymore */

j5) in the case of WM_VSCROLL, SB_BOTTOM should actually be nMax-nPage+1 (same for WM_HSCROLL and SB_RIGHT)

j6) in WM_GETMINMAXINFO, you assume that we have decoration. Can't we receive this event if we resize the screen? (and same reason than in j1)

Ah... that's enough for today.  I'm tired.
Welcome to the club, Good night! ;p

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