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Re: Few minor issues

--- Harold L Hunt II <> wrote:
> Biju wrote:
> > I dont know whether others noticed these. 
> > 
> > 1)
> > After we start XWin.exe the mouse pointer will automatically move to center of screen.
> I looked for the code that does this (it is general X code, not 
> Cygwin/XFree86-specific code) the last time that someone brought this up 
> (wasn't it you?).  

Not me, And this is only a minor issue. May be XFree people can help us.
So we dont need to wast time on it now.

> > 2) 
> > On -multiwindow mode if we press Alt-F4 on any of the X application screen 
> > it will popup "Exit Dialog Box" for XWin.exe.
> > 
> I don't know if there is a better way that this should work.  Maybe you 
> have a point.  I might try to see if I can do anything.
> > 3)
> > On normal mode if click "close (X)" button on title bar, or "close" on sysmenu
> > It close XWin.exe with out showing "Exit Dialog Box" 
> > 
> Now you have a point.  I was just calling GiveUp () in the WM_CLOSE 
> message.  I moved the call to GiveUp () to a WM_GIVEUP message. 
> WM_CLOSE now opens the dialog box.  The dialog box sends WM_GIVEUP if OK 
> is pressed.  This seems to work well on my system.
> > Can we centralize the "Exit Dialog Box" using DS_CENTER flag for STYLE attribute?
> > 
> Thanks.  I never saw any window styles for centering.  There doesn't 
> seem to be much documentation on the DS_* flags as a search in MSDN only 
> turns up a handful of articles.  I applied this to my local XWin.rc.

I found it at Windows CE page. And I tried on Win XP.

Searching in Internet is like Searching a needle in hay stack
If u are unable to find something in MSDN or else where, 
just send a mail asking somebody to search MSDN for you. 
We will be happy to do that. At least we will be able to contribute to project like that

> > To hide from taskbar we may be able to use WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW flag for EXSTYLE attribute.
> > I am attaching an example for this.
> > 
> Hiding from the taskbar?  It isn't shown on my taskbar.  I am using 
> Windows XP... what version are you using?

Now I use Windows XP Pro. 
Only in -multiwindow with "hide root" it hides from Task bar
But all other modes it is there in Taskbar.
Same case in WinXP Home, and Win2k (I tested 2 week back)

> WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW doesn't seem right.  I tried it... it creats a window 
> that looks like a tool pallette in Photoshop, not a dialog box.

Yeah, its for tool bar. 
So for -nodecoration and -rootless you may be able to use that.
I am attaching a sample for this case

WS_EX_NOACTIVATE also wont show in task bar. 
But I dont know whether we will able to use it.
It may be useful in -multiwindow mode with show root,
to act like a desktop. And u can put wallpaper 
and root window click (????) on that.

> I did, however, add the extended style WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME and the 
> normal style WS_DLGFRAME.  These didn't change anything for me, but they 
> may help for you.
> I also noticed that an already existing exit dialog was not being 
> brought to the foreground when the user performed another action that 
> would display the dialog.  The result was that the dialog box seemed to 
> be lost and it seemed that you couldn't exit Cygwin/XFree86.  I changed 
> this to call SetForegroundWindow () for the dialog box when it already 
> exists.  This brings it to the top in response to such user-generated 
> events.

You can also try SetWindowPos()

I dont find any reason why "Exit Dialog" not to be TOPMOST 

> Any ideas on how to get rid of the Maximize button on the dialog?  I can 
> do it by removing the WS_SYSMENU style... should we be using WS_SYSMENU 
> or not?  Not using WS_SYSMENU cause our icon to not be displayed on the 
> upper-left hand corner, but I can't seem to find a flag that says "no 
> maximize button".

should show only "Close (X)" button

But if you use WS_MINIMIZEBOX, maxmize button will automaticaly come.
(similary WS_MAXIMIZEBOX cause minimise button to show up)

Additionly if you want to disable "Close (X)" button with SysMenu/Left hand Icon

Use WS_SYSMENU in Style 
It will also bring up "Close(X)" button along with SysMenu
(M$ may have done this, to make old Win 3.1 pgm to show "Close (X)" button
If you remember there was no Close(X) in Win 3.1) 

and then do 


      hMenu = GetSystemMenu(hwnd, FALSE);
      EnableMenuItem (hMenu , SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED);

But again, if you want a "Close" option as menu Item, then add
      RemoveMenu(hMenu,   SC_CLOSE,   MF_BYCOMMAND ); 
      AppendMenu(hMenu,   MF_STRING,  IDC_MYCLOSE,    "&My Close"); 

> Thanks for your help,
> Harold
You are welcome. But no mention please ...
As I am doing very less compared you guys...



------- example ---

#include "resource.h"
#include <windows.h>

FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif"
    DEFPUSHBUTTON   "&OK",IDOK,174,18,50,14
    PUSHBUTTON      "&Cancel",IDCANCEL,174,35,50,14

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