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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Server Test 87

"Harold L Hunt II" <> wrote:
> 4) winmultiwindowwindow.c/winTopLevelWindowProc() - Add a call to
> winKeybdReleaseKeys () in WM_KILLFOCUS.  This fix stops the phantom
> key presses that people were seeing.  The example here would be to
> launch an xterm, then launch another xterm from that xterm.  Type
> ``exit'' in the first xterm and press enter.  The enter keydown
> message is processed by the second xterm, but the keyup is never
> processed so it got sent repeatedly to the root-level message loop
> (which performs all keyboard processing), causing phantom key presses
> to show up in any X app that currently had the focus.  At least, I
> think that is that the problem was.  An interim solution was to press
> and release the enter key, which would cause a keydown/keyup message
> combo to be sent, thus ending the crazy looping.  This fix pops all
> keys that are pressed when the current X app looses the keyboard
> focus.  Colin suggested this, Earle move the location of the call to
> the proper place.  (Colin Harrison, Earle F. Philhower III)

Thanks to everybody who worked to fix this problem!!! This was the single
biggest stability issue for me wrt cygwin/xfree86.  I can't tell you how
fantastic it is that this is now fixed!

A million thanks!

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