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Re: Define a foreign language keyboard in HP-Ux CDE, with theAltGrkey?

Looks interesting to do 'X tricks'.

It looks like the AltGr key is mapped well to the keyboard. Shift-key combinations work well for a Spanish keyboard.

The command "xmodmap -pk" shows that there is NO third definition -so no definition for usage of AltGr key- for any key. All other keys using Shift (2nd definition for a key) shows the Spanish keyboard is mapped fine.

Changing the keyboard from Spanish to English in WindowsXP didn't make any difference.

So what happened to the definition of the 3rd meaning (being AltGr) of the keys?

Is there a mix between US keyboards (with no AltGr key combinations) and other keyboards with AltGr combinations, but still loading the two definitions from the keyboard language mapping?



I did the following:

Defined in XF86Config:

    Option "XkbModel"    "pc105"
    Option "XkbLayout"   "es"
    Option "XkbVariant"  "basic" # As the "es" file below opts.
    Option RightAlt      "ModeShift"

The file /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/pc/es is changed to (because the RightAlt option in XF86Config doesn't seem to change the mapping of AltGr):

    key <RALT>  { type[Group1]="TWO_LEVEL",
                  [ Mode_switch, Multi_key ]   };
    modifier_map Mod5   { <RALT> };

Output from xev, using Alexander Gottwalt's directions:

KeyPress event, serial 23, synthetic NO, window 0x1800001,
	root 0x3a, subw 0x0, time 2395765, (1,139), root:(535,281)
	stat 0x10, keycode 113 (keysym 0xff7e, Mode_switch), same_screen YES
	XlookupString gives 0 bytes: ""

KeyRelease event, serial 23, synthetic NO, window 0x1800001,
	root 0x3a, subw 0x0, time 20395875, (1,139), root:(535,281)
	stat 0x10, keycode 113 (keysym 0xff7e, Mode_switch), same_screen YES
	XlookupString gives 0 bytes: ""

Alexander Gottwald escribió:
On Thu, 13 Nov 2003, Franz Roters wrote:

Sorry I am no expert at all in these things, but if you could give a step by step instruction how to do this. I would be glad to help.

Start xwin
login to CDE
start a CDE xterm
  $ xhost +
start cygwin bash
  $ DISPLAY=localhost:0.0 xev

A white window should open. Move the pointer into the window and press AltGr. The logmessages now go to the bash window.

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