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Re: Xfree86/cygwin and speed

Alexander Gottwald wrote:
On Fri, 9 Jan 2004 wrote:

Hello all,

I've got a question about speeding up application performance when using Xfree86 and Cygwin. Here's my configuration:

Linux box connected by 100 Mbps Ethernet to router.
Windows machine connecting wirelessly at 11 Mbps (802.11b) to router.

Cygwin with Xfree86 set up on Windows machine, X11 forwarding set up on Linux box. I connect from Windows machine to Linux box with Cygwin using ssh tunnelling. I can successfully run the Linux application remotely. All is pretty good.

Trouble is, the application is The GIMP, and it is painfully slow on the Windows machine. Redrawing the image occurs in slow motion, and every time I move a dialog box, I've got to wait an eternity for the image to fill in.

Here's my question: How can I speed this up? Or, rather, where's the bottleneck?

-Is it the 11Mbps wireless connection, in which case I'll think more deeply about shelling out for 802.11g equipment?

Yes, the problem is the wireless link. 802.11g is sufficiently fast to display images in Cygwin/X while 802.11b is not. I use 802.11g at home all the time to get an Xdmcp session on my Linux machine and it is slower than 100 Mbps Ethernet, but it is fast enough to do what I need to do. Dropping to 802.11b would not be acceptable for me.

Hope that helps,


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