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Re: errors when switching users (security hole?)

Sylvain Petreolle wrote:
Alexander, dont you think startxwin.bat should exit if XWin fails to start ?

This should be pretty easy to support in a batch file :
start XWin -multiwindow
if not errorlevel 0 goto badexit

Won't work. "start" launches XWin, then returns to the batch shell immediately. So, the errorlevel is likely always 0 unless "start" can't find XWin.exe. You wouldn't have a trivial way to check if XWin.exe actually succeeded in initializing.

Of course, I didn't read the earlier part of this thread, so maybe the idea is to determine only if "start" did not find XWin.exe, but I think the user gets a pretty reliable error message if that happens.


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