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Shaped windows one logical unit out?


Has anyone else spotted a one logical unit error in the position of shaped
windows in multiwindows mode?
e.g xyes and gmplayer.
Gives a 'dotted' edge ontop of gmplayer for instance.

This patch fixes it for me:-

--- ./programs/Xserver/hw/xwin/save_winmultiwindowshape.c       2005-08-06
18:10:02.000000000 +0100
+++ ./programs/Xserver/hw/xwin/winmultiwindowshape.c    2005-08-06
18:07:59.000000000 +0100
@@ -172,19 +171,19 @@
       for (pRects = pShape, pEnd = pShape + nRects; pRects < pEnd;
          /* Create a Windows region for the X rectangle */
-         hRgnRect = CreateRectRgn (pRects->x1 + iOffsetX - 1,
-                                   pRects->y1 + iOffsetY - 1,
-                                   pRects->x2 + iOffsetX - 1,
-                                   pRects->y2 + iOffsetY - 1);
+         hRgnRect = CreateRectRgn (pRects->x1 + iOffsetX,
+                                   pRects->y1 + iOffsetY,
+                                   pRects->x2 + iOffsetX,
+                                   pRects->y2 + iOffsetY);
          if (hRgnRect == NULL)
              ErrorF ("winReshape - Loop CreateRectRgn (%d, %d, %d, %d) "
                      "failed: %d\n"
                      "\tx1: %d x2: %d xOff: %d y1: %d y2: %d yOff: %d\n",
-                     pRects->x1 + iOffsetX - 1,
-                     pRects->y1 + iOffsetY - 1,
-                     pRects->x2 + iOffsetX - 1,
-                     pRects->y2 + iOffsetY - 1,
+                     pRects->x1 + iOffsetX,
+                     pRects->y1 + iOffsetY,
+                     pRects->x2 + iOffsetX,
+                     pRects->y2 + iOffsetY,
                      (int) GetLastError (),
                      pRects->x1, pRects->x2, iOffsetX,
                      pRects->y1, pRects->y2, iOffsetY);

Colin Harrison

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